
End Cruel Shark Killing Tournaments

Each year, tens of thousands of sharks are murdered for fun during shark killing tournaments. This causes a drastic drop in their already dwindling population. Demand an end to these cruel competitions before more sharks disappear from our oceans.

Protect Wedge-Tailed Eagles From Drastic Drops in Population

Australia’s largest aerial predator has spent years as the prey of humans. These important birds now face an even bigger threat in unrelenting habitat loss. Demand this eco-diverse region safeguard one of its most iconic inhabitants.

Toy Poodle Apparently Beaten to Death by Vengeful Man Deserves Justice

A 12-year-old poodle died from traumatic injuries reportedly inflicted by his caretaker’s boyfriend, who is also accused of stealing a second dog in order to threaten his girlfriend. Call for justice in this heartbreaking case.

Don’t Kill Wild Bears Because of Bad Housing Policies

Four black bears have been killed for entering a campground used as temporary housing for Anchorage’s unhoused population. Demand officials protect houseless community members and wildlife with effective housing policies.

Strip Misleading Labels from Meat and Dairy Products

“Cage free” and “free range” labels are extremely misleading, and mask the cruelty still going on at meat and dairy farms. Encourage officials to stop providing consumers with a false notion that animals are being well cared for—there is no such thing as ethical meat or dairy.

Success: Ohio Moves Toward Banning Murder of Dogs and Cats in Gas Chambers

The barbaric practice of gassing dogs and cats to death may soon be banned in one state. Thank the people who fought for this victory for animal rights.

Stop Irresponsibly Breeding Dogs And Cats

Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats are killed in overcrowded shelters every year. Discourage breeders from contributing to pet overpopulation and demand they stop breeding dogs and cats that have life-threatening health problems.

Stop Torturing Domesticated Skunks By Removing Their Scent Glands

Domestic skunks are forced to undergo a de-glanding procedure, which strips them of their natural born defenses. Ban this cruel and unnecessary practice.

Provide Rabies Vaccines to Stop Mass Destruction of Dogs in Indonesia

Indonesia has killed thousands of dogs in an attempt to eradicate rabies because they don’t have sufficient vaccines. Encourage the U.S. to provide Indonesia with vaccines to save the lives of countless dogs.

Dog Covered in Feces With Maggot Infested Wounds and Forced to Breed Her Whole Life Deserves Justice

A small dog was found covered in maggot infested wounds and smelled of feces and urine. She had been forced to live her entire life in a cage to breed for the profit of her owner. Demand authorities find and arrest the person responsible for this nightmarish abuse.

Justice for Dogs and Cats Reportedly Trapped in Filthy, Unlivable “Rescue” Facility

An “animal rescue” organization reportedly kept helpless pets caged in filth behind closed doors. Ensure real justice for the victims.

Shut Down Attraction Where Ponies Reportedly Carry 100+ Pound Loads in Deadly Heat

Ponies are reportedly being forced to carry loads of over 100 pounds for hours at a time in 90-degree heat. Stop this alleged abuse of defenseless animals for profit.

Stop Torturing Dogs and Cats to Death in Gas Chambers

Dogs and cats at certain “kill shelters” are put to death in gas chambers, enduring up to 40 minutes of fear and torture before succumbing. Ban this horrifying practice for good.

Save Hippos From Extinction Due to Illegal Poaching

Innocent hippos are being pushed out of their homes and slaughtered for their skins. We must step in to save this species before it is too late. Demand hippos be protected from poaching and all threats that will lead to their extinction.

Stop Tearing Young Puppies and Kittens Away From Their Mothers Too Soon

Puppies and kittens are often torn from their mothers and siblings too early in life, resulting in lifelong emotional scars. Support a ban on selling animal babies.

Stop Dog Breed Bans From Killing Loving Pets

Countless innocent dogs are put to death due to bans on certain “dangerous” breeds. End this unfair practice today and save dogs’ lives.

Stop Inhumane Slaughter of Innocent Wildlife in Government-Backed Culls

Over 1.75 million animals ranging from red-winged blackbirds and cormorants to the near extinct Mexican gray wolf have been killed in culls backed by U.S. Wildlife Services. Demand this federally funded agency find an alternative solution to protect agricultural output.

Success: Animals Freed From Cruel Medical Testing Mandate

Hundreds of thousands of animals have been saved from cruel and unnecessary drug test research. Thank the U.S. House for ending the archaic mandate that all experimental drugs be tested on animals before they could be used on humans in clinical trials.

Stop Letting Poachers Off the Hook for Slaughtering Animals

Each year, hundreds of millions of animals are illegally killed, trapped, or trafficked as part of the global wildlife trade industry. In America, the penalty for poaching is typically only a fine of between $5,000 and $10,000 and a maximum sentence of up to two years in prison. Demand that lawmakers do more to dissuade poachers from killing innocent animals.

Expose Slaughterhouses That Slit Throats of Living Animals

Farm animals live with the stench of death hanging over them. Some face beatings with shovels and some have their throats slit while still alive. These abuses must be exposed for the world to see.

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