Service Dog Shot to Death in Cold Blood Deserves Justice

Target: Glenn Youngkin, Governor of Virginia

Goal: Enact stricter laws against animal cruelty in wake of service dog’s tragic death.

The appalling case of Bear, a service dog shot by Louis Davis, has ignited a fervent plea for justice and legislative change. This incident, emerging from Staunton, VA, not only highlights the heartbreak of a family losing a vital companion but also exposes the shortcomings of our current legal framework in addressing animal cruelty. The dog’s untimely death, following a shooting incident that lacked any semblance of provocation, demands a critical examination of our laws and their deterrent effect on potential perpetrators.

Davis’s conviction of felony animal cruelty, as a result of the shooting, brings to light troubling inconsistencies in his explanations, culminating in an apparent admission of the act. This acknowledgment came amidst a backdrop of conflicting accounts, further emphasizing the calculated nature of this cruelty. Despite the conviction, the case starkly illustrates the necessity for more stringent legal consequences. The existing penalties fall short of adequately punishing such acts and deterring future incidents.

The need for legislative reform is undeniable. The current legal penalties for animal cruelty do not suffice in reflecting the severity of the offense or in safeguarding our animal companions from unwarranted violence. This case, while singular in its details, is symptomatic of a broader issue that demands immediate and decisive action to protect the welfare of animals. Ensure that the punishment for such heinous acts is commensurate with their gravity.


Dear Governor Youngkin,

The conviction of Louis Davis for the cruel shooting of a service dog named Bear in Staunton, VA, has cast a spotlight on the imperative need for stricter animal cruelty laws. This egregious act, marked by a lack of provocation and a disregard for life, underscores the inadequacies of our current legal framework in deterring and punishing acts of animal cruelty. Bear’s story is not just a tale of loss and sorrow but a clarion call for legislative reform.

The details of Bear’s case, including the disturbing admission by Davis and the subsequent legal proceedings, highlight a disturbing reality: our laws are not strong enough. The conviction, while bringing some measure of justice, also reveals the limitations of existing statutes in providing adequate deterrents to potential offenders. It is clear that to prevent future tragedies, we must advocate for and implement laws that reflect the seriousness of animal cruelty offenses.

We urge you to take immediate action to strengthen our state’s stance against animal cruelty. By enacting laws that impose harsher penalties for such crimes, we can honor the memory of Bear and countless other victims of similar acts. Let us ensure that the legal system provides a robust defense for the most vulnerable among us, deterring would-be offenders through the certainty of severe consequences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: PersianDutchNetwork


  1. This vile, mentally deranged killer of this poor, defenseless lovely dog requires instigation of the death penalty. A slow and agonizing death of this evil cretin is essential!

  2. Execute this coward punk demon…very slowly…and let him rot in hell!

  3. How much more disgusting can you get?

  4. This source of security and love for both this beautiful dog, and a purpose to help its owner with live and security, companionship . This is no more because of these asshole people. Abusers, inhuman breathing species. Do not let these people get away with this,killing,abusing ,torturing animals. Those kind have no one , but the animal they killed ,abused did. The animals are family to so many people. I know my pets are family, and grateful for my pets. PUT THESE JERKS IN PRISON, IT COULD BE YOUR FAMILY NEXT.

    • Karen Thomas says:

      Exactly! Put some TEETH in the laws! These perps walk away too often with minimal punishment, no consequences and no justice!

  5. Albert C Brechbiel says:

    Kill this piece of s***

  6. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    I’ve gotten to the point where everyone’s else has gotten to regarding animal abuse and that is to rid those non contributing, selfish MFers from the face of society.

  7. What a despicable monster this freak is. He deserves a very long jail sentence and to pay a huge amount to the family for the loss of their service dog!!

  8. Tina Zerello says:

    I just wish that what this person did to this innocent animal is PUNISHED and I mean PUNISHED!! What we really need is a firing squad!

  9. I never thought of myself as a violent person before but hearing cases of abuse of innocent animals makes me wish the abusers would be euthanized or put in front of a firing squad (since this guy seemed to love guns so much). See how the careless people who shoot innocent animals feel at the other end of the gun!!!! Rid the earth of scum like this – an eye for an eye.


  11. Garlina Norris says:

    Of course, yet again another useless male murdering an animal . Is that all this gender does? Is murder and rape and commit heinous crimes??? I’m so sick of this.

  12. Sentence: death

  13. It’s a shame that the government here in the damn USA is sickening you put child killer in f**king prison but there all scared to put f**king animal killers in prison but instead that all they do the judges lawyers and the so called damn government let animal killers go free hell they need to let out all child killers and murders go free

  14. Me I say f**k the law and f**k the government the only law there should be is let the people take care of all the animals abusers and animals killer we should be the ones killing off the animals abuser cause the laws don’t give a shit about animals so why should they care if we the people do there damn jobs killing all animals abuser and the animals killers

    • Right on Sister Mary, You have it exactly right.
      This IS going to happen before very much longer and there is bugger all that the useless Justice system will be able to do about it!!
      It is coming just wait and see!

  15. Enuffs_Enuff says:

    Evil bastard…hope he dies a miserable death for what he did to this poor baby.These type of beings are pure cowards.Fuck you Louis Davis

  16. Lock her up in prison with dog advocates. She will get what she deserves . She’s trash and needs to be thrown out with trash . Innocent dog .
    In front of a child ! Next time a child ????
    Or another innocent dog ????
    Absolutely unacceptable.

  17. Should be shot multiple times in the head

  18. Put this damn a**hole before a FIRING SQUAD! He does NOT deserve to live. We would all be better off WITHOUT him.

  19. Can’t someone step up and and start getting justice for these poor defenseless animals? Why do the laws,let people get away with animal abuse? They are no better than the people who commit the abuse!!!!!

  20. Absolutely horrendous. Both the murderer and the Justice system are horrible and disgusting!!!

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