Foal Found Apparently Suffering From Fractured Vertebrae and Pneumonia Deserves Justice

Target: Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture

Goal: Penalize abuse cases like that of Faith the foal, who reportedly suffered a broken back, trauma, and pneumonia.

A case of suspected animal mistreatment, widely disseminated through social media, has gravely concerned citizens and advocates. Located in Cumberland County, Witts End Quarter Horses became the scene of shocking revelations. A foal named Faith emerged as one of the most impacted animals, allegedly suffering substantial physical injury and pneumonia. Accused individuals from the property, Austin Wayne Simpson and Kylie Lenore Parker, face charges that include animal cruelty and felony conspiracy.

Faith, with apparent injuries to vital muscles and fractured vertebrae, exemplifies the urgent need for legislative intervention. Her recovery process, aided by specialists at Foundation Equine Clinic in Vass, starkly contrasts to her mother Judy’s fate, who reportedly died from acute colic. That Faith requires an “emotional support horse” post-trauma further emphasizes the dire nature of her ordeal.

Cumberland County Animal Services has reported more than 500 public calls and emails, propelling this incident into the national spotlight. The saga, which includes disturbing footage of apparent equine abuse, poses pressing questions about regulatory oversight and existing loopholes. Consequently, it mandates a proactive stance from policy shapers to enforce stringent regulations for the safeguarding of animals.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

A case that has recently gripped public attention requires immediate, decisive action. At Witts End Quarter Horses in Cumberland County, a foal named Faith reportedly suffered significant injuries. Both Austin Wayne Simpson and Kylie Lenore Parker face criminal charges.

You, as Secretary of Agriculture, hold a position of considerable authority. As such, we earnestly beseech you to enact more stringent animal welfare regulations that help to prevent episodes akin to this one. Proactively allocate resources for effective oversight, introducing rigid protocols to deter, detect, and punish such violations.

The people insist on immediate changes in animal welfare regulations. Let it stand as a stern warning: society will not turn a blind eye to such atrocious acts; justice must and will be meted out.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Stuart Webster


  1. It is useless *begging* for justice from the completely corrupt and their vile human enslavement system, in place for hundreds of years now. There IS no “justice” there. Find out how to make these individuals voluntarily STEP DOWN from their entrenched positions, instead.

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      We, the compassionate people, must take action and bring justice because we cannot count on the law!! Whatever it takes let us save these animals!! Abusers must be tortured and die!!

  2. This is a situation which should never have happened. People who raise animals but then do not watch over them. What is needed now if the end of the abusers! We need animal welfare regulations that help to prevent episodes like Faith’s cruel experience. Proactively allocate resources for effective oversight, introducing rigid protocols to deter, detect, and punish such violations. And then … punish them! Fine them, have a trial by jury and send them to prison. If nothing is done this will repeat again due to the callous nature of humans. The people of the United States insists on immediate changes in animal welfare regulations. Society will not turn a blind eye to such atrocious acts; justice must and will be done.

  3. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with. g
    “This is a situation which should never have happened. People who raise animals but then do not watch over them. What is needed now if the end of the abusers! We need animal welfare regulations that help to prevent episodes like Faith’s cruel experience. Proactively allocate resources for effective oversight, introducing rigid protocols to deter, detect, and punish such violations. And then … punish them! Fine them, have a trial by jury and send them to prison. If nothing is done this will repeat again due to the callous nature of humans. The people of the United States insists on immediate changes in animal welfare regulations. Society will not turn a blind eye to such atrocious acts; justice must and will be done.“!!!!

  4. These sicko’s belong in jail

  5. NO animal deserves to be a VICTIM of human irresponsibility, vileness and neglect. MAX JAIL for this psychopath. He must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again!

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


      • Naila M Johnston says:

        We, the compassionate people, must take action and bring justice because we cannot count on the law!! Whatever it takes let us save these animals!! Abusers must be tortured and die!!

      • I totally agree any abuser needs to be annihilated completely off this planet they have no business here anything that can be that cruel should not be able to draw a breath

  6. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    Gee it only took 500 calls? Vigilantly justice is the only way. Every one in government has some outside people that line their pockets to ignore things like this. We know who they are and where they are. Easy peasy.

    • Right on Sister,
      You have just said what has seriously got to happen to these bastards so they will NEVER, EVER, do anything like this again because the asswipes would be DEAD!! The useless fucking governments will do nothing. They could not give a shit about animal torture.
      Some of these tossers need the same treatment!
      The only good animal abusers and torturers are when the fuckers are well and truly DEAD!!

  7. It’s sickening that it took 500 calls to finally get this matter investigated!! These animals suffered a long time before they finally got help. Shame on every single person who knew about this and did nothing!

  8. Please do you expletive job once in a while instead of being yet another grifting off hard working American taxpayers federal employee lowlife bum.

    Thank you

  9. Naila M Johnston says:

    We, the compassionate people, must take action and bring justice because we cannot count on the law!! Whatever it takes let us save these animals!! Abusers must be tortured and die!!

  10. all these people are correct. Our system is broken, our govermnent can go into deeper debt because WE ARE THE UNITED STATES an d we have to help all other countries because they can’t get along, but our own HERE in the US suffer deeply from cruel lab experiments to under ground illegal fighting betting, racing etc. and factory farming. We do need change. It makes me sick to think that our own government thinks their lives don’t matter.

  11. josie olive says:

    Would love to break their necks

  12. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Poor little thing. He must have been I so much pain! Why didn’t they help him!!
    Shut this place down!!!

  13. Maria Lavorato says:

    Sounds like Witts End Quarter Horses in Cumberland County should be shut down!

    Agree that it is ridiculous how many calls it took to get action. It should only require ONE. The whole system should go through a complete cleansing to do away with uncaring people and put in place regulations that safeguard all animals that are enforced to the letter each and every time so the horror that happened to little Faith would never happen again.
    Austin Wayne Simpson and Kylie Lenore Parker are lowlifes that should never be allowed near any animal again.

    • Such an imbalance towards animals. 500 calls? A lady in the UK walking her big dog [a] on a lead, and [b] he was wearing a bright orange muzzle – no mistaking the care and consideration for others – was reported by ONE person thinking he was a “banned” dog and the animal welfare turned up and took her dog away. [He was later returned fortunately]. 500 calls for serious abuse before action. Something very wrong in the world. Simpson and Parker, the ne’er-do-wells in this case should be banned for life from having any dealings with any animals whatsoever; a term of imprisonment; a huge fine [to cover the cost of treating that poor young thing, a sizeable donation to local animal care facilities and to a local equine charity]. Any animals remaining in the facility [where that poor foal’s Mum was allowed to die] need to be relocated – also at the expense of the abusers.

  14. Laxed Laws or loopholes define a system of failure when it comes to animal abuse. The incident with this young foal is heartbreaking and surely non deserving on the part of animals who endure severe bodily damage or even death. Avoidable and inexcusable are words that come to mind. Remove the loopholes and change, improve, or enforce the laws to ensure abuse like this does not happen in the future.

  15. Very little, if anything, is going to happen to these two bastards. I guess that there is just not enough caring people in the world to do something about these animal abusing mother-fuckers. Paying a fine is too easy for them. Putting them in prison doesn’t seem to be too hard for them. So, let’s see what solution is left. I think sticking a .45 up to their heads and blowing their brains out would definitely take care of the problem with these animal abusing bastards. But most people think that this would be too harsh. Therefore, nothing is ever going to change. Animals will keep being abused and the abusers will keep getting away with it. You can keep wasting your time writing and e-mailing your Representatives but they’re not gonna do shit about it. And the law, the courts and the judges ain’t gonna do shit about it either. So, bottom line is, just get used to reading horror stories like this from now on because nothing is going to change unless or until the animal abusers start losing their lives. And I just can’t see that happening at the present time.

  16. I really don’t know why I sign all these petition for cause they are not helping all the animals because the damn judges are letting the abusers get away with this garbage

    • That’s why you don’t vote red, not now not ever!! [The few, ‘humane voting’ Republicans very few might add using that word in the loosest form), are not able to effectively stand up to the majority of ultra conservative tRump MAGA animal haters. What in the HELL is wrong with the owners at these upper class wealthy Ranches and farms where so much of this type of abuse towards young foals has been happening more and more??? When I’m the HELL are animal loving voters going to wake the HELL up and stop saying that they care about animals yet vote Republican at the ballot box?? And when are Democrats going to declare that this kind of shit is no longer acceptable, animals are NOT going to be allowed to be mistreated and abused; Children, women, All races, religions and cultures, Trans LBGTQ people will not stand to be treated as less than human. WAKE THE HELL UP AND JUST SAY “OH HELL NO, WE REFUSE TO LIVE IN YOUR HELLSCAPED REALITY.” Just like Trump was never “our” President he will NEVER be ‘our’ President EVER again no matter what. “WHAT ? ! “

  17. They should have Rescued All of the Horses and Foals then Close Down their Ranch. Both men should be charge and 10 years jail terms, ban from ever owning any Horses and Foals for the rest of their life. And must have No Contact with Horses and Foals either. Must have a Red Tabs Warning on their driver licenses to warn others and on all computers that these two men are Horses and Foals abusers.

  18. Faith’s story is very sad and JUST DIDN”T NEED TO HAPPEN. Witts End Quarter Horses in Cumberland County needs to be shut down immediately. If found guilty of animal cruelty and felony conspiracy, may Austin Wayne Simpson and Kylie Lenore Parker receive a sentence that lets others know that you are serious about ending senseless and intentional harm of sentient animals by their owners.

  19. Kylie the SuperCunt has the most smug look in her mugshot. I hope someone wipes it off for her with a Louisville Slugger. Both her and Simpson need to be waterboarded then tied to the back of a coal truck and driven over rocky terrain at about 35 mph for several miles.

  20. Absolutely unacceptable!!! Prosecute and send to prison!!!

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