Save the Indian Giant Squirrel From Extinction Due to Illegal Hunting

Target: Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Goal: Advocate for the conservation of the Indian giant squirrel and its habitat to ensure its long-term survival.

The Indian giant squirrel, a magnificent and unique species, is currently facing significant threats to its existence and is termed as “near threatened.” The ongoing destruction of its natural habitat, rampant deforestation, and illegal hunting pose grave dangers to the population of this charismatic squirrel. If immediate action is not taken, this iconic species could be lost forever.

The conservation of the Indian giant squirrel and its habitat is of utmost importance. This species plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of India’s forests, as it contributes to seed dispersal and helps in maintaining healthy forest ecosystems. Moreover, the squirrel holds immense cultural and ecological significance and is considered an integral part of India’s natural heritage.

To ensure the long-term survival of the Indian giant squirrel, it is crucial to advocate for its conservation. This includes implementing measures to protect and restore its natural habitat, combating illegal hunting and wildlife trade, and promoting community-based conservation initiatives in the regions where the squirrel resides.

By actively advocating for the conservation of the Indian giant squirrel, we can protect this unique species, preserve India’s biodiversity, and contribute to sustainable development. It is our responsibility to safeguard our natural heritage for future generations and foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Therefore, we call upon Mr. Narendra Modi, the esteemed Prime Minister of India, to champion the cause of Indian giant squirrel conservation. We implore him to support and prioritize initiatives that ensure the protection and restoration of the squirrel’s habitat, strengthen law enforcement against illegal hunting and trade, and promote community involvement in conservation efforts.

The conservation of the Indian giant squirrel is not only vital for its survival but also for maintaining the ecological balance and preserving India’s rich biodiversity. By taking immediate and decisive action, we can secure a sustainable future for the Indian giant squirrel and showcase India’s commitment to wildlife conservation on the global stage. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Narendra Modi,

We are writing to urge you to advocate for the conservation of the Indian giant squirrel, a unique and threatened species found in India.

The Indian giant squirrel faces numerous threats, including habitat destruction, deforestation, and illegal hunting. If we do not take immediate action, this charismatic squirrel could face the risk of extinction. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of India’s forests and holds immense cultural and ecological significance.

We implore you to prioritize and actively support the conservation of the Indian Giant Squirrel. This can be achieved by implementing measures to protect and restore its natural habitat, combatting illegal hunting and wildlife trade, and promoting community-based conservation initiatives.

The conservation of the Indian giant squirrel is not only essential for its survival, but also for preserving India’s rich biodiversity. By championing this cause, we can showcase India’s commitment to wildlife conservation and sustainable development.

We urge you to take immediate and decisive action to protect the Indian giant squirrel. By doing so, we can secure a sustainable future for this iconic species, maintain the ecological balance of our forests, and safeguard India’s natural heritage for generations to come.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Mike Prince

One Comment

  1. You receive a lot of emails requesting your attention to these matters of loss of species in your country.
    India was once a mega for truth, religion direction and guidance. Not any longer.
    What has happened? India is now in the position of shame for mis-direction of wisdom, or none at all.
    You must take responsibility for your special animals, wildlife, and lands to preserve them for future humanity.

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