Rescue Birds of Prey on Brink of Collapse

Target: Kaddu Sebunya, Chief Executive Officer of African Wildlife Foundation

Goal: Preserve populations of raptor birds important for ecological balance.

Nearly all of Africa’s majestic birds of prey are becoming more endangered by the day. According to a recently published report, a full 90 percent of raptor species (including varieties of eagles, vultures, and hawks) have experienced severe declines, even in areas designated as protected. Researchers paint a bleak picture in the absence of action, from population collapse to local extinctions.

The continued decline of raptors is already having far-reaching ecological implications. Cases of rabies are on the rise since fewer birds of prey are available to consume carcasses. And in Kenya, crops are routinely being destroyed by a common prey species of the raptors.

Critics attribute the population declines to a number of human-induced factors. Farmlands are increasingly replacing native habitats. And farmers, in response to the aforementioned crop issues, are apparently using pesticides believed dangerous to both birds of prey and humans. Illegal hunting in protected areas is nearly always a concern as well.

Sign the petition below to urge Africa’s leading wildlife conservation entity to bring more attention and focus to this quickly emerging crisis.


Dear Mr. Sebunya,

When the United Nations pledged to protect 30 percent of nature within a few years, this move was hailed as a promising development for wildlife conservation. Yet even within this continent’s protected areas, vital species of birds are still experiencing dwindling populations at an alarming rate. A published report cites the imminent population collapse of nearly every species of raptor birds of prey.

Causes cited include farmland expansion, pesticide use, and illegal hunting. The study also notes a decided lack of funding for conservation causes across the continent. As the force for African-led wildlife conservation, please launch a full-scale campaign to address this crucial issue that has far-reaching implications for all of Africa (including the rise of disease and the continued destruction of crops needed for sustenance).

These animals deserve a chance to soar and continue fulfilling their vital roles in ecosystem preservation.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Charles J. Sharp

One Comment

  1. Africa, more than any other continent has been blessed with wildlife and animals. Without raptors that which dies, rots! Birds are lost everyday and this will come to haunt Africa. I would think people in Africa would stop the cause of this horrible loss. It’s important. It’s your country and you alone must take care to protect the value of your lands and animals. Obviously Africa had many problems, over population, abuse of and and soil. Too many pesticides which kill birds, bees, and bats. You won’t eat! Illegal hunting is a cause of so many deaths as any idiot knows Nature uses everything and in a certain order. Man is the dumbest and most miserable animal in all of nature. Do something to help now or be sorry while you watch your people, animals, and continent die. It’s in your hands.

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