Dog Apparently Shot in the Face in Own Yard Deserves Justice

Target: Rachel Mitchell, Prosecutor for AZ Maricopa County Attorney’s Office

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and almost killing neighbor’s dog to fullest extent.

A family dog playing with a child in his yard was allegedly the victim of a heinous and unprovoked assault. The mother of the child reported that the boy came into the house frantic, saying that their puppy Falco had been shot. When the woman went outside, she was greeted by the shocking sight of Falco moving around the premises in distress, with blood and a swollen face. He showed signs of struggling to breathe. She took her pet immediately for aid. A veterinarian reportedly removed a bullet that had passed through the dog’s nasal area and lodged around his tongue. Although Falco is recovering, he apparently still has bullet fragments inside him and is unable to bark.

A neighbor, Matthew Patrick Wazny, has since been charged with the alleged shooting. According to reports, the man may have been angered after a different dog bit him earlier in the day and presumably shot at Falco from outside the family’s fence. He was also seemingly intoxicated at the time of the incident. The reported shooting is even more disturbing because the young child could have been injured as well.

Charges of animal cruelty have been filed. Sign the petition below to demand full accountability in this disturbing case.


Dear Prosecutor Mitchell,

“It could have been my son.” These were the words Hailey Hernandez delivered after her pet Siberian husky was allegedly shot in the face by Matthew Patrick Wazny. Given that her son was reportedly playing in the yard with their dog Falco at the time the alleged shooting happened, her fears are well-founded.

Although the child was spared, he was still likely traumatized watching as his pet was apparently shot for no reason. And the young animal himself will seemingly endure an agonizing recovery that may never bring him back to full health. Wazny needs to face serious repercussions if he is deemed guilty of this horrendous act.

Please seek the maximum possible penalty and show that the punishment fits the alleged crime.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lucas Andrade


  1. Put that piece of shit in jail, fine him and get him good

  2. Shoot this guy in the face – that would be poetic justice!

  3. Shoot him in the face. H e took this action because of another dog and could have shot the child in his drunken stuper.

  4. Sandra Miller says:

    This so-called man is a threat to us all.

  5. Margaret Strane says:

    An eye for an eye, a shot for a shot. Do the same to him. Period.

  6. This sob belongs in jail!

  7. It’s very encouraging to know that the criminal will be charged.

  8. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with.. Margaret Strane
    “An eye for an eye, a shot for a shot. Do the same to him. Period. “!!!!
    That “Evil Being”. deserves to be severely punished !!!

  9. josie olive says:

    Would love to shoot him and his family

  10. This is the most disturbing alarming and despicable crime I’ve read of lately I demand that you give this demon man the strongest penalty allowed by law we must make an example of the consequences of this kind of crime! Please do whatever is necessary to see this man is Seriously charged with the highest and harshest penalty allowed by law thus us an outrage

  11. Nadine Brundage says:

    This demented person who shot this innocent dog must be jailed for intent to kill. Society and animals are not safe and if he has a drinking problem that’s all the more reason .

  12. Prosecute to the Max. Sue for All medical costs. Sue for emotional hardship and mental anguish for the child. Sue for animal abuse and maiming. Get a kickass lawyer and sue this POS into oblivion. The dog that did bite him was probably being hurt or knew this scum would hurt him. Prosecute, prosecute, prosecute…

  13. Humans that abuse animals are trash and deserve to be 🔥🔥⚰

  14. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry to hear what happened to Falco. Matthew Patrick Wazny is a despicable piece of slime for shooting this innocent dog. Because of him, the dog is unable to bark, which is a natural behavior. He needs to be severely punished. I hope Falco makes a full recovery and will be able to bark again. I hope this fur baby also gets justice.

  15. Laura Rolder says:

    No excuse! Start putting these POS animal abusers behind bars for the max the law will allow which is still not long enough. He trued to murder a innocent helpless animal. No more skap on the wrists for these evil humans. They are a danger to society

  16. Execute this punk scumbag demon…slowly…and let him rot in hell!

  17. Ok enough is enough with monstrous ppl already, it’s time these judges realize these ppl don’t belong in society, EVER AGAIN, put them away so innocent ppl and animals can live in peace

  18. Shoot the SOB “neighbor” in the face!

  19. This person needs to prosecuted beyond the maximum. If this dog was playing with a child, that person not only harmed the animal, but put the child in immediate danger. This person has no regard for anyone at all!

  20. Terry Henegar says:

    This scumbag needs to be shot in the face.

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