Toy Poodle Apparently Beaten to Death by Vengeful Man Deserves Justice

Target: Lori Linskey, Monmouth County, New Jersey Prosecutor

Goal: Prosecute man accused of stealing and killing pet dogs to fullest extent.

Two elderly dogs allegedly became pawns in a man’s sick game against his girlfriend. Nicholas Winter reportedly sent repeated texts to the woman, in which he threatened her two pet toy poodles. In response, authorities converged on a residence, presumably Winter’s home, and made a horrifying discovery.

One of the poodles, 12-year-old Bentley, had been killed. A veterinary autopsy apparently confirmed the cause of death as blunt force trauma. The second animal, 14-year-old Sophia, was thankfully found alive. If not for the police intervention, however, she may have met the same fate as Bentley. These dogs deserved to live out the rest of their long lives peacefully, but they allegedly fell victim to the worst kinds of violence instead.

Winter faces up to five years in prison. Sign the petition below to demand he receive the maximum sentence if he is found guilty.


Dear Prosecutor Linskey,

“We take animal cruelty cases extremely seriously in Monmouth County. Taking the life of a defenseless animal as a means to emotionally traumatize its owner is reprehensible and tragic.” You gave this statement in regard to the animal cruelty charges brought against Nicholas Winter. This man stands accused of stealing his girlfriend’s dogs and beating one of them to death.

Please back up your words with decisive actions. Do not let this suspect off with a plea deal or a lenient prosecution. He allegedly killed an elderly, defenseless living being. If he is convicted, do everything in your power to ensure he serves prison time.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Julissa Helmuth


  1. Any POS who does something like this. Should have every bone in their worthless bodies .. broken. Wait for it to heal, then BROKEN AGAIN .. AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.

  2. American Girl says:

    Put this son of a bitch in prison! 5yrs doesent cut it unless you let all the inmates know and then he’ll get what’s coming to him! Better yet just cull him from society and make sure it’s slow & very painful! Piece of douche bag garbage!

    • I agree with your comment American Girl.

      “Put this son of a bitch Nicholas Winter in prison! 5yrs doesn’t cut it unless you let all the inmates know and then he’ll get what’s coming to it. Better yet just cull this monster from society and make sure it’s slow and an excruciating agonising death that this monster endures. This vile and evil lowlife psychopathic monster Nicholas Winter a monster from hell must be tortured to death. Kill the vile and evil monster from hell.

      RIP the precious and innocent dogs that this vile and evil monster from hell deliberately and heinously tortured to death.

  3. Rebecca Risher says:

    If prosecutor does not imprison this guy and or if judge does not. That will speak volumes about them. They have the evidence and there is not one reason not to imprison for 5 yrs or more and after prison he should be in a data base as a violent offender.

  4. May this evil scumbag chickenshit punk ass bitch demon suffer a slow horrible painful torturous death before he rots in hell !

  5. Debra Spurrier says:

    Sadly and horrifyingly these atrocities happen all the time. Our laws are a f*cking joke when it comes to protecting the other animals on this planet. Most humans are incapable of mustering the compassion and empathy required to change the laws. This is just another day another unspeakable act of cruelty committed by yet another sociopathic piece of human sh*t. And as usual there will be no justice for this victim. Never is there justice for the nonhuman victims of these most horrific acts of cruelty. Never. This planet is nothing more than a giant torture/death chamber for the other animals.

    • Agree Debra, I have thought this for a long time. Every day torture and cruelty to animals in every country is carried out by the demons who live upon this earth. Dumb humans have learnt nothing from Covid, every virus will strike us down until no humans are left. Stupid, selfish, evil humans who kill animals daily, lets hope they die and go to hell where they belong. KARMA.

      • I agree with your comments Debra and Suzanne.
        “Sadly and horrifyingly these atrocities happen all the time. Our laws are a f*cking joke when it comes to protecting the other animals on this planet. Most humans are incapable of mustering the compassion and empathy required to change the laws. This is just another day another unspeakable act of cruelty committed by yet another sociopathic piece of human sh*t. And as usual there will be no justice for this victim. Never is there justice for the nonhuman victims of these most horrific acts of cruelty. Never. This planet is nothing more than a giant torture/death chamber for the other animals”.
        “I have thought this for a long time. Every day torture and cruelty to animals in every country is carried out by the demons who live upon this earth. Dumb humans have learnt nothing from Covid, every virus will strike us down until no humans are left. Stupid, selfish, evil humans who kill animals daily, lets hope they die and go to hell where they belong. KARMA”.

  6. This mongrel doesn’t deserve the air it breathes. Torture the bastard ,so he’s taking his last breaths & leave him to rot un hell. He’s nothing but worthless piece of shit to hurt & innocent defencless animal.
    Karma for this mongrel.
    RIP Bentley you didn’t deserve this.

  7. This mongrel doesn’t deserve the air it breathes. Torture the bastard ,so he’s taking his last breaths & leave him to rot in hell. He’s nothing but a worthless piece of shit, to hurt & innocent defencless animal.
    Karma for this mongrel.
    RIP Bentley you didn’t deserve this.

  8. Someone should beat this asshole over his head and kill him

  9. Tracey Aquino says:


  10. This asshole needs to have the same done to him. No questions asked. An eye for an eye.

  11. Susan Ecks says:


  12. They really need to execute any piece of shit that abuses ANY animal. They DO NOT deserve to share any air in our world. They will BURN IN HELL! This is an unforgivable sin. One of seven.

  13. Paula+Long says:

    The prosecutors know who did rhis. I’m tired of weak prosecutors and judges that allow this cruel abuse continue to happen. Are you going to wait til he kills his girlfriend. Maybe they need to have someone do this to one of their loved pets before they man up and do something. They are Just as guilty of abuse as the abuser.

  14. He deserves to be beaten and tortured to death. 5 yrs in prison is far too lenient.

  15. Raymond Stevens says:

    This filthy scum deserves the same treatment and end.

  16. Beat that mf to death!

  17. Fauna Fauth says:

    This is so very cruel and the dog deserves Justice!

  18. Melinda+Maddox says:

    10-15years is more likely he it!! Sick demented bastard!!

  19. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard is guilty. He deserves to be beaten to death. Since that won’t happen, he must serve 25 years in prison with no early parole (up to 5 years isn’t anywhere near enough), must pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Hopefully someone will kill him while he’s in prison.

  20. Really only 5 years do what he did to those dogs to him useless piece of shit

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