Save Galgo Dogs From Brutal Slaughter

Target: Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain

Goal: Protect hunting dogs in Spain from torture and gruesome death.

Every year, more than 60,000 galgos, Spanish hunting dogs, meet a gruesome death after they are no longer of value to their owners. Once exclusively bred by Spanish nobles, galgos are now one of the most abused dog breeds on the planet.

Traditionally, the galgos are used by hunters or galgueros for hare coursing. Crammed in tiny sheds, the dogs are forced to live in their own filth without daylight, unable to move, deprived of affection, and near death. Most of them suffer from starvation and severe illnesses, but their owners only care for profit.

Worthless to the galgueros, most galgos are disposed of at the end of each hunting season. The animals are abandoned or killed in the most horrendous ways. Breeding the dogs en masse, rather than keeping the old animals, is more profitable for the hunting community.

As a standard practice, dogs who are no longer in top form but have performed well in the competition are granted a quick death through hanging high of a tree. Those who have humiliated their galgueros by poor performances are hanged low to the ground so their paws barely touch. Their desperate effort to reach the ground as they slowly choke to death is called “piano playing.” Not only are galgos hanged, but they are also thrown down wells, cast into rivers to drown, burned and beaten to death, stabbed, doused with acid, and buried alive. Some have their legs broken and are abandoned in forests, so they can’t find their way home. The abandoned dogs often starve or succumb to their injuries. Rescue shelters try to find good, loving homes for some, but most of the captured dogs end up in municipal killing stations.

The hunters’ repulsive belief that the dogs’ suffering will guarantee the next hunting season to be more successful leaves thousands of dogs to endure this cruelty. With no EU legislation concerning the welfare of the dogs, and the unwillingness of Spanish authorities to address the abuse of galgos, the suffering of these affectionate animals will continue.

A massive international movement is needed to help these noble, beautiful, and gentle dogs. Sign this petition to ban galgos from hunting and safeguard their well-being.


Dear Mr. Sánchez,

Tens of thousands of galgos are brutally killed every year with your knowledge and you stand by and do nothing to help these beautiful animals.

The dogs experience abuse to the maximum extent and are forced to live in tiny sheds, in their feces, and most of them near death. You let galgueros hang, beat, burn, stab, and torture their dogs for profit and the ludicrous belief that the galgos’ suffering will benefit the next hunt.

Putting an end to the mass breeding of galgos will have a significant impact on the number of stray dogs in Spain. With almost one hundred thousand homeless canines, there are great dangers of spreading diseases.

Numerous protests, campaigns, and petitions were already ignored by your careless attitude towards animals. Your primitive thinking has to adapt to the 21st century.

Be ashamed of your neglect to maintain the welfare of animals in your country. Take the initiative and protect vulnerable dogs. Stop using galgos for hunting.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: OmarCurrosSimón


  1. The Spanish are backward savages who still live in Medieval times, cruel sadism and nothing but excuses for it. I hate them.

  2. Loraine Pretorius says:

    SHAME ON YOU SHAME ON YOU Cruel and totally unnecessary. Its all about money. God will punish you severely. Throw you into the pit of hell.

  3. These evil, mentally deranged dog abusing scumbags must be exterminated. We need to turn these cretins into fertiliser!!!!

  4. This is so disturbing. The cruelty needs to end.

  5. Marilyn COLLINS says:

    Dispicable country. Look how they treat bulls as well !!!!

  6. Ellis Toscano says:

    Guess bullfighting is not cruel enough.

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