Dog Beaten and Choked by Man on Video Deserves Justice

Target: Matthew Hynes, DVM, Director of Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Macomb Branch

Goal: Revoke license if veterinarian is convicted of beating, slamming, and even choking his dog.

A YouTube video surfaced appearing to show a man beating, slamming, and even choking his pet dog. Unfortunately, the circumstances are nothing new. These specific allegations, however, have a troubling new twist: the suspect is a veterinarian.

This man remains publicly unnamed by authorities. The fact that he has been identified as a professional who is tasked daily with the care of animals merits concern, though. The German shepherd at the center of the allegations, as well as two other pet dogs in the suspect’s home, have been removed from the residence. And an official in the county executive’s office was apparently troubled enough by the allegations to say that “there’s no question we had to get these dogs out of there for their own protection and for their own good.”

If the allegations against him prove true, this man should not be allowed to work with or care for animals. Sign the petition below to urge Michigan’s veterinary board to evaluate this case for possible license revocation.


Dear Dr. Hynes,

Veterinarians by their very nature must have a calm, measured approach. Animals—and especially sick animals—are unpredictable, but they absolutely deserve humane care. A veterinarian in Macomb County has allegedly demonstrated that he does not possess the fundamental qualifications to continue practice.

This man was reportedly caught on video abusing his pet dog to the extent that the animal was removed from the premises and charges were brought against the suspect. Only when authorities went to speak with him did they discover that the suspect worked in an animal care clinic in Shelby Township. Even if the suspect is convicted, the misdemeanor nature of the charges means that he will spend a minimal amount of time, if any, in jail.

Long-term consequences need to be more stringent. Please stay apprised of this case and, if a conviction does result, ensure that this man does not practice veterinary medicine again. The animals—and the people who entrust the care of their precious family members—deserve far better.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Sick bastard!!! How dare him ever practice again and never let him have animals or pets!!! This is absolutely disgusting!!!

  2. He needs thrown into a cage. Let the other inmates take care of him

  3. May this heinous monster👹 die a very slow, torturous death!

  4. Raynesha McGhee-Reed says:

    May this Extremely Sadistic POS Rot in Hell 4 this Horrible Animal Cruelty.

  5. This heartless evil must be in jail and he license must be removed ASAP! This abuser cannot take care of innocent animal! Maximum punishment for this cruel and heartless abuseres!

    • Carmen Guedes says:

      Agree with you 100% friend Mioara what is even more shocking is the vet Association don’t doing fricking nothing!they never manifest any opinion on such cases of animal cruelty why is that? because it’s a multi billion dollar businesses and money talks the law makers get lobbyists money to be Ez on those psycho vets why protect the name of this SOB so peoples can keep bringing their beloved babies to the care of this devil? those saying he’s not guilty are evil just the same.If is there a plan to make a mobile banner in this city to tell people about this clinic and the devil’s name I will chip in $ like I did before even 1 day driving around the city can do a lot.Sorry dear guess I’m too fed up seeing the social midia punishing the good peoples for telling the truth and protecting criminals but we need keep on fighting.take care dear friend

  6. If this sadist was a medical doctor, trusted to treat humans with humanity, and so obviously failing, he would be struck off the register . Why should this be treated any differently?

  7. This psycho needs to go! Dogs haven’t voice. They should have cameras on vets when we aren’t with them.

  8. Why in the fuck should this Vet be publicly unnamed? He is an animal abuser who does not deserve to have a license, but he does deserve to be behind bars!

  9. Debbie Jordan says:

    Put that sick bastard away forever! This is just so disturbing that anyone can do something so horrible. No animal should ever have to endure this senseless act of abuse.

  10. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the piece of garbage that did this.

  11. I don’t understand what makes a person do such a horrible thing. It almost makes me understand why other countries are tougher on crime. Animals don’t deserve such terrible treatment, and this man should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and NEVER allowed any type of animal again.

  12. Again and again have to read stories like these one and honestly I am concerned about that really humans are not humans by the way… At least the most of them unfortunately in fact the world is fucked up!!!!!!

  13. Pam Levernier says:

    Sick bastard! Come on society, you can easily find this asshole. Choke the shit out of him as the courts will not render proper justice for this poor creature!

  14. This maniac needs to be killed!

  15. This is not surprising. There are so many stories of veterinarians abusing dogs and their patients. They are sick and evil!

  16. A veterinarian that can abuse animals like this should be euthanized or violently put to sleep!


  18. Michelle Stewart says:

    All animals must be seized from his home & work immediately so they can be protected. That bastard must lose his veterinarian licence immediately & never get it back. He deserves to be beaten to death. I hope he dies while he’s in prison/jail. He must serve 25 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again

  19. A vile and evil lowlife pos psychopathic Veterinarian that delibertely and heinously tortures innocent and helpless dogs and all innocent animals (sentient beings)like this must be euthanized or violently tortured to death and suffer in excruciating agony as this monster psycho committed against the precious and innocent German shepherd at the center of the allegations, as well as two other pet dogs in the vile and evil psycho suspect’s home, have been removed from the residence. And an official in the county executive’s office was apparently troubled enough by the allegations to say that “there’s no question we had to get these precious and innocent dogs out of there for their own protection and for their own good.”
    This vie and evil lowlife psychopathic animal torturing monster must be eradicated from our Planet.

  20. Cathy McIntyre says:

    This piece of shit needs to be named and his address published to allow people to deal with him and obviously he should be struck if his professional register. The governing body have a duty of care responsibility to ensure that no uninformed person leaves their animal in his charge. Only solution really is death then he won’t reoffend?

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