Dog Found With Embedded Collar and Severe Infection Deserves Justice

Target: Andria Bender, Grimes County, Texas District Attorney

Goal: Prosecute those responsible for leaving a dog restrained for months, causing severe injuries and infection.

A dog, now named Peanut, was discovered near a fire department in Plantersville, suffering from horrific injuries caused by an embedded collar. According to Animal Control Officer Jason Lessel, the collar appears to have been left on so tightly and for so long that it caused severe infection and extensive neck damage. Such injuries would likely have taken months to develop, suggesting prolonged neglect.

Peanut’s condition required immediate medical intervention. Humane Society staff are working to provide him with antibiotics, treatment, and possibly surgery to remove the collar. Despite the pain he has endured, Peanut remains friendly, a testament to his resilient spirit. However, the negligence and apparent cruelty he suffered demand accountability.

An investigation is underway to identify the individual(s) responsible for this heinous neglect. It is vital to ensure that anyone responsible faces felony charges to prevent such cruelty from being inflicted on other animals in the future. Peanut deserves justice, and this case highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws.


Dear District Attorney Bender,

A deeply concerning case of alleged animal cruelty has come to light in Plantersville. A dog, Peanut, was found near a fire department with an embedded collar that caused severe infection and extensive neck injuries. According to Officer Jason Lessel, these injuries likely took several months to develop, indicating prolonged neglect.

Peanut’s suffering could have been prevented with proper care and attention. While the Humane Society is working diligently to provide medical treatment, Peanut’s ordeal highlights a tragic failure of responsibility. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of holding those responsible for animal cruelty accountable under the law.

We urge your office to ensure that the individual(s) responsible for Peanut’s condition are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Justice for Peanut is not only necessary for his sake but also as a deterrent to others who might harm animals in such a manner.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: MarkScottAustinTX


  1. More hill billy badness. These peasants should invest in an education, learning how to have empathy and to care for innocent animals. This behaviour is indicative of deep seated ignorance and blatant cruelty. Here’s hoping the fungus that mistreated this poor dog suffer a similar fate.

  2. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Dear Andria Bender, Grimes County, Texas District Attorney: Please give attention to this matter. Most Texans care about their pets but our State still has a poor reputation for ongoing animal abuse. Please do your part to end as much abuse as possible.
    Thank you.

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    Whoever did this needs to be severely punished. The creep is a soulless devil who doesn’t belong in society.

  4. Karen SMITH says:

    This is disgusting these monster’s should be whipped and put away then throw away the key so they can’t cause anymore abhorrent cruel abuse on animals or Humans!!!

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