Target: Raymond Tonkin, District Attorney of Pike County, Pennsylvania
A distressing incident in Pike County has sparked outrage and calls for justice. Allegations have surfaced against an individual accused of causing harm to a defenseless dog. This situation is not only shocking but deeply disturbing, highlighting a cruel disregard for animal welfare.
Reports suggest a nine-pound pomsky suffered after being thrown off a second-story deck. The animal, in the care of someone trusted, allegedly endured pain and fear, an act that speaks volumes about a shocking lack of empathy. Details of the ordeal, including the pet’s apparent forced confinement in a crate with a broken leg, are heart-wrenching.
Such alleged actions cannot go unaddressed. They underscore the urgent need for legal intervention. By raising our voices, we demand accountability and justice. This petition seeks to ensure that those accused face appropriate legal scrutiny and consequences. Protect the innocent and prevent future acts of cruelty.
Dear DA Raymond Tonkin,
A grave concern brings us to seek your immediate attention and action. An alleged incident of animal cruelty in Pike County demands a thorough investigation and appropriate legal response. A dog, reportedly subjected to unimaginable pain by being thrown off a second-story deck, appears to embody a clear case of egregious harm.
The details emerging from this case are disturbing. Allegedly, the accused not only inflicted physical harm but showed a blatant disregard for the animal’s suffering by confining it with a broken leg. Such acts, if proven, represent a violation of trust and a serious crime against a helpless animal.
We implore you to ensure that this case receives the attention it deserves. It is imperative that justice is served, both as a deterrent and as a statement of our community’s values. We demand that all those involved be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, reflecting the severity of their alleged actions.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Neusje van Geusje
After the animal abusing woman is thrown off a 2 story balcony, then jail time.
It a man. A 76 year old, Old Ba****d by the name of Dwight Haskins on Victoria Ave.
Do not give a fuck how old a pos is who does this. I was involved in the arrest of 60 woman who threw cat away like garbage.
Thank you for getting involved!!
Thank you for standing up for the cat. We need more people to talk when the see or hear about something like this and like with the cat, for your situation. Keep watching and listening and I hope this old nasty devil of a person gets tossed off a 2nd story and see what it is like
Have his address!!! Go get him!!
A man well, that figures most men I know love animals, but there’s always a few that are like this prick. He definitely needs to be thrown off the balcony of the second story window, and then put in prison with a bunch of big honky guys that love pets that’ll fix him right up.
TOTALLY agree Melinda.
No, I think you will find this is a WOMAN!
I agree with him. Throw her ass off the roof. Let her c how it feels to be thrown off roof. Don’t need any more animals
Sounds good!! Each person found abusing and killing animals should have the same done to them – then prison if they are still alive!!
Again, I’ll say this time and time again the fault lies with the owners. How do you entrust the care of your animal to crazy people every time something like this is posted it always comes down to that the animal was left in the care of some deranged person. Yes, this particular person should be thrown off the balcony themselves along with the owner. You do not leave your pet with people that cannot be trusted..
I totally agree with you!!
This is a very ignorant comment. You’re assuming the owner didn’t trust this person or knew they were capable of doing such a thing?? If you look into the story, it was the owner’s roommate. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t live with someone I didn’t trust… let alone leave my fur baby with them. The owner is also a victim here so maybe you should sign the petition in support, or move along and keep your judgements to yourself.
What is wrong with people?? POS!!
Let the punishment fit the crime I want first push 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 how is the tiny Dog now anyone know 💔🫶
Too many humans have lost their humanity.
Now here is another sonofabitch that needs to be turned into worm food immediately, if not sooner. Let’s make this short and sweet. Put her in a steel cage with bars on it, pour gasoline all over her, throw a lighted match on her and let the fun begin. The fun begins when she starts screaming her lungs out and begging for someone to let her out. Not to worry, in a short amount of time her screams will stop and they can take her out of the cage, put her under the ground and let our friends, the worms, take over from there. Problem solved. The Bitch is dead and she will never hurt another animal. If you’re not OK with this solution, then in my opinion, you’re not serious about stopping animal torture. Just keep suggesting that you want the perpetrator fined and put in jail and never own animals again. That kind of thinking has never worked and never will work. When they get out of jail, they’ll just start abusing and torturing animals all over again.You have to make these bastards pay with their lives and maybe, just maybe, the rest of animal abusers will get the message.
I doubt if all of them will, but maybe the majority of them will. If not, then burn them alive too. It’ll be party time all over again. Party time for animal lovers and hell to pay for the animal abusers. lol
100% I agree with what you said
I agree with your punishment to animal abusers.
I totally agree with you!!
I absolutely agree with you 💯% this animal abuse isn’t going to stop until we start giving those,POS exactly what they do to those poor innocent animals. An eye for an eye 👍
Right on !!
Top job Bro’.
It is the only way these demented minded bastards will learn .
When they are six feet under the ground.
Although a nice ‘ body and facial’ restyling with a baseball bat or three for this twat would be most appropriate!!!
Couldn’t agree more Johnny K. This is the ONLY way these people are going to be stopped and it has the added benefit of making sure they don’t breed…..
Post her name and face stop protecting these monsters!!!!
I think it is 76 year old man. Someone here posted it.
Betty Ann Davis is the psycho who did this. She threw the dog off the deck twice. She works for a psychiatric facility also….she should not be around animals OR VULNERABLE people.
Do the same to this devil, THEN prosecute!
this fucking worthless human should be thrown off a cliff
No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! She must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
This freaking monster deserves the same treatment!!
We are American citizens. I ask, why are we, the public, forced to exist with murders, rapists, and those who do bodily harm? What a country allows to be done to their animals is what the country will allow to be done to all. But why? Most people are nice, decent, caring people who are kind to animals and people alike. Then there are the few who reach havoc among society hurting and killing as they see fit. Why are we doomed to live among such fifth? We obey the laws, they don’t. we care, they don’t. we pay taxes, they don’t. We are honest, they aren’t. Why then must we be forced to live among the trash society? Give the dog to someone else and never allow those bastards to even be near any animals again for the rest of their lives.l
Yes!! Then just kill these monsters!! If the law does not bring justice… THEN WE, THE PEOPLE, MUST BE THE LAW!!
Exactly what MUST start to happen to get rid, by any means possible, these animal abusing and torturing bastards for the good of the world.
Oh man, I SO agree with everything you guys are talking about! I am so sick & tired of hearing about these freakin monsters out there doing whatever the hell they think they want to do, going around hurting innocent Animals & getting away with this Sh*t!! 🤨😠 my gosh, if ANYONE ever does harm towards MY fur babies, they will be sorry they were EVER freakin born! I adore & Love Animals! They make the world a better place! I have a Yorkie & 2 kitty cats & they’re my family. Anyone hurts them, I’ll Hunt them down until I find them and then they will regret the day they ever came near my fur babies! Damn straight! 🤨hey, you abuse an Animal, you go to jail! 😠
I agree we all can handle this cause all the damn judge gonna go is let these bastard go free
I agree 👍 💯
Whoever it is- but likely a male- needs behind bars, no water, food, warmth, medications….
This individual needs to suffer a painful end. Good riddance
It’s a woman (not a man) called Betty Ann Davis. God help any children that she has birthed – they’ll probably be next on her list for being tossed off a building.
I hope someone finds this bitch are bastard and throw them off of a 20 story building and watch them die
Kill this bitch
I’m so tired of useless people harming dogs and other animals . Lock their ass up for a minimum of 10 years or cut off a finger. They will learn then.
Seriously. Every single day it’s another case and act of cruelty towards innocent animals & I’m quite frankly sick of the lack of care & concern that our so called “justice system” provides for the most vulnerable of all.
Let’s hope that the accused (Betty Ann Davis) never had children – or she will probably throw them to their deaths from a higher building.