
Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Deprived of Food and Clean Water

Ten dogs were reportedly found in a non-ventilated storage unit, encrusted with filth and deprived of food and clean water. Call for strict legal action against the alleged perpetrator.

Horses Allegedly Abused in Illegal Cart Race Deserve Justice

In a shocking incident, horses were reportedly whipped and beaten during an illegal race. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this cruelty.

Defenseless Cows Seemingly Brutally Slashed With Butcher’s Knife Deserve Justice

Sixteen cows were found with severe slashes, reportedly attacked with a butcher’s knife. Demand thorough investigation and legal action against those allegedly responsible for this cruelty.

Use Rat Birth Control as Humane Alternative to Dangerous Overpopulation

Booming rat populations –and efforts to stop them — in cities are creating health risks for people and other animals. Demand investment in a contraceptive approach that’s more effective and more humane.

Dog Reportedly Punched on Video While Held Down Deserves Justice

A video appeared to show a man holding a small dog by the collar and punching the animal repeatedly. Demand justice.

Trainer Accused of Injuring Dogs and Defrauding Clients Must be Punished

A dog trainer and his business reportedly defrauded pet owners, leading to injured and neglected dogs. Demand legal action.

Justice for Over 100 Animals Allegedly Suffering From Malnutrition

More than 100 animals were reportedly rescued from alleged abuse and neglect. Demand swift legal punishment for those allegedly responsible.

Animals Allegedly Left to Die in Deplorable Conditions Deserve Justice

Multiple animals reportedly nearly lost their lives as a result of alleged abandonment and endangerment. A dependent senior may have also been put in harm’s way. Demand justice for these apparent victims.

Dogs Reportedly Found With Matted Fur and Feces-Covered Coats Deserve Justice

Eleven dogs were found suffering from open wounds and matted, feces-covered fur, according to reports. Demand justice now.

Dog Reportedly Found Duct-Taped and Discarded in Dumpster Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly discovered with head and legs duct-taped, and abandoned in a dumpster. Demand justice now.

Dog Allegedly Found Emaciated and Covered in Sores Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly found emaciated, covered in open sores, and struggling to walk. Demand legal punishment for the alleged abuser.

Justice for 84 Dogs Allegedly Left Without Sufficient Food or Water

Police reportedly discovered 84 dogs living in deplorable conditions without sufficient food or water. Demand legal action against the person allegedly responsible for this apparent cruelty.

Stop Breeding Cats Burdened With Painful Defects

Some of social media’s most trending animals are living secret lives of suffering. Demand a prohibition on breeding painful defects into felines.

Over 300 Animals Reportedly Starved and Neglected Deserve Justice

Over 300 animals were reportedly severely neglected, requiring urgent justice and accountability for their suffering. Hold responsible parties accountable to prevent further cruelty.

Geese Allegedly Shot With BB Guns for Fun Deserve Justice

Juveniles reportedly targeted beloved local geese with BB guns and sticks, causing widespread outrage. Hold accountable those responsible for this alleged abuse.

Animals Allegedly Dead From Negligence at Tech Lab Deserve Justice

Animals suffered repeatedly and unnecessarily at a university fined for violating the Animal Welfare Act, according to reports. Demand accountability.

Justice for Two Dogs Allegedly Starved and Abandoned

Two dogs were reportedly found dead inside a small, closed building. Demand legal action against the individual allegedly responsible.

Prevent Animal Cruelty Following Alleged Abuse of Family Dog

A student was allegedly filmed brutally attacking a family dog. Demand legal action to prevent cruelty.

Call for Justice for Dog Reportedly Punched While Held by Leash

A viral video reportedly showed an owner repeatedly punching his dog in the face. Demand justice and legal action for this alleged animal cruelty.

Dog Reportedly Found Hanging Dead From Tree Deserves Justice

In a horrific scene, a dog was reportedly discovered hanging dead from a tree branch. Demand swift justice.

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