Investigate Shelter Where Cats Were Reportedly Found Dead and Bleeding at the Mouth

Target: Larry Schmidt, Macoupin County, Illinois Board Chair

Goal: Save the cats and animals from alleged abuse at the shelter.

Macoupin County Animal Shelter has been accused of abuse by Macie Brown, a former employee who left the shelter recently after experiencing what she called “a house of horrors.” Brown says cats had blood coming out of their noses and mouths, and that these health issues went without any medical treatment, leaving the animals suffering, neglected, and sick. She also asserts there was a deceased cat on the counter in the front of the shelter. The shelter allegedly did not want to pay for the needed medical treatment the animals. Brown took some of the animals to the vet on her own accord.

A news outlet reached out to the shelter several times and their phone calls were not returned. Sign below and demand that a full investigation be done to ensure the safety of the animals.


Dear Chair Schmidt,

You must look into the alleged abuse at the Macoupin County Animal Shelter. A former employee and volunteer have released details of their experiences, claiming that many cats and animals are suffering and not receiving the medical treatment they so desperately need. Something needs to be done to help the animals.

We demand you investigate these claims and save the animals from the alleged abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: WFranz


  1. Animal abuse at it’s finest. Shut down this house of horrors and lock up all involved!!! Heartless monsters

  2. The POS’s that run these animal “shelters” either need to have some sense beat into them or they need to be prosecuted with undated laws that do more than just give a slap on the wrist!

  3. These poor cats suffered terribly and if there’s not an investigation something is very wrong!!

    • I agree. There must be accountability for this neglect and abuse. Jail time is warranted here. Would be animal abusers need to know there are stern consequences for their gross negligence and animal abuses.

  4. Please shut down this hell hole and prosecute the abusers. How long has this been allowed to go on.

  5. Please rescue the remaining cats and animals and close this horrible shelter immediately! Those poor cats need justice. As a cat mom, I have no tolerance for cruelty and neglect!

  6. They need to shut down Macoupin County Animal Shelter NOW!!! Arrest the scumbags that manage this shelter!!

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Animals being abused at an animal shelter? This place needs to be shut down – the animals need to be transported to a safe secure shelter!!!

  7. Shirley Lemieux says:

    It is a sad day in America when a Town or County Animal Shelter is responsible for the deaths and neglect of animals in their care. Shelters represent a haven to many people who can no longer care for their pets. The public is under the assumption that these animals will be provided with the proper care and medical care that they need until they find their forever homes. Shame on the Macoupin County Animal Shelter for deceiving the public and betraying the animals in their care. It is incidences such as this that makes the public question whether bringing their pet to an animal shelter will be a death sentence for them. What a disgrace that this Shelter is.

  8. Barbara Garrison says:

    Another animal shelter torturing animals. When is this going to get the attention it needs? Too many animals are suffering at facilities that should be protecting them. Absolutely shameful.

  9. eleanor+dunkavich says:

    these monsters should be in JAIL

  10. These monsters should be walked into an alligator pit.

  11. Totally unacceptable

  12. All the cats need to be removed and this place shutdown! There is absolutely no excuse for this heinous treatment of innocent animals.

  13. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  14. Renata+Kuchinsky says:

    Arrest monsters who ran this hell and abused animals

  15. How the hell do these places get away with calling themselves shelters.?? There needs to be accountability and some government office to oversee these places.
    Get this one closed and rescue the animals in it.

  16. Close this disgusting hell hole down and exterminate the scumbags who have abused and killed these poor cats.Slow and agonising deaths for these evil cretins is required.

  17. Prosecute then jail, fines till their bankrupt and lifetime ban and monitoring. Or let animal lovers take care of them.

  18. Shut them down and place those responsible in JAIL

  19. These allegations are completely false and were made by a disgruntled employee. I worked at the shelter myself and can tell you many dollars have been and continue to be spent on the well being of the animals. The administrator there is severely overworked and has no staff to help her so she shows up every day at 5am to begin cleaning and often doesnt leave till 7-8pm. Also the ex employee who made these false claims and contacted the news lied not only about the shelter but about being a vet tech. She is not and never has been a vet tech, she is a vets assistant which requires no degree and almost no training. Animals are being well cared for there, but the shelter cant help when sick animals are brought in. Sometimes the animals are beyond help when they arrive, and sometimes the medicine isnt enough to help them survive.


      • i dont understand what your comment has to do with mine these allegations are literally all lies there are records at the shelter proving this many many animals were and are taken to the vet daily and several vets have come to the facility themselves to give shots and assess the animals there these are complete lies being spread

  20. Ban cat meat trade !!!!

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  • Lynne Cooper
  • Lynne Cooper
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