Dogs Reportedly Shot in Face and Beaten Until Their Bones Snapped Deserve Justice

Target: Dave Sunday, District Attorney of York County, PA

Goal: Seek stronger charges and penalties against accused animal abusers and killers.

A miniature dachshund suffers broken ribs and a collapsed lung. A man pleads guilty to beating his pet dog with a baton. A suspect in a different case pleads no contest to shooting his pet dog in the face. These horrific crimes have two commonalities. They all took place in York County, Pennsylvania. And not one of the guilty parties was sentenced to a day in jail.

All three of the guilty or no contest pleas in these aggravated animal cruelty cases resulted in probation. While some of the suspects were prohibited from contact with pets for a period of time, none of them received the kind of penalty that would have really mattered. In fact, prosecutors seemed to go out of their way to drop more severe charges that may have resulted in jail or prison time.

Sign the petition below to demand these legal leaders stop giving violent animal abusers an easy pass.


Dear Mr. Sunday,

A local newspaper article recently confirmed that cases of animal cruelty are significantly on the rise in York County. With the lax approach the legal system is seemingly taking toward these crimes, it seems little wonder that abusers are not apparently worried about a future behind bars. Within the past several months, the York County prosecutor’s office has let a man who admitted to beating his dog with a baton, a man who pleaded no contest to shooting his dog in the face, and a man accused of giving his dog a collapsed lung and broken ribs walk free with legal slaps on the wrist.

Please stop giving out plea and probation deals to violent criminals, as if they are candy. The next time they appear before you, it may be for an even bigger tragedy that you could have prevented.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Dominika Roseclay


  1. What are the names of the pathetic corrupt idiots that are paid with tax payer money to protect defenseless ones including innocent animals and FAIL to do their stupid jobs, and let those scumbags run away? Wait isn’t that the high druggy county in PA?? Useless mediocre justice system, if we could ask people to institute the an eye for an eye with regards to rapist, animal abusers and murderers those corrupt justice rep would be out of work because by removing the cancer cells from earth we wouldn’t need those morons to do anything.

    • Anita Yott says:

      AGREED! Brainless inbreeds in Your County! You must be proud when this gets out to the world. Please publish the names and photos of the scum who is responsible for lack of justice for these animals. Eye-for-an-Eye Justice is a must nowadays when fighting for justice in a corrupt systems.

    • Jaime Perez says:

      I totally agree with you!!

    • Agreed!! It’s also a county with a high number of puppy mills. I’m embarrassed to say I live in an adjoining county.

  2. ‘thats why I’m easy, easy like a Sunday morning’. Thank you Mr Sunday for not doing your job. Your lack of action is best illustrated in the foregoing lyrics of that song sung by Lionel Richie. Please retire and let someone with a sense of justice that will serve to protect the public and their animals. GO HOME and stay there.

  3. Kristine Dynice-Gates says:

    The SAME fate should befall the perverts…..SUCH atrocities to animals are barbaric…..sadistic…..and need PUNISHED….what sick angry human beings….DOG spelt backwards is GOD

  4. These type of people are what I call MONSTERS !
    They have no feelings, no heart. I am quoting something I read and truly believe, and think law enforcement should hand out stiffer jail or prison times! These MONSTERS DON’T CHANGE, THEY BECOME WORSE! Shame on laws that let these people off with a warning and a slap on the hands. When will law enforcement learn?

    ‘Animal cruelty is linked to all forms of human abuse, from domestic violence to sexual assault. Yet despite clear evidence suggesting the connection between animal abuse and future criminal behavior, authorities too often fail to treat cases of animal cruelty with the same severity as violence against humans. This unbelievably cruel act against an innocent animal must be taken seriously, regardless of the individual’s state of mind at the time of committing it.”

  5. These kinds of low-life heartless scumbag people need to be punished SEVERELY for the unthinkable acts of violence and cruelty they inflicted upon these innocent helpless animals. These crimes should NOT go unpunished. The pain and suffering and TRAUMA people like this cause innocent animals is unconscionable and UNACCEPTABLE.

  6. Robert Richmond says:

    Laws need to change. People who abuse animals, injure or kill them need to be held accountable and charged with jail time and or heavy fines. Otherwise people will continue to do whatever they want to animals and get away with it. Animals in your county don’t have a chance!!!!!

  7. Wow, does no one want to see these monsters punished? You do realize that there is a direct link between animal abuse and human, right? So, even if you don’t care for animals (sad but probably true in some cases), you should at least have the common sense that the people who harm animals will likely harm people. So DO YOUR JOBS AND MAKE THESE SCUMBAGS PAY FOR THE BLATANT CRUELTY AGAINST DOMESTIC ANIMALS. If not….they will do it again, and maybe next time to a child.

  8. Cathy McCormick says:

    Lock-up animal abusers for the maximum sentence!

  9. We need a real purge day– what I wouldn’t give to beat the disgusting shit out of every animal abuser, and torture them alive into hell. Anyone that enables such monsters to walk freely deserve a similar fate. We need justice for this poor defenseless puppy, and all animals that go through such horror.

  10. So, all of the comments here are on the same page – with good reason; there isn’t a human on Earth who has a conscience that won’t see the disgusting injustice of how these cases are handled. …Anyway, this is what happens when “pets” are considered to be “just dumb animals” and treated as dispensable possessions. Substitute “son”, “daughter” – or better yet, “Best Friend” in place of “dog”, “cat”, or any other non-human member of a family as so many people consider their pets to be, and the appropriate consequences will become much easier to figure out. SMH.

  11. The same fate to the HUMAN GARBAGE. They don’t deserve to be alive.

  12. Two sets of monsters here. Those that did these vile things and those that let them off. Name all involved. So glad to know these people are not my neighbours or the judges in my county.

  13. MICHAEL BAVARO says:

    Maybe if the moron prosecutors suffered the same experience, they would charge those involved. Those 3 individuals should be removed from earth in a not so nice waqy.

  14. Just another sickening story. I honestly don’t understand how these people don’t go to jail. The law can be so disappointing. Until everyone takes this seriously it will happen more and more.

  15. May karma rain down heavily on those who are harming these poor animals and may equal measure bear down on those responsible for letting them off with no tangible punishment. May they suffer in kind and lose what they hold dear. Those animals lives matter – those abusers deserve to pay in fines and jail time. The wrong animals are caged….

  16. Raymond Stevens says:

    The scum that did this should be hunted down and killed in the same way.

  17. York County Pennsylvania Prosecutors Office how would you or your children like to be shot in the face or have ribs broken with a collapsed lung and have nothing done to the perpetrators? It is no difference regarding these innocent animals. Please prosecute these guilty people – that’s what you are there to do.

  18. Jaime Perez says:

    People like this DO NOT belong in society! They deserve the death penalty. Until stronger, harsher punishments are dealt out, things like this will keep happening and animals will keep suffering at the hands of soulless devils. Where is the justice for living, feeling sentient beings?!


  20. Melinda+Maddox says:

    This is the most ridiculous outrageous thing I’ve heard. The laws there definitely need to be updated with greater animal punishment!

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