Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police
Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.
Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.
Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.
Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.
Dear Mr. Despescu,
Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.
The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Karel Seidl
Wow. I think they’d better find this person. Quickly.
What the hell is wrong with people? The sickness in some peoples minds is horrendous. Anyone who could do this to a helpless animal is severely damaged in the head. They need help or to be gone from this earth. Actions like this will lead to more horrific things. Those poor babies endured such torture for the sickening pleasure of a “human”. I am ashamed to be among them.
Find these people and do the same to them make sure they are naked first, then lock them up and throw away the key.
We need to find this bitch ass pussy, and Fuck them up good!
If our lawmakers and Politicians do not step up soon to pass laws making punishment for animal cruelty severe, these creeps will move on to cruelty to other humans [usually the weak and vulnerable] so, stop creating this horrible world by doing NOTHING!!!
There is no punishment harsh enough other than these criminals having the same horrible punishment given to these innocent dogs. Some humans do not deserve to live.
Find these scumbags cover them with hot tar and leave them to die, such monsters
Kill the SOB “PAINFULLY” make it suffer just like what it did to these poor innocent puppies….
is there nothing these cruel horrible people wont sink to, can you please update us on the puppies conditions. so hope they are ok
Words fail me.
This kind of cruelty will not stop until laws are changed in favour of animals and people are held to account for their actions.
I agree with you, and let me add that if the punishment matched the crime, maybe less people would do this.
Who the hell could do this, and why would this be acceptable? This is sick and INHUMANE and truly the heart of evil! This says so much about this society and its values. There people are psychotic and should be killed
This absolutely rates up there with being one of the most cruelest things anyone could do to poor defenseless animals. This world has turned into a hating disgusting world. How could anyone do this that was human? The laws have to change. Plus probably someone saw them do this and did not turn them in. God bless those poor puppies. You who do these things are taking up space that could be put to better use. Too bad that they couldn’t be treated the same way. Sickening to the very end.
And apply them the same thing, I will go laughing on their graves, nô mercy with those atrocities. Assholes
I don’t believe Hell is even a suitable punishment for the vile, despicable POS'(s) who are capable of such cruel criminal acts to defenseless creatures. It’s as though the puppies who tried to struggle the most got burned with the most hot tar. Wouldn’t you struggle if a hot sticky substance were being poured on you? My wish to those sociopaths (degenerates and deviants of society) who did this type of barbaric act, you may want to watch your back! You never know who may find you, and God help what may come back to YOU! You reap what you sow!
An agonizing paralyzing car crash would be perfect for these useless scumbags. I’d buy a ticket to watch whoever did this — suffer
Please keep us updated on the condition of these poor pups. I can’t imagine how scared they must of been! Born just to be tortured by cruel humans. How sad! I would love to show them kindness, and love, and prove not all humans are cold, heartless, monsters!
What from this picture doesn’t say evil sadistic psycho, if this is not a case to increase laws to in include these evil so called humans to be put in jail for life then I don’t know what is, when will the laws change so that it is understood that is no different than human abuse except they are getting off with it b/c it is an animal, justice needs to catch up and starting charging these evil people the same as if this were a child period!
I hope whoever did this goes through what they put those animals through.
Fucking dick and disgusting.
Sick*** jfc
God will Damn these Fing Bastards