Find Criminals Who Stuck Puppies to Ground With Hot Tar

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Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police

Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.

Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.

Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.


Dear Mr. Despescu,

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.

The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Karel Seidl

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  1. Please let us all know if these puppies recover. And I hope the evil bastards rot in hell

  2. Amy McIntyre says:

    Were the poor babies able to be saved? How are they doing?

  3. Joie Devoney says:

    Do we have an update on these sweet furry angels?

  4. Suzy smith says:

    Those fuckers!!! I hope they get the same treatment when they get caught!! They don’t deserve a trial!! They need to go straight to HELL n get tarred for eternity!!

  5. sandra mason says:

    all you people who sign these petitions for dogs and not cats should be ashamed of yourselves. this petition garnered thousands and thousands of names in just days. there is a petition regarding a man who poured acid on kittens that only has a few hundred. you claim to be animals lovers but you are not. when you ignore the plight of other animals you are just as bad as the abuser. NEVER, NEVER BE AFRAID TO DO WHAT’S RIGHT. ESPECIALLY IF THE WELL BEING OF A PERSON OR ANIMAL IS AT STAKE. SOCIETY’S PUNISHENTS ARE SMALL COMPARED TO THE WOUNDS WE INFLICT UPON OUR SOUL WHEN WE LOOK THE OTHER WAY. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. the hell with everybody who signs this petition and ignores abuse to cats and kittens.

    • I do agree with you that ALL animals should have human advocates that fight daily to stop these atrocities! But before condemning the people who sign these petitions you should speak to the people who send the notices out. As long as I have been receiving emails from her for petitions, I have NEVER gotten one about any cat. If I had they would get the same attention I promise you. So is it possible that the plight of kittens are not being brought to the attention of the people as often?

    • Your are ignorant cats are for the most self sufficient I love cats just as much but dogs and puppies aren’t as smart these puppies probably trusted the people that did this you see this and all you can say cats your despicable seriously delete your comment so other people don’t suffer from this B’s it pissed me off almost as this post

    • Amanda Fouraker says:

      Sandra, ashamed of ourselves, how dare you!! We care for all living things, and most certainly will sign a petition when some monster has poured tar on puppies/dogs and left to die in the sun, while the boils and rips all the flesh off the dog leaving it in excruciating pain to die, I doubt these poor puppies lived. As we would someone that poured acid over kittens, maybe it didn’t get the same exposure as this story did. You should be ashamed of yourself for even making such an assumption and for such a post. Anyone that inflicts pain and suffering on any animal is a monster and should be prosecuted. The nature of these crimes need to be taken very seriously, they have done it before and are now serial killers.

    • To hell with Everyone! WHO SIGNS THIS PETITION? This is a terrible argument you make. Do you have the link to the cat petition? If so, should have posted it, instead of belittling the efforts of concerned people for cruelty to animals who happen to be dogs.

    • Daniel Howells says:

      I signed this one because it showed up on my Facebook. If the kitten one shows up I will sign that too as I will for any animal petition that involves abuse or cruelty. That goes for the non-fluffy ones too .. animal abuse is not just what we see in these petitions but the meat we see in the supermarkets, the wooly clothes that people buy and the toiletries and household goods that are tested on animals. Being vegan is the only way forward and I sincerely imagine that you are one too Sandra 🙂

    • Chris Morgan says:

      I would sign a petition regarding ANY abused being… maybe, just maybe, instead of being on here acting like you know what is or isn’t in everyone’s hearts you should be using your time on the internet to share links to these under-shared petitions. You haven’t even bothered to link any of us for easy access to sign the petition you’re complaining about… what exactly are you accomplishing other than internet bullying by telling everyone to go to hell.

    • Deby Nieto says:


  6. sandra mason says:


    • Sandra, if so concerned, why didnt you include that link for us to see? We dont all see EVERYTHING that comes across the internet, everyday.

    • Daniel Howells says:

      Instead of moaning why not point us in the direction of the link? Cruelty to ALL animals is wrong, not just cats and dogs, and that includes eating or wearing them or using products that have been tested on them.

  7. Janie Gonzales says:

    Give two minute’s with this assholes let me do to them what they did to this poor dog’s.

  8. Just to be clear all animal rights activists who sign these animal petitions are defending all global animals who’re tortured, butchered & murdered. No candidate or politician talks about ending global animal abuse & animal torture & animal butchery & murder. I hope that the sadistic monsters who put hot tar on the puppies will get a sadistic punishment thrown on them. These are soulless humans who have no regard for any form of life. They’re the zombie sadistic killer animal & people butchers.

  9. To the idiots it may concern those aren’t cats covered in tar it’s puppies so if you ain’t with the movement than shut the hell up and stop posting y’all are so damn stupid you gave me a headache

    • Daniel Howells says:

      I sincerely hope they realise that there’s no “pecking order” as far as animals are concerned .. they/we are all equal and we have no dominance over any of them .. cute and fluffy or not.

  10. This petition wasn’t intended to offend those who love cats but to get the attention of the proper officials for the demented sydistic bastard who unfoundedly tortured a creation which happen to be innocent young baby animals ,that couldn’t defend themselves against whomever got their rocks off by doing this to these beautiful little baby puppies. The dog that gave birth to these babies needs to be spayed and the male dog needs to be neutered to prevent the creation of unwanted pets. This was far beyond cruel.
    There are people who would have loved for one or all of these beautiful puppies to have a home. Try finding a home for them instead of torturing them because they are little puppies!!!! Again this petion is for the puppies seen here and not for cats. So, if you are for the same thing for the rescue of cats, then by all means start your own petition for that, but don’t read into this more than there is!!! Don’t get the status quoe twisted!!! Help find the person who did this and tar thier ass while in prison!!!

  11. Horror!Horror! The world of human beings is becoming the hell. I hope it will finih very soon.

  12. Lisa Walker says:

    All life matters, 2 n 4 legged, stop the madness

  13. David Appia says:

    Hell is the only place for sick Fucks that would do something like this!

  14. Deby Nieto says:


  15. Kasumi Kai-Shi says:

    They better hope I don’t get my hands on them because if I do, they’re going to WISH they were those puppies! I will beat the SO HARD!!!

  16. Amazing that these poor little guys were still alive! I hope karma catches up to whoever did this very fast.

  17. Senseless and cruel behavior…bless these beautiful creatures..

  18. i wont be signing this petition until tamir rice, trayvon and Eric garner get justice.

  19. Kathy smith says:

    What can I say that I haven’t said a thousand times there needs to be stricter and stronger laws against animal abuse only the politicians can do this people need to start letting them know we are sick and tired of the horrible sickening demented lowlife cowards out there killing torturing sexually assaulted Starvin getting their hands on these animals so easy just like you need to have a license and a permit to have a car nobody should be allowed to have a dog unless it is license and have a permit of some sort to own it have to show valid ID social security number if somebody knows that they will be held responsible for the welfare of this animal possibly jail time this kind of stuff would have been a lot less

  20. AtrumInsomnium says:

    Knowing my country, they won’t do shit, no matter the number of signatures this will get. I already read in an article that the chief of police said, I quote “I will not waste my time on this”. You have to live there to understand how fucked up things can be in that country and how literally nobody cares. There are far worse places in the world to live in than in Romania, but it’s still fucked up living there. I’d seriously love to do the same to whoever did this. The police won’t do anything and as difficult and crazy as it might sound, people might need to take this matter into their own hands. To end this with a quote from the great Megatron: “Humans don’t deserve to live.”

    • Lorrie Dockins says:

      You are so right, they don’t care, nothing will happen to them, a little fine. I say justice, eye for an eye

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