Mice are allegedly being starved, abused, and neglected at University of Minnesota laboratories. An investigation claims that at least 47 violations of animal welfare laws occured. Call on the president of the university to ensure any employees responsible of abuse are fired.
Two beluga whales have died at one Connecticut aquarium in less than a year. Six whales remain, with one being in bad health. Call on the CEO and President of Mystic Aquarium to provide proper care to the beluga whales.
Dogs are being put through seemingly extreme abuse in the Iditarod dog race. More than 150 dogs have died. They deserve freedom and safety. Demand an immediate end to a company’s sponsorship of the allegedly abusive dog race.
Endangered koalas are being rented out for parties and other entertainment, garnering profit for the organizations that should be caring for them. Urge an end to this exploitation that harms the health and well-being of these at-risk animals.
Videos that appear to show pets being hit and kicked for amusement are appearing on TikTok. Although the company was notified of the issue, they have reportedly only removed a couple of clips. Demand all videos that show animal abuse be removed immediately.
A little pug named Bucky died after apparently being tossed off a seventh-floor condominium balcony by an angry ex-girlfriend. Demand justice for Bucky.
Animals are dying on farms due to lack of care and inhumane living conditions. Yet instead of going after these abuses, the legal system punishes individuals who fight for animal welfare. Demand a reversal that empowers people seeking change and protects the nation’s most marginalized animals.
Victims of domestic violence are more likely to stay in dangerous relationships if they have pets, as abusers often use the animal’s welfare as blackmail. We must stop abusers from using companion animals to further harm these innocent victims.
An allegedly abusive animal auction was hosted by two veterinarians. Footage appears to show workers striking multiple different animals at the event. Demand any upcoming auction be banned from the property and that the victims get justice.
A sled dog was reportedly viciously stomped on and slammed to the ground. Demand a full investigation and justice in this sickening case.
A dog named Tank was apparently left to die a cruel death from starvation. His body was reportedly covered in untreated sores and frostbite, and feces were found in his mouth. Demand justice for Tank.
Thousands of crocodiles and other wild animals are being farmed and slaughtered annually so humans can wear so-called fashionable accessories. Urge a prominent luxury goods company to stop its production and sale of exotic animal skin products.
The bear who broke into multiple California homes has been saved from euthanasia. DNA samples showed that he was not the sole culprit, and it is safe to relocate him to a different part of the forest once captured. Thank the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for investigating, listening to the public demands, and saving Hank the Tank.
The bobcat that was reportedly stolen from a farm is back safe and sound. The farm itself released video of Blanche the bobcat looking happy as ever. Thank the farm owner who took measures to ensure the safety and security of their animals after the alleged theft.
The flights that transport macaque monkeys to be used in experiments will be stopped, thanks to public outrage. Kenya Airlines will not be renewing their contract. Thank them for saving so many monkeys from cruelty and death.
After public outrage and demands, the dog who was allegedly abused at a training facility is now happy and healthy. The district attorney’s office released an uplifting new video of the dog happily running around. The reassuring video also came with a statement that the abuse is still being investigated. We are happy to see Mugshot the dog receiving proper care and looking happy again.
A roadside zoo that reportedly left a bear without veterinary care for years in unsanitary conditions has had the remainder of its animals confiscated. Applaud the efforts of shutting this zoo down and sending the animals to a sanctuary.
The former zoo of alleged animal abuser Joe Exotic has finally been shut down once and for all. Applaud the closure of this sad chapter in big cat exploitation.
A particularly depraved form of dog fighting has been made a felony in New Jersey. Thank the leaders who took a stand against barbarity for profit.
Ex-president Trump removed the laws protecting migratory birds in the United States. President Biden has reinstated these vital environmental protection laws and honored the 1916 treaty between Canada and the US. Thank the Biden administration for their dedication to conservation.