Find Criminals Who Stuck Puppies to Ground With Hot Tar

Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police

Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.

Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.

Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.


Dear Mr. Despescu,

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.

The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Karel Seidl

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  1. these criminals need to be tracked down and arrested.Then they need the
    same treatment.

  2. Sarah Rose says:

    Find these sick bastards and stick them to the tar, or just as they did in the days of the old west tar and feather them. What these retarded jerks did to these innocent puppies is an abomination. Cruelty such as this should never be tolerated by a civilized society. It is time for all cruelty to stop and the only way to achieve this is to have strict animal cruelty laws and to enforce them to the fullest extent. There should be no slap on the wrist for these miserable psycho bastards. Burn them in hell where they belong. JUSTICE FOR THESE INNOCENT PUPPIES.

  3. Elizabeth G Riley says:

    This is cruelty that will never be forgiven. To do this to an innocent means no forgiveness. I hope the evil asshole(s) who did this are reading this. Fuck U! You will never be forgiven.

  4. Beth Knafla says:

    Mr. Despescu, you have serious animal abuse issues, are YOU prosecuting? Remove and incarcerate this threat now!

  5. How could someone do such a cruel act….please find these people and bring them to justice….just make me sick to think people are doing this!

  6. This is how we know soul less people exist.
    No amount of words will do just know there are no secrets.
    I hope someone will help get these atrocities stopped. What a cruel world

    God bless those babies with the best care ever. My heart is broken for them. Forgive me they should be playing or in a cute puppy pile snuggling not fighting to live.

  7. Diana Watson says:

    There are sick people OUT there find them and punish severely and then do the same to them they are not humans they are so HEARTLESS

  8. Bruce Stillman says:

    Find the assholes and execute them. These SOB’s will pay for this one way or another. I hope and pray they find these pricks and prevent any more of such atrocities. I can not understand how anyone can do such unspeakable evil. I hope those poor things all survived.

  9. Jillian Jupp says:

    This is absolutely disgraceful. To do this to any living being deserves the harshest punishment, not a small fine or jail sentence.. the death penalty should apply, but firstly they need to have done to them, what they have done to these poor innocent pups..

  10. immediate death to the responsible to do this to great animals now.

    • Tamara Austin says:

      Couldn’t agree with u more John. Death is all these lowlifes deserve! And the slower the better

  11. Tamara Sedakow says:

    This is the most terrible horror I have ever seen. First pain is delivered to animals and then it continues with humans. It is a fact that most mass murderers started with animals.

  12. Catherine A McCormick says:

    I’m sickened by the thought of these living loving animals have endured. Stop this torture. Stop the abuse. Keep incentives animals out of the hands of criminals. One offense against any animal should prohibit any further contact.

  13. Juls Robertson says:


  14. Denise Giardello says:

    someone just reported me on face book told me these are fake petitions. any one ever look it up?

  15. Dana Richardson says:

    Animal abuse is proven to be the stepping stone to abuse children, murder,then adults. If you don’t do something now to stop these sick people, then you will have tortured and dead humans. Animal abuse needs to be taken very seriously.

  16. Dana Richardson says:

    Animal abuse is proven to be the stepping stone to abuse/murder children, then adults. If you don’t do something now to stop these sick people, then you will have tortured and dead humans. Animal abuse needs to be taken very seriously.

  17. Constance says:

    We are certainly in the end times. This is the worst thing I have ever seen. I want to help, but will someone please tell me, what is signing a petition gong to do?

  18. Barbara Griffith says:

    Do you know how the Indians used to treat a captive they would hang them head down over a campfire until the brains cooked. Can you imagine the pain that caused? Slowly being cooked alive THAT IS WHAT THIS CREATURE THAT DID THIS NEEDS. I’LL LIGHT THE MATCH!

  19. Angelia Kay says:

    You despicable beasts who are responsible for this!! I hope you suffer 100x worse than the suffering you inflicted on these precious animals.You will not get away with this. How dare you do this to these beautiful dogs, the most loving animals. What is wrong with you??? This is so evil!

  20. Carol Musante says:

    I’m truly sickened by this. Please find these bastards that are responsible and lock them up, these poor puppies must’ve been in horrendous pain I can’t even imagine it. My heart is broken for them, I will say this over and over if our laws aren’t harsh enough and strong enough this will continue. #stopsnimalcruelty

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