
Protect Blue-billed Curassow to Ensure Survival of Forests

The blue-billed curassow faces extinction due to hunting and habitat loss. This could be a devastating loss, as this bird plays a crucial role in forest regeneration. Advocate for increased protections to preserve this vital species and the ecosystem it supports.

Save the World’s Biggest Freshwater Crayfish

The critically endangered Tasmanian giant freshwater crayfish is threatened by habitat loss and pollution. Take action now to protect this iconic species and preserve freshwater ecosystems.

Protect North Pacific Humpback Whales

The North Pacific humpback whale’s survival is at risk due to illegal hunting and habitat loss. Take action to protect these magnificent creatures and preserve their habitat for future generations.

Protect Arctic Foxes From Habitat Loss

The Arctic fox is threatened by habitat loss and overhunting. Demand immediate action to increase protections for this species and to preserve its unique ecosystem.

Protect Western Lowland Gorillas From Poaching

The Cross River gorilla population in Cameroon is threatened by illegal hunting and habitat destruction. Demand increased efforts to protect these endangered primates and preserve their natural habitat.

Don’t Let Endangered Okapis Disappear Forever

The okapi, a unique and beautiful species, is at risk due to habitat loss and hunting. Demand action to protect this species before they disappear forever.

Protect Bighorn Sheep From Hunting

The bighorn sheep, a majestic species in North America, is facing threats from habitat loss and hunting. Demand increased protections for this ecologically important animal.

Save the Last Indian Rhinos From Rampant Poaching

Iconic, critically endangered Indian rhinos are at risk from poachers and habitat loss. Help save them before they disappear forever.

Protect Great White Sharks From Overfishing

The great white shark is at risk of extinction due to overfishing and accidental capture. Something must be done to protect this iconic species. Demand that the Australian Prime Minister takes action to save them.

Protect African Wild Dogs From Extinction Due to Hunting

The African wild dog is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss and hunting. Something must be done to protect this iconic species. Demand action be taken to save these animals.

Ban Toxic Pesticides to Protect Pollinating Insects

Neonicotinoid pesticides hurt and kill pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies. These species play an important role in the ecosystem and must be saved. Demand action and support for a ban on these chemicals in Jamaica.

End Hunting of Unique Threatened Wild Cats

The jaguarundi, a small wild cat, is threatened by habitat loss, deforestation, and hunting. Demand that those in power take action to establish a national park for the protection of this unique species.

Protect Harp Seals From Extinction Due to Habitat Loss

The harp seal, a vital species in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, is facing the threat of extinction due to habitat loss and hunting. Action must be taken to protect this species. Demand a plan be made to save this animal.

Save Endangered Amur Leopard From Poaching

The Amur leopard is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. Something must be done immediately to protect this iconic species. Demand action be taken to protect this animal and its habitat.

Puppies Apparently Thrown Off Bridge to Their Deaths Deserve Justice

Six puppies were reportedly thrown from a bridge, and five died as a result. The man accused of this heinous crime will not face any charges. Call for change in a system that lets alleged offenders walk free.

Protect Iconic Mountain Gorillas From Extinction

Mountain gorillas are critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Demand immediate action to protect their habitat and prevent their extinction.

Protect West Indian Manatee From Boat Strikes

The West Indian manatee is at risk of extinction due to boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss. Something must be done to protect this iconic species. Demand the Jamaican Prime Minister take action to save them.

Protect Iconic African Elephant From Habitat Loss and Extinction

The African elephant is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. Something must be done to ensure the survival of this iconic species. Demand Kenya’s president take action now.

Use Science to Protect the Endangered Saiga Antelope

Habitat loss, hunting, and climate change have threatened the endangered saiga antelope. Scientific research can help prevent the extinction of this iconic species. Demand Kazakhstan’s president take action now.

Establish a National Park to Protect Grizzly Bears

Grizzly bears are at risk due to habitat loss and human interference. Without immediate action, they could become extinct, causing significant ecological and economic impacts. Demand a national park be set up to protect and possibly save this species.

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