Cat Shot Through Chest With Arrow Deserves Justice

Target: NYPD Police Commissioner Keechant L. Sewell
Goal: Find and arrest the person who shot an arrow into pet cat.

Cheese, a sweet tabby cat, was shot through the chest with an arrow by an unknown assailant. So far, no suspects have been identified, so the killer is still on the loose.

Cheese’s family discovered the arrow impaled in their cat’s chest when he came home one afternoon. The family rushed Cheese to the veterinarian, where it was determined that the wound was a mortal one.

Right before Cheese was euthanized, his family took one final photo of their sweet pet. The family hopes that other cat owners in the neighborhood will choose to protect their cats, noting that people should “keep your felines indoors.”

The ASPCA has been working with NYPD to find the cat killer. A necropsy has also been conducted in the hopes of finding evidence that might tie the killer to the crime.


Dear Commissioner Sewell,

A sweet tabby cat named Cheese was shot through the chest with an arrow by an unknown assailant. According to reports, no suspects have yet been identified by your department. This means that the killer is still on the loose, possibly hunting more cats.

Cheese’s family discovered the arrow impaled in their cat’s chest when he came home one afternoon. The family rushed Cheese to the veterinarian, where it was determined that the wound was a mortal one.

We understand that the ASPCA has been working with your department to find the cat killer. A necropsy has also been conducted in the hopes of finding evidence that might tie the killer to the crime.

Please ensure that all necessary resources are devoted to solving this crime.

[Your Name Here]


  1. So sorry for your loss. Rip cheese. Hope they find this jerk and lock his ass up but good

    • I am very sorry for your loss But more so for the poor cat who had to suffer so much. It seems the decision to keep cats indoors always comes too late. How many more animals have to be brutalized, poisoned, Killed by cars,shot with an arrow before people realize all they have to do is keep the cat indoors. Keeping cats indoors, it would have not caused all this suffering for the family and especially for the poor cat.

      • DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR POS OWNERS!! Feel sorry for cat. My friend who works at ASPCA said these people will be put on dna list. Which stands for DO NOT ADOPT. I will put name of owners in Brooklyn on dna list and make sure these assholes do not get a cat from Brooklyn rescues. I saw a cat from my block almost get hit by a car TWICE and chased by two unleashed dogs. Cat disappeared and died somewhere. Cat was from rescue group i volunteered for.

    • Arnoud de Vos says:

      Indeed, RIP Cheese.
      I am from the Netherlands,but the shock to such a horrible crime and disrespect to living creatures travels over the miles. I am deeply shocked and hope the person who did this will get what he or she deserves

  2. Gina Bassetti says:

    I’m so sorry, Cheese.
    Please find and prosecute this heartless person. Cheese deserves Justice.

  3. So sorry this act of cruelty resulted in Cheese’s pain and death. The picture of this sweet creature squarely impaled by an arrow is absolutely heartbreaking. No innocent animal should be hurt like this. May Cheese rest in peace. My heart goes out to his family. The guilty party needs to be found and held accountable for this cruelty!

  4. Absolutely sickening to know some barbaric sub-human did this. The police need to send a message by tracking this pathetic POS down arresting them charging them to the fullest degree of the law! Animals lives matter to!!

  5. Catherine Fisermanis says:

    Not sure why people say keep your cats indoors! Cats should be allowed to roam like they would in the wild without some twat shooting them. Lock the offender up not the cat.

  6. Keep your pets indoors!!!

  7. I’m so sorry for the loss of Your sweet furbaby Cheese 😢 Remember your furbaby 🐾will always be in your ❤️ Fly high beautiful furbaby 🌈 🐾❣️

  8. Chrissy Fournier says:

    Let the punishment fit the crime! IF the POS is caught, unfortunately, they’ll probably just get a slap on the wrist and end up abusing another animal.

  9. Despises animal abusers says:


  10. To Cheeses family, I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby. I hope they catch the person responsible. Why must assholes take out their frustration on innocent animals. Know that Cheese is at Rainbow Bridge

  11. Demanding authorities “devote more resources” to solving despicable, cowardly, depraved crimes like this, WE MUST DEMAND THEY OFFER REWARDS, which is our best short to identifying these mutants and putting them where they belong!!

  12. Best way to identify these disgusting human waste is TO OFFER REWARDS!!!!! The lame-ass mutants always bragg, and SOMEBODY knows and will be happy to collect the reward!

  13. OFFERING A REWARD will do more than waiting for authorities to search for the f****** mutants who are responsible!!

  14. They should take the arrow / bolt to the nearest archery store. They can tell you exactly what kind of weapon it was fired from and maybe even where they got it.

  15. They won’t do anything. NYC is a lost cause. Problem don’t care. This guy who did this, and I promise it’s most likely a guy, will keep on doing it because he thinks it’s funny, or he has issues with women, or both. And then when he gets bored with hurting cats, he’s going to move on to hurting women.

    Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, other than giving this guy his own chest arrow is Justice for Cheese and any other cat he’s hurt.

  16. Mike Castoldi says:

    Poor sweet kitty, RIP Cheese!!! Find this asshole and put 20 arrows through his face!!! Fuck’n piece of shit!!!! Keep all animals INSIDE!!!

  17. Nadine brundage says:

    Hope whoever committed this horrific cruelty dies a really painful death. That scum should not be walking the planet and I feel terrible for the cats owner to see their beloved cat die like that. Justice must be served and better laws in place to protect animals from a crime like this one. Yes a cat should be indoors, but think about all the feral cats that live outdoors don’t their lives matter?

    • Funny you should ask. Pos that put a stray cat on fire in Brooklyn years ago got record 7 years in jail. I know some feral colonies in Brooklyn where there is camera set up. Feral cats sadly do not have long lives from the streets. My garden feral lived for 14 years.

  18. RIP Cheese!💔 We will keep fighting for all animals until
    the punishments get stronger &
    theses assholes get what they deserve!

  19. I SO agree with Mike Castoldi but we know that nothing remotely like what this scumbag deserves is ever going to happen to him, until the public take the law in to their own hands. Then I shall be volunteering to fire the arrows….

  20. eleanor dunkavich says:

    I hope they catch this sicko and lock him up

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