Roosters Allegedly Maimed and Brutalized in Cockfighting Ring Deserve Justice
A man allegedly severed a rooster’s wattle and comb to prepare the bird for a deadly cockfight. Demand he pay the legal price if he is deemed guilty.
A man allegedly severed a rooster’s wattle and comb to prepare the bird for a deadly cockfight. Demand he pay the legal price if he is deemed guilty.
A troop of popular monkeys devised as a tourist attraction will soon be no more because of human recklessness. Demand political leaders alter plans that will harm and ultimately eradicate these beloved animals.
A supposed dog trainer stands accused of violating pet parents’ trust in the worst way by starving and endangering vulnerable dogs and puppies. Demand justice in a horrific case that crosses state lines.
A one-of-a-kind inhabitant of the Amazon rainforest is at critical risk of extinction. Demand a targeted action plan to protect the pied tamarin and its rapidly disappearing home.
Someone allegedly shot a stray cat with a BB gun. Despite having an identified suspect, authorities have seemingly abandoned the investigation. Call for more involvement from law enforcement in this case of apparent animal cruelty.
Majestic seabirds are making mass gravesites of the world’s shores. Call for a real plan of action to save these irreplaceable members of marine ecosystems.
Five species of rhinoceros are in imminent danger due to poaching. Demand international conservation leaders preserve protections for these majestic animals.
Known animal abusers must not have the chance to repeat their crimes against innocent living beings. Demand Virginia put its convicted abusers on public notice.
The heart-wrenching odyssey of a killer whale and her dead calf should be a call to action to keep the same fate from befalling an entire endangered species. Rescue southern resident killer whales from a bleak future.
Two suspects are accused of terrorizing a fox and then attempting to kill the animal. Demand true accountability for wildlife crimes.
Protecting animals from mentally unstable or volatile individuals is crucial to preventing deadly acts of cruelty. Demand mandatory guidelines that enshrine these protections into the legal system.
A horse crashed into a fence and collapsed at a rodeo event, endangering both the animal and his rider. Demand changes that will help keep animals safe.
As the scarcity of commercial eggs dominates headlines, a sophisticated criminal enterprise is working in the shadows to put wild bird eggs – and species – in peril. Demand a comprehensive international plan of action to stop global wild egg theft.
A fire claimed the lives of hundreds of animals trapped in a pet store. Demand these innocent living beings not be forgotten by the legal system.
Punishments for animal cruelty still fall far below the bar needed for real justice. Call for stronger laws that protect animals rather than animal abusers.
A cloned ferret successfully gave birth to two healthy babies who have the potential to bring this endangered species back from the brink of extinction. Demand research leaders release them into the wild.
A high school student allegedly poisoned a rival’s goat and then filmed the animal’s suffering. Demand justice in this reportedly intentional act of deadly cruelty.
Hunting and fishing are now constitutional rights in Florida. Demand lawmakers protect wildlife from inhumane methods of torture masquerading as conservation.
Several pet snakes were reportedly starved and neglected, some to the point of death. Call for appropriate charges and punishments in this disturbing case.
A couple reportedly tortured and crushed dozens of helpless animals to earn money on the dark web. Demand swift and resolute punishment for the accused in the event of a guilty conviction.