Protect Pet Rabbits From Malnutrition, Drowning, and Abuse
Pet rabbits are being assaulted and abandoned at an alarming rate. Demand stronger protections for these defenseless animals.
Pet rabbits are being assaulted and abandoned at an alarming rate. Demand stronger protections for these defenseless animals.
A popular walrus was euthanized in Norway through no fault of the animal. Now, entire communities of walruses could once again be endangered because of oil and gas drilling. Demand politicians finally prioritize living beings over fossil fuels.
TV personality Ceaser Emanuel is accused of hitting his dog repeatedly with a chair, and a video appears to validate the charges. Demand he be held fully accountable.
Animals on factory farms are forcibly administered antibiotics, allowing farmers to keep them in filthy, overcrowded conditions without spreading diseases. However, misuse and overuse of antibiotics has led to a rise of antibiotic-resistant and sometimes fatal bacteria in farm animals across the U.S. Demand improvements to farm animal welfare and stricter regulations on antibiotic use in these animals to prevent another epidemic.
Beagles at a mass breeding facility are sent to labs where they are reportedly force-fed poisons and die horrific deaths. Call for an end to this legalized animal cruelty.
Many animal abusers go on to harm children and other animals. Yet, the intentional maiming, torturing, mutilating, beating, or killing of helpless animals is still classified as only a misdemeanor in most states across the U.S. Demand much stricter penalties for animal abuse.
Millions of stray dogs and cats in the U.S. are forced to suffer on streets or are euthanized by overcrowded shelters each year. Sterilization programs can help control feral animal populations and reduce the number of animals born into the cold world. Demand these programs receive federal funding.
Canada has forbidden the rescue of dogs from over 100 countries across the world, leaving these animals to either languish away in kennels or be euthanized. Demand this policy be amended to allow adoptable dogs into the country.
Pet obesity has become a national epidemic which causes severe health complications in dogs and cats. Weakly regulated pet food manufacturing and labeling is partially to blame. Demand tighter regulations to supply pets with only the best, healthiest foods.
Video posted on social media appears to show a man brutally whipping his dog until the animal howled in pain. Don’t let the apparent victim and other helpless pets stay in the suspect’s custody.
Hippos are fighting a losing battle against humans that hunt them for parts and strip away their homes. Demand protection for these at-risk animals.
Homeless animals are in danger of being turned out into the streets where they will suffer starvation and abuse. Stop a misguided effort that would prevent rescuers from giving abandoned pets shelter.
Whales are still being stolen from the oceans and held captive for profit. This imprisonment places extreme stress on these highly social mammals, resulting in severe depression. Demand an end to the capture and imprisonment of whales.
The development of human road systems has decimated animal populations, contributing to the deaths of millions of animals each year who don’t know how to react in the face of fast-moving cars and trucks. Demand we implement safe passages for animals to cross from one side of the road to another without the potential of losing their lives.
Wildlife killing contests result in the deaths of countless animals, all for human entertainment. After the killings, the dead animal bodies are often thrown in a landfill. Demand an end to wildlife killing contests.
A man is accused of beating his dog, Sophie, until neighbors called for help after hearing her cries of distress. She was reportedly found in starved condition and with fractured bones. Demand justice for Sophie.
Ventilation shutdown plus is a method of mass murder that is commonly used to kill tens of thousands of birds at once. They are packed into sealed barns and heated to death. Stop the USDA from funding this terrible practice and encourage alternative, more humane methods in its place.
A young dog died from horrifying torture and mutilation. The killer of this defenseless animal remains at large. Demand a just punishment when he or she is found.
The journey from farm to slaughterhouse is treacherous, and thousands of animals die before ever even arriving. Demand the US tighten federal legislation surrounding animal welfare on transport vehicles.
Millions of bunnies, guinea pigs, mice, and rats are forced to ingest harmful chemicals to test human cosmetic products. Stop these cruel and unnecessary animal tests once and for all.