Target: Chief of Police Miuccio, Boca Raton, FL
Goal: Find and arrest person responsible for abusing dog nearly to death.
Rescuers of a horribly abused dog have called it the “worst case of abuse” they’ve ever seen. The tiny Shih Tzu named Parker was found thrown over a fence in the early morning. Parker’s hair was thicky matted, she smelled like feces and urine, and had maggots crawling through the sores that covered her body.
When rescuers found poor Parker, she literally could not open her eyes due to the thickness of matts of hair that covered her entire body.
“The matts around her face were so tight that it kept her eyes open,” said Dr. Lindsey Naimoli, the veterinarian who treated Parker. “She wasn’t even able to blink.”
According to Dr. Naimoli, Parker was in so much pain, she yelped whenever someone touched her. As a result, in order to remove the matted hair, they needed to sedate her.
Incredibly, the matted hair accounted for one-third of Parker’s weight when she arrived at the rescue. “When she had all the matts on her, she weighed almost 9 pounds,” Naimoli said. “Once we removed all the matts, she weighed six pounds.”
Sadly, once the matted hair was removed, vets were able to see the real abuse that Parker had faced. She had sores covering her entire body and maggots were living inside the festering wounds.
According to Dr. Naimoli, Parker was “diagnosed with anemia, infection, parasites, [and] dehydration.”
Rescuers believe Parker is about 6 years old and have speculated that she has spent every day of her life in a cage.
It is suspected that whoever owned Parker, forced her to breed over-and-over again until she was no longer valuable to their breeding operation. At that point, she was thrown over the fence of the rescue facility, without regard to whether she lived or died.
Even more disconcerting is the suspicion by rescuers that Parker was not alone in her terrible existence. “It would be extremely rare to just have one animal treated horribly,” Dr. Naimoli said. “I think this is one of many.”
If this is true, it is even more urgent for authorities to quickly identify and capture the person, or persons, responsible for this nightmarish abuse.
Dear Chief of Police Miuccio,
A small dog named Parker was recently rescued in your jurisdiction. Parker was found with such severely matted hair that she could not open her eyes. It turns out that the matts in her hair represented one-third of the tiny dog’s entire body weight.
Once the matts were removed, it was discovered that Parker had maggot infested wounds covering her entire body. She was in such pain that she would yelp anytime a rescuer touched her.
It is suspected that Parker was held in a cage her entire life, and was forced to breed for her owner’s profit. Once she was no longer valuable, she was thrown over a fence like a piece of trash.
The worst part of this situation is that it’s suspected that Parker’s former owner still has other dogs being held in similar conditions. Therefore, it is imperative that whoever is responsible for this horrific abuse be quickly found and any other dogs in their possession be rescued.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Tri-County Animal Rescue
Please, please find the person responsible….make a concerted effort. Don’t ignore this, don’t you dare blow this off. There are other animals likely suffering the same fate. And frankly, if a person is willing to do this to a domestic animal, they are also likely to treat humans similarly. The responsible party is a reprehensible human who should be locked up and most importantly, banned for life from owning or having animals in their care.
PACT ACT is federal law in USA
1. Prosecute
2. Fine
3. Prison
4. No contact with animals for life!!
Fucking assholes should be executed by hanging upside down and waterboarded.
Yes i agree. I like the way u think sir
I agree 100%
I’ll help
Kill that cunt fat fucker
Yes Barry & Nat … I second that emotion!.
Scumbags like that should burn in hell!
God says!vengeance is his
I’m sorry that Parker was subjected to such horrific abuse and neglect. I wish her a speedy recovery. In the meantime, I hope her low-down abuser(s) are caught and severely punished. I hope Parker gets justice.
Nobody should treat animals so badly that they end up like this, it’s horrific. They are living, breathing and deserve to be treated with much love and kindness!
Beyond cruel. The abuser needs to be held accountable!
Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of greedy and sadistic psychopaths. This human monster must be identified and TERMINATED.
MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this lowlife human scum. This evil human vermin must also be forbidden from ever coming near animals ever again.
Parker deserves 100% justice!
The scumbags that did this should be found and put behind bars. Why can’t federal government just ban puppy mills altogether? Lazy scumbags need to learn how to get real jobs rather than breeding animals for money! They are lowlives! Also the people that buy these puppies are to blame just as much!
For now, we must find and punish you. Eventually, you will stand before God. I’d love to hear you explain your way out of this one.
Please make this a priority to find these abusers. It is so horrific that prison time is a must. This dog is one found but one knows there are more suffering. Forcing breeding does not produce healthy puppies .
This dog never had a chance for love, Vet care or seeing grass or fresh air.
Find this piece of carp that did that did this and make them lay in their feces and start a couple of wounds to make them more miserable. So sad and disgusting. Praying for this poor baby.
If Authorities were smart then they would post a picture of this dog through media outlets, social media outlets, etc. Somebody, some where may have purchased puppies from this scumbag who has no regard for life if in fact this dog was used over and over again for breeding profitability reasons. This defenseless little dog is clearly severely neglected and abused and I hope the scumbag that did this is found.
I never will understand how a human can do such a horrible things to any living creature.
I hope with all my hearth that this monster will be found and severe punished. Probably that monster has many more dogs in their business of breeding that are so neglected.
I wish that poor little dear speedy recovery and a good and loving home.
Somebody knows who did this and knows this breeder . Find the pos . This is animal cruelty and should be a felony .
No G can omnrbt
Truly from the bottom of my heart, I wish and want to punish and beat those people who abuse animals. Those piece of shits deserve every single punishment.
Euthanize the people that did this.
People that abuse and torture animals like this and worse (including killing), deserve to be all shot dead. Who ever did this must be found and all other animals in their possession seized, treated by veterinarians, and adopted to loving forever homes. Each person must spend 20 years in prison with no early parole, each pay a $500,000 fine, and each person be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again.
When I came to the US abuse like that was unheard of. It was in 1976 – when times where more human!
Now those demented sub humans are free to roam the planet !
Was has happened to our civilization and culture? Who abuses animals has an evil mind and needs to be locked up- for life!
Send him to The Ukraine to fight the war! Or hung him from the next tree!