Abused Dog ‘Cemented’ to Sidewalk by Own Feces Deserves Justice

Target: Boca Raton, Chief of Police Michele Miuccio
Goal: Find person responsible for the horrific abuse of a dog found glued to sidewalk by his own feces.

Cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots,” is how Trooper the dog was discovered. Trooper had faced terrible abuse prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place.

“It took them about an hour to pick him up off the sidewalk,” said Dr. Julia Sheehan with Tri-County Animal Rescue. “He was stuck.”

According to Sheehan, when Trooper arrived at the rescue shelter, “he looked like he was dead.” In addition to the most obvious abuse, Trooper also has a heart murmur, ear infections, ulcers in his eyes and a slipped disk in his back. The slipped disk was so severe that Trooper was unable to walk.

Instead of euthanizing Trooper, rescuers committed themselves to saving and rehabbing him. Trooper has been responding well to the treatment, as well as the love and affection, and rescuers are hoping he will be ready for adoption within a month or so.

Despite the hopefully positive outcome of this case, the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper is still walking the streets. We are asking police to devote more resources to finding and capturing the person responsible for Trooper’s terrible abuse.


Dear Chief Miuccio,

Trooper the dog was found cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots.” The abuse that Trooper had faced prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place, is hard to imagine.

“It took them about an hour to pick him up off the sidewalk,” said Dr. Julia Sheehan with Tri-County Animal Rescue. “He was stuck.”

According to Sheehan, when Trooper arrived at the rescue shelter, “he looked like he was dead.” In addition to the most obvious abuse, Trooper also has a heart murmur, ear infections, ulcers in his eyes and a slipped disk in his back. The slipped disk was so severe that Trooper was unable to walk.

Despite the hopefully positive outcome of this case, the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper is still walking the streets. We are asking you to please devote all resources necessary to find and capture the person responsible for Trooper’s terrible abuse.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tri County Humane


  1. Mariangela Canzi says:

    I do hope the perpetrator will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I am sure this kind and loving dog will find a new family.

  2. Someone knows who this dog belongs to. Turn them in so they can pay for their crimes against this poor pup. He didn’t deserve this treatment.
    Make them pay for all the care they should have provided, then cement them knee deep and walk away

  3. Sherry Abela says:

    I will never understand how a human being can commit such terrible atrocities towards animals. Having a pet is a long time commitment. If you can not/will not love and care for a pet than don’t own one, it is as simple as that. God did not bless us with animals only to have humans abuse and torture them. Animals feel pain, sorrow and neglect as we do. All animal abuse should be prosecuted to the fullest extent that the law will allow.

  4. eleanor dunkavich says:

    very sicko that did this I hope they give it to him good jail for a long time

  5. Josie Oliveri says:

    Would love to cement their whole bodies and fling them into the ocean like the italians used to do

  6. FloriDUH…the bottom feeders of the country

  7. Uncommonsensesc says:

    Oh, I’d love to meet him with a Karma bat and get true justice for that poor, innocent dog! I doubt that our lack-of-justice system would do right by that dog even if they knew who he was.

  8. Rose Coffey says:

    I hope Trooper continues to do well and finds a loving forever home. As far as his former owner – that person seriously needs to be kicked from one side of the street to the other many many times.

  9. Let’s cement the POS that did this and leave them to die.

  10. Mike Castoldi says:

    Glad your doing better Trooper. Death for who’s responsible!!!

  11. alison kennedy says:

    What is wrong with people, pure evil

  12. ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH ONE HECK OF A LONG TIME AGO!! As long as humans behave with such treachery and cruelty, we will NEVER have an attitude towards any amount of care or regard for anything on this planet, including this planet!! WHAT THEN??? WE ARE ALREADY THERE !!!!

  13. Susan Duplantis says:

    Take the person that did this, break their legs, then dump the Cowardly bastard in the Everglades to be croc food. Then justice would be served!

    • Agree. Not soon enough

    • Nadine brundage says:

      Totally agree
      The sicko who committed this horrific cruelty should not be walking the planet. Someone like them is beyond help and a danger to people and animals. Let justice be served for that poor innocent dog.

  14. Lock them up!!!! Lock them up if you love trump!!! you are ONLY loyal to Trump if you lock this person up! law and order!!

  15. Find the SCUMBAG POS that did this and put them behind bars to be sodomized daily.

  16. Glue this POS to asphalt with his own shit in 120 d3gree weather and leave him to die.

  17. William Turner says:

    Whoever done this is retarded,find them and put them in a institution

  18. I strongly agree that monster needs to be found and have his/her own feces put all over him/her and then sent to jail! Thank goodness this sweet angel was rescued.

  19. Find person responsible and sodomize him! Publicly!!

  20. Rhonda Jones says:

    You must make every effort to find this very dangerous so called human that abused and tortured this precious dog. I’m sure someone knows something. The person needs to be punished to the fullest. Absolutely heartbreaking to imagine how much pain and suffering this poor dog has endured by this evil person.

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