Articles written by: Tiffany White

Stop Mass Slaughter of Colombian Hippos

Once-captive hippos in Colombia gained their freedom but their lives are now being threatened by a devastating and inhumane cull. Demand leaders embrace population control over wholesale eradication of these beloved animals.

Runaway Zebras Allegedly Mistreated By Animal Trader Deserve Justice

The case of three escaped zebras took a tragic turn when one died in a snare trap. The man allegedly responsible is finally behind bars, but many more animals remain at risk because of negligible legal action. Urge the Department of Agriculture to enforce its own rules regarding chronic reported animal abusers.

Protect Orangutans and Tigers From Law-Breaking Palm Oil Companies

Illegal palm oil production is ramping up at the expense of wild animals and their forest home. Demand protection for endangered wildlife.

Prevent Pig Farms From Potentially Killing Tons of Saltwater Fish

Spain’s pig farms are slaughtering swine at an unprecedented rate, and now they may be responsible for the deaths of innumerable marine animals. Urge an end to this industry’s reckless and unchecked practices.

Protect Hundreds of Dogs From Cruel Deaths in Racing Industry Blood Sport

Hundreds of greyhound dogs die in the cruel racing industry every year, and many more suffer abuse and neglect. Demand an end to greyhound racing.

Stop Torturing and Slaughtering Animals for Fur

Fur farms are ground zero for torture and slaughter that rivals the worst animal cruelty cases. Demand the United Kingdom protect animal rights by banning barbaric fur sales once and for all.

Don’t Feed Cows Disease-Infected Animal Remains

Farm animals may soon be forced to consume the remains of other animals, exposing them to a fatal infectious illness in the process. Stop the reemergence of mad cow disease.

Stray Dogs Poisoned, Goats Stomped to Death, and Brutal Dog Fighting Must be Stopped

Stray dogs are poisoned, goats are stomped to death, and severed animal heads circulate on social media in the Kurdistan region. Sign this petition to demand the passage of their first animal welfare law to stop the cruelty.

Protect Wolves From Second Extinction Event Due to Illegal Hunting

Wolves are disappearing at an alarming pace in Denmark at the hands of hunters in violation of the law. Urge stringent accountability for these true crimes against nature.

Don’t Promote Bullfighting and Other Cruelty in “Jackass” Movie

The soon-to-be-released movie ‘Jackass Forever’ reportedly includes multiple incidents of abuse against exploited snakes, bulls, and other animals. Demand the producers not promote such cruelty.

Dehydrated Cats and Dogs Reportedly Trapped in Scorching Hot Truck Deserve Justice

Seventeen cats and dogs reportedly experienced dehydration and near-suffocation while locked inside a dangerously hot moving truck. Demand justice.

Success: Infamous Big Cat Zoo Permanently Shut Down

The former zoo of alleged animal abuser Joe Exotic has finally been shut down once and for all. Applaud the closure of this sad chapter in big cat exploitation.

Stop Tormenting Bulls to Death With Swords and Lances for Sport

The cruel “sport” of bullfighting kills thousands of animals annually and injures countless more. Help end this barbaric practice that dooms animals to slow, agonizing death.

Dog Apparently Choked, Punched, and Slammed in Parking Lot Beating Deserves Justice

A pet dog appears to have been brutally beaten and choked in a parking lot, all under the surveillance of a video camera. Demand the man charged with this horrific crime face full punishment if found guilty.

Don’t Starve Ponies to Death at Popular National Park

Wild ponies are reportedly emaciated and starving to death at a national park as authorities stand by. Act now to save these helpless animals.

400+ Animals Reportedly Found Starved and Rotting Deserve Justice

Over 400 animals were reportedly found starved and rotting. This location may also have been the site of a cockfighting ring. Sign this petition to demand justice for these innocent animals.

Save Red Squirrels From Eradication

Wrong-headed conservation efforts meant to save imperiled red squirrels are harming grey squirrels and other wildlife. This squirrel cage match perpetuated by leaders in the United Kingdom needs to end. Demand a plan of action that can protect all animals.

Dozens of Farm Animals Reportedly Found With Bloody and Oozing Infections Deserve Justice

Dozens of farm animals were reportedly neglected to the point of death or emaciation, and are apparently being left to languish while their caretaker gets off with a slap on the wrist. Demand they be rescued now.

Husky Apparently Filmed Trying to Futilely Catch-up to Owners Who Abandoned Him Deserves Justice

A husky was reportedly abandoned on a roadside by his caretakers. The dog’s attempts to catch up to his owners as they drove away was apparently caught on a heartbreaking video. Demand the suspects face a fitting punishment.

Kitten Apparently Shot and Swept Into Street Deserves Justice

A man reportedly shot a kitten, then had his friend sweep the animal into the street to be run over. The innocent victim died from her injuries. Urge full accountability in this shocking and deeply disturbing case.

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