Articles written by: Shaunak All That Breathes

Animals Reportedly Tortured for Profit Deserve Justice

Two individuals allegedly filmed themselves torturing animals and then sold the harrowing videos. Call for decisive legal action to protect innocent lives.

Dog Reportedly Kicked and Choked on Balcony, Demand Justice

A small dog was reportedly kicked and forced down on a balcony, enduring apparent cruelty recorded by alarmed neighbors. Demand immediate and severe legal action to protect this pet and others from further harm.

Demand Cross-Border Crackdown as Pets Allegedly Tortured for Profit

Animals were reportedly tortured and filmed, with the violent footage sold to foreign buyers for profit. Demand a unified legal response to protect innocent creatures from further atrocities.

Justice for Dog Apparently Tortured and Found Barely Alive

A dog named Whisper was reportedly discovered barely alive in a ditch, suffering injuries that ultimately proved fatal. Demand justice for this defenseless creature now.

Tiny Dog Reportedly Kicked and Sent Flying Deserves Justice

A small dog was apparently kicked with such force that the animal went airborne during a heated dispute between neighbors. Demand full legal accountability.

Eight Dogs Seemingly Left to Die in Abandoned Home: Demand Real Justice

Eight dogs appear to have starved to death after being abandoned without food or water. Authorities report finding their skeletal remains. Demand accountability to ensure justice for these innocent animals.

Find Perpetrator Who Left Dog Malnourished and Barely Breathing in Plastic Bin

A dog was found malnourished and barely conscious in a plastic storage bin, forced to survive in her own waste. Demand justice for this animal subjected to extreme neglect.

Investigate Pound Where Dog Apparently Died With Head Stuck in Cage Bars

A dog died when its head reportedly became trapped in a pound’s cage bars. Neglect and isolation may be to blame. Demand immediate accountability and stricter measures to prevent more animals from sharing this tragic fate.

Horses Allegedly Forced to Wade Through Frozen Mud Deserve Justice

Eight horses were reportedly discovered with little food or water, forced to drag themselves through frozen mud, and left with scarred legs. Demand swift and severe justice for these apparently victimized animals.

Dog Reportedly Beaten With Wooden Weapon Deserves Justice

A man was seemingly caught on video viciously beating a dog with a wooden weapon. Ensure justice for the victimized animal.

Stop Tying Up, Starving, and Abusing Horses for Social Media Stunts

Abandoned horses are being tied up, starved, and forced to perform dangerous stunts, with videos being shared on social media, according to reports. Intervene to stop this alleged abuse and hold those responsible accountable.

Cat Reportedly Found Surviving on Toilet Water in Dangerously Hot Apartment Deserves Justice

A cat, now named “Miracle,” was reportedly abandoned in a locked flat for a month during a scorching summer. Ensure strict legal consequences.

Stop Torturing Animals for Social Media Stunts

A man appears to force-feed alcohol to two fish in disturbing TikTok videos. Help end the exploitation of animals for online entertainment.

Puppy Apparently Hanged for Social Media Fame Deserves Justice

A man seemingly attempted to hang a helpless puppy for social media fame. Ensure justice for the innocent animal.

Don’t Tolerate Abuse of Protected Bird Species

Two protected corella birds were snared and shaken violently inside a suitcase, according to witnesses. Ensure harming an endangered species is treated as a serious crime.

Dog Dead From Agonizing Chemical Burns Deserves Justice

A dog named Meatloaf was burned with chemicals, leading to agonizing pain and his eventual death. Demand justice in this tragic case of cruelty.

Emaciated Dog Abandoned in Ditch Deserves Justice

Peanut, a dog found starving and abandoned in a ditch, was found barely alive and suffering from sores. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Dog Reportedly Kicked and Stomped on Deserves Justice

An English bulldog was reportedly stomped on, kicked, punched, and slapped by the animal’s owner in a shocking case of abuse. Demand justice.

Dog Allegedly Dead After Being Starved in Cage for Days Deserves Justice

A dog reportedly starved to death after being left caged without food or water for days. Demand justice.

Dogs Reportedly Found Malnourished in Filthy Home Deserve Justice

Two malnourished dogs were rescued after being abandoned in a feces-filled home, according to reports. Demand justice and long-term safety for these animals.

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