Don’t Let Man Accused of Whipping Screaming Dog on Camera Go Free

Target: Megan Ferguson, Assistant DA of Angelina County, TX

Goal: Prosecute man who allegedly beat dog on video to fullest extent of law.

Once again, an accused animal abuser is being handed back his reported victims by a lax and uncaring so-called justice system. Lorenzo Johnson was the apparent subject of a Facebook video that went viral. In the video, Johnson is seemingly seen repeatedly whipping a dog that is howling in pain. Neighbors allege it was not the first such incident. After authorities were made aware of the video, Johnson was arrested on felony animal cruelty charges.

In a sad commentary on how “seriously” abuse against animals is often taken in this country, a local judge returned three dogs to the custody of Johnson after he posted bail. This man, apparently caught on video committing abuse, will have unfettered access to these animals. A conviction may be the only way to keep him from potentially harming more innocent living beings. Yet a regional animal welfare organization claims that charges against Johnson were dropped.

Sign the petition below to demand that prosecutors treat this disturbing case with more responsibility and seriousness than the judge seemingly did and reinstate these charges.


Dear ADA Ferguson,

You have already received thousands of signatures from concerned community members requesting that animal cruelty charges be brought against Lorenzo Johnson, a man depicted in a viral video allegedly abusing his dog. Now comes word from the organization Animal Victory that the felony animal cruelty charges originally brought were dropped. More disturbing still, three animals—including the apparent victim—were returned to this man.

Please bring clarity to this disturbing situation. If charges were indeed dropped despite the reported presence of video evidence, you must offer an explanation at the least or a reinstatement of charges at the most. Do not signal to would-be animal abusers that they have a safe haven in Angelina County.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay


  1. Ashley Swinney says:

    This is SO TYPICAL

  2. Sally Mitchell says:

    Come on Texas, you’re better than this! You allow animal abuse in your state? Sure sounds like it! Do something about this or at least let the gun toting neighbors take care of the abuser. Good grief!

  3. All animal abusers globally require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less!

  4. This p.o.s. needs a bullet between the eyes!

  5. rick freedman says:

    Make the right judgement and make this abuser serve time for hurting innocent animals. If not others will abusive knowing there is no price to pay …. You know I’m correct Your honor

  6. Susan Kulikowski says:

    This dog abuser should be whipped until he howls with pain, just like he did with the poor dog. The judge was way too lenient with this POS. All three dogs should be taken away from this abuser and re-home with people who love dogs and don’t abuse them. People who abuse dogs are nothing but low-lifes. Animal abusers should not be around children, either.

  7. Rebecca Nance says:

    Lock him up and throw away the key….after whipping him!

  8. This is the same thing as allowing abused children to return to their abusers… until one day the children are killed by those same abusers.

  9. jan jordan says:

    someone needs to go in and take that dog away from that owner…for the betterment of the dog…

  10. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:

    Take all animals away from this SADISTIC MONSTER!!!!!!!!! PUNISH THE MONSTER TO THE MAXIMUM!!!!!

  11. Laura Pappas says:

    This POS needs the same done to him! He should not be allowed to have ANY animals! Please take the dogs from him!!

  12. This monster needs to be beaten the same way, give him some first hand understanding by the same experiencing the same thing. Justice

  13. Oh Yeah, that is great entertainment, a coward whipping a defenseless animal on video. Perfect! Go to jail, directly to jail coward subhuman!

  14. There would be no way a child would be returned to an abuser…why an animal? Animals feel the pain too and it is a horrid sad existence. Makes me angry and sad. Recognize when people do this, there is something wrong with them and they should not have access to hurt any living being.

  15. Andrew Wells says:

    Hang him!!

  16. Texas sure sucks assholes running the state To let this creep off the hook should get a bullet up his rear not let him get dogs back

  17. Tammy Rossetti says:

    Oh my god the dogs were returned to this piece of shit??!!! They are definitely taking a huge beating now. They won’t live a week. Texas court, you suck ass.

  18. Maximum punishment please. No animal deserves to be whipped. This man should have no animal custody whatsoever. The poor dogs. Can anything to be done to stop this cruelty? He deserves a lifetime ban from residing with or owning any animal.

  19. Terri Masters says:

    This man is evils. If he abuses once and was caught imagine how many times this goes on. This is wrong. How can anyone excuse this evil behavior? God I trusted these babies to us to love and care for. They are not meant for people filled with hate to beat and abuse when they feel like it. We have to stand strong and together against animal abuse. This man deserves the dogs taken away, never allowed to own Dogs again, jail time, pay a fee that should go to animal rights or to feed shelters.

  20. Alan Pryor says:

    We can all agree this “person” is a piece of shit. However, what about this jackass judge who allowed said piece of shit to regain possession of these animals?? Get the name of this judge and get him the Hell out of there.
    I hope the neighbors of this asshole stay vigilant, because this piece of shit will undoubtedly do it again.

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