Toy Poodle Apparently Beaten to Death by Vengeful Man Deserves Justice

Target: Lori Linskey, Monmouth County, New Jersey Prosecutor

Goal: Prosecute man accused of stealing and killing pet dogs to fullest extent.

Two elderly dogs allegedly became pawns in a man’s sick game against his girlfriend. Nicholas Winter reportedly sent repeated texts to the woman, in which he threatened her two pet toy poodles. In response, authorities converged on a residence, presumably Winter’s home, and made a horrifying discovery.

One of the poodles, 12-year-old Bentley, had been killed. A veterinary autopsy apparently confirmed the cause of death as blunt force trauma. The second animal, 14-year-old Sophia, was thankfully found alive. If not for the police intervention, however, she may have met the same fate as Bentley. These dogs deserved to live out the rest of their long lives peacefully, but they allegedly fell victim to the worst kinds of violence instead.

Winter faces up to five years in prison. Sign the petition below to demand he receive the maximum sentence if he is found guilty.


Dear Prosecutor Linskey,

“We take animal cruelty cases extremely seriously in Monmouth County. Taking the life of a defenseless animal as a means to emotionally traumatize its owner is reprehensible and tragic.” You gave this statement in regard to the animal cruelty charges brought against Nicholas Winter. This man stands accused of stealing his girlfriend’s dogs and beating one of them to death.

Please back up your words with decisive actions. Do not let this suspect off with a plea deal or a lenient prosecution. He allegedly killed an elderly, defenseless living being. If he is convicted, do everything in your power to ensure he serves prison time.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Julissa Helmuth


  1. Ashley Swinney says:

    It’s WAY past time to hold animal abusers accountable for their violent crimes against a living breathing soul!

  2. Andrea+Chisari says:

    Five years in prison??? FIFTY years would not be long enough!

  3. We know where this is going … in 2 years the killer of this dog will be in jail accused of killing his girlfriend.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  4. Maggie Danbury says:

    Lock the bastard up and throw away the key

  5. Sure would be a shame if something horrible happened to him.

  6. This cruel revengefull boyfriend should be BEATEN TO DEATH just as he did to INNOCENT BENTLEY DIED!!! PRISON IS TOO GOOD FOR THIS CRUEL IDIOT!!!!!

  7. karla dutt says:

    pretty sure he will only get a slap on the hand. so tired of hearing these barbaric animal abuse stories with no resolution to a long history of violence against animals with little to no penalty.

  8. If the courts don’t act appropriately, someone will find him and deal with him, real justice.

  9. I know what I would do to him, if only the law would let me, which is way more than the useless laws are going to do, if anything. How many times have we read these stories of the horrible abuse and killing of these poor, sweet animals who has done nothing but be in the presence of these pyschopaths. On and on and on this violence continues, yet I read nothing about these pieces of crap being punished. If nothing else, the law should allow street justice against these useless punks. For me, street justice is allowing a group of animal lovers and/or organizations to beat the crap out of these thugs, making them wish they had never seen a dog. Then locking their sorry asses up for a long time, never to be allowed to own or be near an animal again. They know they know the law is not going to severely punish them, if punish them at all, so they are willing to take their chances with the law. People can fight back, these poor animals can’t. So, I wish the useless lazy ass lawmakers would once and for all do something about these horrible acts that are getting more and more frequent.

    • My thoughts exactly.
      As I say in my replies, Animal Vigilante groups to the fore to take these bastards out very painfully.
      If the weak bellied justice system will not act then street justice must prevail.
      There are too many of these sick fuckers getting away with animal torture and the time has come for them to be stopped and erased severely and brutally. They need to be scared shitless before they die so as to know what the innocent animals feel.
      If this had been my dog the wanker would already be dead so he would never do it again.
      Jonny W.

  10. ZERO EXCUSE for evil! Capital punishment for nefarious sub-human scum.

  11. irene Antonucci says:

    OMG I think this nicholas winter of asbury park is the same nicholas winter who set a teen on fire in 2008 in ocean township when he was 21 years
    call NJ prosecutor too

  12. Virginia Grandy says:


  13. This POS needs to be made an example of.

  14. Until lawmakers and law enforcers take animal abuse seriously, this will keep happening. These monsters are ALWAYS let off with what amounts to a slap on the wrist.

  15. This monster needs to have the same done to him! POS. RIP Bentley you beautiful furbaby. Run along with other beautiful furbaby 🐾🐶🦴😥

  16. Christine Nuttall says:

    They need to stop saying if he/she/them are found quilty. Of course their quilty and 5 years is not enough of a sentence for pieces of crap that intentionally hurt and kill animals.

  17. Sungoes yang says:

    Mr Bentley doesn’t belong on this planet. He is a child abuser also. Please incarcerate without food or water

  18. Cowardly wimp; annoyed with a woman, so beats the dog to death. Proves only the long sentence deterred him. If sentences for animal cruelty were commensurate with the violence used, they would act as a deterrent. The law does not do its job –to protect the defenceless.


  20. I hate animal abuse and this man should get death the way he dished it out

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