Officer Accused of Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car to Die Must be Fired and Prosecuted

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Target: W.H. “Skip” Holbrook, Chief of Columbia Police Department in South Carolina

Goal: Fire and arrest the police officer who reportedly left his police dog in a hot car for more than six hours.

A police dog in South Carolina was found dead after reportedly being left in a police car for more than six hours. According to Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook, the dog’s handler was suspended for five days without pay. This is not enough. The Labrador retriever mix named Turbo was only 22 months old and was allegedly left inside the car on a day that was 94 degrees.

According to other handlers, this man did not return to check on the dog at all during the six hours. When the officer returned, it was too late. Turbo allegedly had white foam around his mouth and died from organ failure two days later. This type of neglect cannot go unpunished. Turbo deserves better. Sign this petition and demand the officer reportedly involved is fired from the police department and then arrested.


Dear Chief Holbrook,

A police dog named Turbo died because of the alleged neglect of one of your K9 handlers, David Hurt. Turbo was only 22 months old and he was reportedly left to die in a hot police car. According to other handlers, the officer did not return to Turbo during the duration of the six hours to feed him, give him water, or let him go to the bathroom. Currently, the handler is suspended for five days. However, this is not enough. We demand Hurt is fired and then arrested for his alleged lack of care for Turbo’s life.


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Photo Credit: Columbia Police Department

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  1. Abuse the Abuser says:

    Fat, Mudering Slob, He is Criminally Responsible as a pre planned Murderer.
    He’s NUTS the only one more Nuts is the one who gave him 5 days instead of beating him and throwing him in prison. Poor young Turbo.

  2. Renee Grooms says:

    With all of the animal abuse going on you would think that the police would be the last people to worry about abuse.This guy should be fired and charged for animal abuse.! Im getting really sick of seeing these cops who are killing their canine partners.And getting by with it.Makes me sick,no wonder people dont trust cops!


    Why in God’s name would we ever have to see a police officer abuse an animal, when officers are the individuals responsible to set an example and establish justice for all lives they come in contact with. I am disgusted to see this injustice to an innocent, loving animal. Please ensure that future occurrences of this nature are punished much more harshly. This is a complete waste of a beautiful life. The officer does not have the right to cause death, nor does he have any respect for life.

  4. Agree all comments should have more brains leave him in hot car to boil to death BASTARD.

  5. Retarded idiot. Good for nothing

  6. A disgrace to the police department.

  7. Put that son of a bitch in a hot car and weld the doors shut! An eye for an eye! He knew that dog was in the car and he did not care. He should be arrested, put in prison and let the other inmates have at him!

  8. We are told that police dogs are police officers therefore he should be tried for murder of a fellow officer.

  9. How can you ever arrest a civilian for animal cruelty when you don’t do anything about this so called law enforcement officer? If you don’t fire him and arrest him for animal cruelty then you are aiding and abetting a crime. As the mother of a police officer I can tell you it’s this kind of conduct that causes some to hate police and puts all police officers in danger.

  10. Blair Cunningham says:

    I wanna grab that firearm and turn it on to that smirking cunt. Hope karma gets you and you die violently – in action, no less.

  11. Jennifer Graunke says:

    Why was this officer not charged with Felony Cruelty to Animals? It is a chargeable offense after all. Shame on you Chief Holbrook. You’re doing a great job of setting an example that if you are a member of the Department you are exempt from being charged with a crime. Even when there is no doubt that this poor dog died because of Hurt’s ignorance.

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