
Success: Endangered Yellow-Legged Frog Recovers

rana-sierrae-yosemite-by-devin-edmondsYosemite’s population of the endangered yellow-legged frog has shown astounding rates of recovery. The protection of this species under the Endangered Species Act gives very real hope for the safety and resilience of the frog and the ecosystem it is a part of. Thank the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its efforts to preserve this species.

Success: African Grey Parrot Protected

african_grey_parrot_by_l-_miguel_bugallo_sanchezInternational trade of one of the most commonly traded birds on the planet–the African grey parrot–has just been banned due to fears of extinction. Applaud this commitment to saving this parrot’s dwindling wild population.

Success: Total Trade Ban Implemented on World’s Most Trafficked Mammal

tree-pangolin-by-valerius-tygartA trade ban was passed that could save a critically endangered animal that is valued for its meat and believed medicinal properties. Sign this petition to thank the organization that made this crucial ban possible.

Success: Country Promises to Eliminate Tiger Farms

tiger-by-monka-betleyLaos is promising to phase out tiger farms to curb the sale of tiger parts, which are often sold to be used as medicine and sometimes eaten as a delicacy. Sign this petition to thank this country for helping to preserve and protect an endangered species.

Success: Major Retailer Ends Sale of Fur and Angora Hair

fox-john-leffmannA major international retailer has finally ended its use of fur and angora hair in its clothing. Fur and angora farms are notorious for raising animals in poor conditions and hurting or killing them in horrific ways. Sign this petition to thank the retailer for ending its support of this cruel industry.

Success: Convicted Animal Abuser Sentenced to Prison

Prison CellAn animal shelter worker who kept dogs in filthy conditions has been sentenced to a year in jail. Thank the judge who finally saved the animals who were under this man’s care.

Success: Thousands of Wild Horses Saved from Unnecessary Slaughter

Wild_Horses_by_BLMThousands of wild horses will be spared due to a government decision to cancel a plan that would have needlessly massacred them. Applaud the effort to work towards a more humane solution to control wild horse populations rather than simply exterminating these precious animals.

Success: California Bans Captive Orca Breeding

Orcas Robert PittmanThe cruel captive orca breeding industry has finally been banned in California. Applaud this groundbreaking move and help get all orcas out of captivity.

Success: Duck Strangling Festival Canceled

Duck Brandon WeeksFor years, a festival where revelers would fight to rip off a duck’s head has been allowed to continue. Thankfully, government officials have finally put an end to this savage event. Sign this petition and thank officials for sparing innocent ducks from unnecessary pain and death.

Success: Giant Panda No Longer Endangered

Baby_Giant_Panda_by_fortherockThe giant panda population is recovering at a rapid rate thanks to government protection of the animals’ habitat. Commend the preservation of these valuable creatures and encourage further protection.

Success: Wild Cougars Return to Tennessee

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACougars have returned to Tennessee after being driven out by over-hunting and habitat loss. Applaud the rigorous environmental regulations that have allowed these precious creatures to not only survive, but thrive.

Success: China Plans for National Panda Park

Giant Panda - Fernando RevillaChinese authorities have proposed a plan for a national panda park after numerous calls for the animal’s protection. Applaud their admirable efforts to ensure that this species will be preserved.

Success: Endangered Species Recovering at Record Levels

Grey_Wolf_by_USFWSEndangered species are recovering at a record rate thanks to proactive government protections. Applaud these extremely encouraging statistics and thank the officials responsible for protecting these vulnerable animals.

Success: Harmless Family Dog Seized by Authorities Finally Returned

Hank-by-LeonardCollinsA gentle dog taken from his owners by city authorities has finally been returned home. Thank the council for releasing him and urge them to overturn archaic breed-specific legislation so that no more dogs suffer the trial this one endured.

Success: Man Charged for Neglecting Puppy With Maggot-Infested Wounds

Libre-by-JanineGuidoThe breeder responsible for letting a young puppy suffer from dehydration, malnourishment, skin infections and maggot-infested sores has been charged with animal cruelty. Praise this decision and urge authorities to ensure all cases of animal abuse are severely punished by law.

Success: Man Charged with Animal Cruelty After Allegedly Beating Horse

horse-746635_960_720Police have identified, arrested, and charged the man allegedly responsible for beating his horse to death. Sign the petition to applaud their hard work and dedication to not only justice for human lives, but justice for animal lives as well.

Success: Minor League Baseball President Urges End of Monkey Rodeos

WhiteFacedCapuchinThe President of Minor League Baseball has spoken out against the use of monkeys and all other animals in MiLB’s events and promotions. Thank him for being a voice of compassion and reason.

Success: Orangutan Populations Increasing

Sumatrian orangutan female and cubOrangutan populations are finally increasing at a major national park. Thank the people responsible for helping to make this a reality.

Success: Lonely and Confined Elephant Finally Released to Sanctuary

Kaavan Free Kaavan the ElephantAfter nearly three decades of being shackled and alone in a zoo, Kaavan the elephant will finally get a taste of freedom. Kaavan has been approved to move to a sanctuary where he will be surrounded by elephant friends and a more natural environment. Sign this petition and thank the team who helped bring Kaavan freedom.

Find Criminals Who Stuck Puppies to Ground With Hot Tar

Hot-Tar-by-Karel-SiedlFour puppies are in critical condition after being stuck to the ground and covered in hot tar. Someone is intentionally torturing puppies since this is the second case. Demand that authorities find the criminal engaging in this horrific torture and bring them to justice.

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