Monkeys Reportedly Left to Die in Oven-Hot Car Deserve Justice

Target: Jimmy Dunn, District Attorney General for Sevierville, TN

Goal: Seek justice for monkeys allegedly left to die excruciating deaths in lethally hot car.

While news of animal-related heat deaths tragically come every summer, the reports typically involve dogs. This distressing narrative changed at Tennessee’s Soaky Mountain Water Park, however. While individuals and families cooled off with watery rides inside the park, two monkeys were apparently suffocating in the parking lot.

Employees found two young marmoset monkeys, both just weeks old, in a car on the premises. One of the monkeys had died, while the other was urgently taken for treatment for severe dehydration. The outside temperatures on this day alone were around 87 degrees. Since the heat inside closed vehicles can feel 100-plus degrees in just half an hour, these monkeys likely endured agony. The owners of the vehicle, Indiana couple Nova Brettell and David Paul, have been charged with animal cruelty.

Sign the petition below to ensure these suspects are held fully accountable for this tragedy if they are deemed responsible.


Dear Mr. Dunn,

Water parks are supposed to be a source of care-free fun during hot summer days. The Soaky Mountain Water Park apparently became the scene of a horrible heat-related tragedy, however, when two young monkeys—one deceased—were discovered inside a blazing hot car. As these animals share such a close relationship with humans, imagine the torment and terror they must have experienced.

These living beings deserved better than to have their lives endangered or ended in such an excruciating and entirely preventable manner. When all current and potentially pending charges have been filed against the couple allegedly involved, please prosecute this egregious case to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Miriam Fischer


  1. Burn the person to death who did this!!!

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