Articles written by: Tiffany White

Man Accused of Punching Cat to Death Must Be Punished

A cat was reportedly punched repeatedly, leading to the animal’s death. Demand justice for this seemingly heinous act.

Save World’s Smallest Hippos From Extinction

Pygmy hippos are gaining attention in captivity while their numbers drastically dwindle in the wild. Demand enhanced conservation efforts for this endangered species.

Puppies Left for Dead in Grocery Bag Deserve Justice

Four puppies died and several more were traumatized as a result of a cruel act of abandonment. Call for apprehension and maximum punishment of the guilty party.

Stop Persistent Patterns of Animal Abuse by Repeat Offenders

Repeat offenses of animal cruelty are made possible by deficiencies in the legal system. Call for protections that will keep convicted abusers from striking again.

Abolish Exploitative Puppy Farms

The closure of a massive puppy farm has sparked calls for a total ban on the practice in Tasmania. Urge leaders to follow through with this important piece of animal welfare protection.

Save African Penguins From Extinction

African penguins could become extinct by 2035 without essential safeguards. Demand leaders stop ignoring the oncoming ecological crisis.

Horse and Pony Reportedly Starved Until Their Bones Protruded Deserve Justice

A man allegedly left a horse and pony on his property to die of starvation. Call for just punishment in the event of a guilty conviction.

Don’t Let Hunters Cast Themselves as Protected Minorities

Animal conservation efforts may take a major hit if hunters are successful in their bid to attain status as a protected ethnic minority group. Demand a legal blockade to this exploitive effort that belittles true fights for equality.

Don’t Push Brown Bear to Brink of Extinction Again

As big mammal culls continue raging across Europe, Sweden has refused to halt a controversial annual cull that will kill one-fifth of its rapidly dwindling brown bear population. Demand leaders take steps to end the legalized slaughter.

Demand Justice for Rescue Used as Bait in Dog Fighting

A dog days away from being put to sleep was rescued, but she carries a legacy of unspeakable abuse in the dog fighting world. Demand authorities find and hold accountable the individuals responsible for Olive’s suffering.

Punish Man Accused of Mass Killing of 80 Animals in Shooting Rampage

Over 80 animals were reportedly gunned down in a shocking and extended shooting spree. Demand justice for these innocent victims of gun violence.

Don’t Let New Tarantula Species Vanish Forever

A new tarantula species with an eye-catching appearance is already facing threats to its existence. Demand robust conservation measures to preserve a member of one of the planet’s most ecologically diverse regions.

Stop Widespread Distribution of Online Animal Cruelty Content

Weapon attacks against animals are on the rise. Social media is stoking the flames. Call on influential leaders to stop the rapid online spread of vicious cruelty.

Punish RFK Jr. for Mutilation of Whale, Dog, and Bear Cub

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is accused of beheading a whale and eating a dog, among other shocking acts. Demand higher standards from our politicians.

Don’t Let Pets Die Unnecessarily at Veterinary Clinics

Veterinary workers are on strike and sick and injured pets are paying the ultimate price. Call on the corporations driving pet care to make things right for underpaid employees and frantic pet parents facing unbearable decisions.

Puppy Facing Loss of Eye Deserves Justice

A weeks-old puppy was the victim of a brutal assault that may cost the young animal an eye. Call for full legal retribution in this horrific case.

Stop the Sadistic “Sport” of Dog Fighting

Dog fighting destroys and claims countless canine lives every year. Demand an at-risk state deliver results against this brutal crime.

Success: Stricter Animal Cruelty Laws Coming to State

Individuals convicted of hurting animals should never have the opportunity to inflict pain on a vulnerable victim again. Applaud Virginia’s effort to stop animal cruelty recidivism in its tracks.

Protect Ocean’s Free-Floating Guardians

Floating ocean creatures have received little recognition or focus, but their contribution to the marine world is unmatched. Demand a stronger emphasis on understanding and protecting the ocean’s first line of defense.

Hundreds of Rabbits Who Allegedly Endured Broken Bones, Missing Limbs, and Starvation Deserve Justice

Hundreds of rabbits allegedly suffered torture chamber-like conditions in a woman’s garage. Half of these bunnies died as a reported result. Call for proper prosecution and punishment in this disturbing case.

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