Dozens of Farm Animals Reportedly Found With Bloody and Oozing Infections Deserve Justice

Target: Keith Coleman, Sheriff of Ottawa County, KS

Goal: Take allegedly severely neglected farm animals into custody and away from harm or risk of death.

A Kansas farm owner has seemingly lethally neglected dozens, if not hundreds, of animals for nearly a decade. The most recent incident involves 60 animals that include sheep, goats, and even rabbits. The alleged injuries ranged from bloody and oozing infections to limping to severe emaciation due to lack of food or water. A veritable graveyard of bones also reportedly littered the property.

A sheriff’s deputy went to the premises in May after these reports emerged and sent his findings back to the sheriff’s office and eventually the district attorney. The owner of the property, Kevin Vesterberg, was charged with just ten counts of animal cruelty. Despite the apparent widespread evidence of pervasive cruelty and previous charges of animal cruelty dating back to 2012, this man was not arrested. In fact, the district attorney in charge appeared to mock the case in a since-deleted tweet.

The deputy who originally responded to the most recent incident has gone back to the property daily. Why has he felt compelled to perform this ritual? The animals allegedly subjected to tremendous pain and neglect were not even seized from the farm. The sheriff’s office reportedly told advocacy group Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS) that they had no intention of taking the evidently distressed animals, although Kansas law dictates such action. Even after CAPS was given permission to take over care of the animals, a judge revoked the order at the last moment. Only this one deputy seemingly cares enough to ensure the animals he discovered receive the most basic care.

Sign the petition below to demand officials ensure the safety and well-being of these vulnerable animals immediately.


Dear Sheriff Coleman,

A DA who allegedly makes sarcastic comments about “goat mugshots,” a veterinarian who reportedly shows up for a wellness check a week late, and a sheriff’s department that will seemingly not even rescue the 50-plus victims of an alleged crime: is this sad set of circumstances that passes for justice in Ottawa County? The animal cruelty case brought against Kevin Vesterberg is seemingly a failure of duty and responsibility at every turn. The fact that Mr. Vesterberg supposedly did not even merit a slap on the wrist for similar charges of lethal cruelty nearly a decade ago is bad enough. The continued apparent exploitation and endangerment of animals he now faces charges of neglecting to near-death is unacceptable.

Kansas law explicitly states: “any public health officer, law enforcement officer, licensed veterinarian or officer or agent of any animal shelter or other appropriate facility may take into custody any animal, upon either private or public property, that clearly shows evidence of cruelty to animals.” Do your jobs and liberate these living beings from potentially further harm and tragedy.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay


  1. These psychos in the legal (not justice) system must be covert animal abusers THEMSELVES, and “get off” on seeing these victims’ pain and suffering! If they don’t redeem themselves now, in their life reviews upon their deaths, they’ll pay for the dereliction of their souls, and feel EVERYTHING all those poor animals felt. THAT’s “justice” that even THEY can’t escape.

  2. Sheriff Coleman, you and your entire department, save one caring deputy, need to be fired You are not doing the job you are being paid to do. You are a disgrace!!! This farmer is guilty of years of this abuse which you have overlooked as one big joke on society. There are laws directing what you need to do for these animals. Yet you’ve done nothing. There are no excuses or your horrific conduct and there are no exceptions. You think this is funny? May you laugh all the way to prison. You have spit in the eye of the law and you are indeed guilty. I hope the people writing this petition report your unlawful conduct so that you, plus your other deputies, face the law the same as this farmer who is guilty of years of animal torture and neglect, without any punishment. All this thanks to your department. Are you proud of your behavior? Certainly no one else is impressed.

  3. Melinda Maddox says:

    This is disgraceful that the law won’t do their job and think it’s not important!!! It’s very important and their banes need to be out there in the community letting all know how they don’t care about animal abuse. Put him in jail and take those poor animals away from him. He’s disgusting!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  4. This judge & PAs are sorry no good heartless mother fuckers! I hope they die a horrible death!!

  5. Ellis Toscano says:

    Smells like money is changing hands or these are lazy enforcers

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