Free Polar Bears From Torture Chamber

Target: Sun Zhe, Mayor of Harbin

Goal: Save polar bears held captive under cruel conditions for human amusement.

The recently opened “Polar Bear Hotel” in Harbin, China is named after the polar bears that are held captive inside the building. The hotel is part of the Harbin Polarland theme park and uses a disgusting display of live animals to draw in paying visitors.

The animals are forced to live in a tiny enclosure with small ponds and artificial ice and are constantly being stared at by the inhabitants of the hotel’s 21 guest rooms. Or as the Harbin Polarland’s official WeChat account claims: “Whether you’re eating, playing, or sleeping, polar bears will keep you company.” The management of the park never appears to consider that polar bears are wild animals that belong in the Arctic, and not in an enclosure for human entertainment. Although the hotel supposedly has an outdoor pen available for the bears, it does not even remotely allow them to follow their natural behavior.

Sign this petition to prohibit the ownership of animals in the Polar Bear Hotel, and have the two polar bears rehomed to a proper facility.


Dear Mr. Zhe,

The “Polar Bear Hotel” in Harbin spreads a distorted image of animal care. The captive polar bears are used to draw in paying visitors and the animals suffer as a result.

The bears cannot follow their instincts while living in a tiny artificial environment ice and being constantly stared at by people. Polar bears belong in the wild and not in human hands. The Polar Bear Hotel should never be allowed to keep animals again. You must end their suffering by rehoming the two bears to a proper facility far away from human exploitation.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lesia Pko


  1. please help to set them free……they have done nothing to deserve to live in this hell……these animals are not ours to do what we want to just to make a $$$… eye for an eye…..time will take these ungodly cruel POS SOB’s and also cause them to suffer one day…..

  2. Yeah, the tables will turn….as with Covid-19, but unfortunately, it spread around the world.

  3. All animal abusers globally must be exterminated and nothing less. We need to unite internationally to enhance this requirement.

  4. Beth Dekker says:

    So wrong on so many levels.Free these beautiful beings! So much for humankind. This hotel sucks.

  5. Ellis Toscano says:

    Chinese are soulless people so plea to them is pointless.

    • China, Australia, Canada, they always and constantly kill or torture innocent animals. Is it possible that once you save some?

      • Ania Bilchuk, get your facts correct!!!! You are very incorrect.Australia has a very good reputation re animal care and compassion. It is obvious that you have zero knowledge never visited my country! I am involved in animal welfare and I know the facts!

  6. Jaime Perez says:

    Animals are not ours to exploit in such an inhumane manner. People are so heartless and uncaring when it comes to innocent animals. Leave the animals in the wild where they belong!

  7. Marty A. says:

    Please relinquish the polar bears to a reputable sanctuary immediately. They are dying in that rat hole. Re-name to Paradise Hotel and make it tropical..use you imagination but stop exploiting wild animals to fund your pockets. RELEASE THE POLAR BEARS!!!!

  8. Erin Ryan says:

    China has no animal cruelty laws therefore they have no morality or ethics when it comes to any other living beings besides themselves. We must all speak up. THESE POLAR BEARS ARE NOT TO BE OGLED FOR HUMAN ENTERTAINMENT AND GREED! These are living, innocent, sentient creatures who deserve a life of their own, not yours. CHINA IS COMMITTING ANIMAL TORTURE AND THIS MUST STOP NOW

  9. China, once again.

  10. Animal abusers must be put to death. A slow and agonizing death is essential. China has an atrocious reputation re animal abuse.

  11. Julie Bates says:

    Covid…now this

  12. Julie Bates says:

    China Shame Shame Shame

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