Donkey Reportedly Found With All Four Legs Amputated Deserves Justice

Target: Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab, India

Goal: Ensure maximum penalties for suspects accused of torturing a donkey and strengthen protections for animals.

A deeply disturbing case has emerged in which a donkey was allegedly subjected to unimaginable abuse, including severe mutilation. Four suspects are accused of engaging in an unnatural act with the animal before amputating all four of its legs.

The injured donkey was reportedly found in critical condition and has been transported to a veterinary hospital for treatment. Authorities have arrested one suspect and are actively pursuing the others. This shocking act has sparked outrage among animal rights advocates and the broader public, highlighting a growing concern over animal abuse in the region.

This case underscores an urgent need for justice and the implementation of stronger measures to deter such heinous acts. The suspects must face the maximum legal consequences for their alleged actions, and systemic changes must be enacted to protect vulnerable animals from such cruelty in the future.


Dear CM Bhagwant Mann,

The recent case involving the alleged brutal abuse and mutilation of a donkey near Basti Rukrani is both shocking and heartbreaking. Four suspects are accused of engaging in an unnatural act with the animal before amputating all four of its legs. Such heinous cruelty cannot be ignored.

This alleged incident highlights a broader issue of rising animal abuse cases in the region. Vulnerable animals, like this donkey, are subjected to unimaginable suffering, and the perpetrators often face insufficient consequences. Strong legal action is essential to ensure justice for the victims and to send a clear message that such acts will not be tolerated.

We urge you to ensure that all suspects are apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Additionally, we call for enhanced enforcement of animal protection laws and the introduction of stricter penalties to prevent future incidents of abuse. These steps are crucial in safeguarding the well-being of animals and upholding justice in our society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay


  1. These people should be locked away for the rest of their lives

    • Far too good for them im afraid. I do hope you noted that all 4 had raped the donkey before they tortured it? Do you think anything that can behave in such a way should be suffered to live among us? I dont. The donkey got this because they couldnt find a woman or little girl to gang rape, after which they took out their shame and revulsion at themselves by torturing it. Such depravity cannot be allowed to exist. It must be utterly expunged. Excution with the bodies burned to leave no trace is all that can ever be acceptable for this, they must be erased totally from the world and all memory, nothing less, so their names become meaningless as their bodies disappear, gone forever from inflicting their vile polluted souls poisons upon the earth

  2. Fkn death penalty! No need for monsters like this in this world because they will just move on to humans next! And make that death painful for them please

  3. Candi Ausman says:

    Is the donkey expected to survive???

  4. Irene Leggett says:

    If the act was of a sexual nature then make sure ALL culprits are permanently castrated, or better still just cut off their pr***ks and their legs and leave the filthy, stinking PERVERTS to die in the gutter, then feed their putrid carcasses to the pigs.

    • Amen. I cried reading about this poor donkey. Made me physically ill. Extreme justice needs to be served for these heinous acts. Just eliminate these sick perverts, they have no place in society.

  5. Horrible, utterly horrible.
    Filthy, disgusting nation (not that there’s anyplace free of animal abuse, but India seemsto be worse lately).
    I don’t know what they can do to save this poor donkey if all 4 legs were amputated – they are the sweetest creatures in the world.
    Simple solution – do the same to these pieces of excrement. Amputate their legs (no anesthetic, of course). Chop off their arms too. And their dicks. That’s what they deserve.

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Just shoot them in the head. People who commit crimes against animals do not them again if they are shot dead.

      • No, a bullet to the head is too quick and merciful for these twisted degenerates. They need to SUFFER excruciatingly. Like ABS314 suggested, amputation of all limbs and genitals without anesthesia. Then leave them exposed somewhere filthy and let them try and fend for themselves. Let them rot slowly in their agony.

  6. Death penalty for bastard abusers/killers,cowards,burn in hell, motherfucker!
    Justice for donkey!

  7. OMG the 4 pieces of SH*T also RAPED this poor innocent animal??? EYE FOR AN EYE!!!

    And India Needs to protect animals more!!!

  8. These evil pieces of garbage need to have at least one of their body parts amputated with a dull knife before rotting in a jail forever. What kind of sick depraved individuals are living among normal society. That poor innocent animal deserves justice…

  9. WTAF is going on in India with the tons of reports we’re seeing about animal abuse?
    In any case, all of the guys who tortured this poor donkey deserve to be put down, and not in a humane way.


  11. These sadists will continue to harm other innocent living beings without fear if the law let them off the hook too easily! They deserve the harshest punishments like caning in addition to long term imprisonment of up to 20 years! Hope they get raped in their cells! Justice for poor helpless donkey!!! May God take away her pain and sufferings!

  12. Those 4 sick, maniac abusers violated and dismembered a beautiful, sweet, innocent donkey in this disgusting way. They are just disguised as human in order to fool people that they are of the same species as us, but they are not human at all – not in any way, shape or form. They are just filthy scum and rotten to the core. I wonder how many other victims they may have abused, violated and annihilated. These pieces of scum should rightfully be forced to suffer the same fate as they inflicted on this poor, defenceless animal. First castrate them then amputate all of their limbs with no anesthetic and leave them somewhere out there in the cold to rot. This would be good justice to match their horrendous crime they inflicted onto a living being. It would let them know how bad it feels for their victim. They would certainly deserve this method of justice upon them.

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