Target: Dave Sunday, District Attorney of York County, PA
Goal: Seek stronger charges and penalties against accused animal abusers and killers.
A miniature dachshund suffers broken ribs and a collapsed lung. A man pleads guilty to beating his pet dog with a baton. A suspect in a different case pleads no contest to shooting his pet dog in the face. These horrific crimes have two commonalities. They all took place in York County, Pennsylvania. And not one of the guilty parties was sentenced to a day in jail.
All three of the guilty or no contest pleas in these aggravated animal cruelty cases resulted in probation. While some of the suspects were prohibited from contact with pets for a period of time, none of them received the kind of penalty that would have really mattered. In fact, prosecutors seemed to go out of their way to drop more severe charges that may have resulted in jail or prison time.
Sign the petition below to demand these legal leaders stop giving violent animal abusers an easy pass.
Dear Mr. Sunday,
A local newspaper article recently confirmed that cases of animal cruelty are significantly on the rise in York County. With the lax approach the legal system is seemingly taking toward these crimes, it seems little wonder that abusers are not apparently worried about a future behind bars. Within the past several months, the York County prosecutor’s office has let a man who admitted to beating his dog with a baton, a man who pleaded no contest to shooting his dog in the face, and a man accused of giving his dog a collapsed lung and broken ribs walk free with legal slaps on the wrist.
Please stop giving out plea and probation deals to violent criminals, as if they are candy. The next time they appear before you, it may be for an even bigger tragedy that you could have prevented.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Dominika Roseclay
These animals are beautiful angelic souls of their own,they teach us the true lessons of love and how we should be in our lives toward each other.Iam so grateful for all the peace and joy they given me in my life,thank you GOD for these precious gifts that YOU endowed us with in this for trying world.
Beautifully put and true.
Couldn’t have articulated it better!
My life has been happier with my pets through the years. I hope to God i see them when i leave this earth.
What in Hell is wrong with the authorities in this place?
They are just as guilty as the lowlifes that abused these innocent, helpless, trusting dogs!
It does little good to just refer to them as “a man” (BTY…no real man would abuse an innocent animal. If you won’t actually name them maybe refer to them as what they really are…as in, “a cowardly, abusive POS….”
I totally agree!
Prison time a LONG LONG prison sentence for all animal abusers
This judge needs to be removed from office. He is no better than the disgusting and torturing abusers. Probably thinks rape victims deserve it. What a f***ing moron.
Whoever ruled probation should be removed from ANY position of trust!!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE and the fact that PROBATION was the judgement shows that justice is NOT alive and well!!!
A little return the favor would be the thing to begin with…then jail time big time!!
These Monsters need to be shot, no justice for these precious dogs!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE AUTHORITIES????? THEY NOW ARE JUST AS GUILTY !!!!! THESES DOGS NEED JUSTICE!!!!!
Speechless and SAD
It’s time to execute the prosecutors, judges, and the police involved in cases like this.
dachshunds, miniature or standard have specific needs eps spine and they were hit with a BATON! To respond to anyone who questions the penalty for such crimes they need to look at the laws for each state for animal welfare, abuse or such inhumane actions. it’s up to the state to pass laws and i’m not really sure whether voices screaming for more laws and actions get anywhere anymore. i’m the glass half empty here knowing that our reps and senate seem to profit from responding to other voices in society and not animal welfare, etc. KEEP MAKING YOUR VOICE HEARD.
What the hell is the point to signing these petitions if nothing is going to be done? WTF is wrong with the law? These MFer’s need exactly the same done to them!!!
AN EYE FOR AN EYE!!!!!!!!!!
These innocent, defenseless dogs deserve justice. Very disturbing actions that require much more serious sentencing.
Arrest the DA
Great idea. These people are a fucking joke!
Lock this sorry excuse as a human being up in a cage and do the same thing to him that he did to these beautiful creatures that God created. Laws are not strict enough honestly he doesn’t deserve to live
Animal Petitions… NAME THE CRIMINAL ANIMAL ABUSERS, it’s just not enough to refer to them as a ,” MAN.” Come on , show some courage. Put up their MUGHOT , too!!!
* Typo – put up their MUGSHOT, too
https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2022/02/01/man-pleads-no-contest-animal-cruelty-shooting-dog-york-county/9244987002/ – of course the perpetrator of this horrific crime “cared about his dog” … and on it goes …
Diabolical EVIL sub-human trash. Capital punishment for abusers. Period. Don’t waste our tax $$$ on jailing them, etc.
Well I believe in an eye for an eye. This could be the beginning of a horrible act. Who will protect future animals, or humans?
https://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/news/crime/2021/04/14/york-judge-orders-house-arrest-hallam-man-who-beat-his-dog-bloody/7221541002/ – the face of human garbage included …
Justice is a joke in P.A.. Show there names and address. This would be a start.
Here you go – the face of human garbage who “cared so much for his dog” … https://www.ydr.com/story/news/2021/01/14/manchester-township-man-charged-shooting-cane-corso-dog-face/4167925001/