A 500-pound bear named Hank the Tank is being threatened with euthanasia because he is breaking into homes for food. The bear has not hurt any humans and may be starving. Demand that he be relocated safely to a sanctuary and not killed.
Goldie, a vulnerable puppy, reportedly died at a puppy mill while the agency charged with protecting her did nothing. Urge action to fix the deadly loopholes that allowed her cries for help to go unheeded.
Two dogs were allegedly denied food or water and then abandoned by their owner. One of the dogs was completely blind, leaving the animal at a huge disadvantage. Demand the person reportedly responsible spend time in prison if she is found guilty of this animal cruelty.
The flights that transport macaque monkeys to be used in experiments will be stopped, thanks to public outrage. Kenya Airlines will not be renewing their contract. Thank them for saving so many monkeys from cruelty and death.
A 7-week-old puppy was reportedly stolen from an animal shelter just days after undergoing surgery. Thankfully, she was returned and is now safe, healthy, and up for adoption. Demand stronger security at the shelter to ensure nothing like this happens to any other animals.
An animal shelter is accused of maintaining gruesome conditions where cats were found dead or bleeding at the mouth from untreated injuries. Demand the animals be rescued and a full investigation conducted.
Thousands of guinea pigs and rabbits at a Pennsylvania breeding facility are reportedly suffering and dying. They are allegedly subjected to horrific conditions that give them no chance to live a prosperous and health life. We demand an investigation be opened at this breeding facility and that the animals be saved.
Elon Musk says monkeys have died to develop his new brain chips. They endure suffering before being “humanely” put down after terminal surgeries. Demand Musk use different methods for his experiments.
Eight dogs were reportedly starved and neglected in a shocking case of animal cruelty. One dog named Thrax had to have her leg amputated after a leash reportedly wound too tightly around it while she was tied to a tree. Demand the person found legally responsible for this crime be held accountable for their actions.
One dog had to be euthanized after she was allegedly found starving at an animal rescue facility, and it was reported that thirty-eight others were taken by authorities for also not being provided with essential care. Demand justice for these innocent animals if it is found the dogs suffered because they were neglected or abused.
After public outrage and demands, the dog who was allegedly abused at a training facility is now happy and healthy. The district attorney’s office released an uplifting new video of the dog happily running around. The reassuring video also came with a statement that the abuse is still being investigated. We are happy to see Mugshot the dog receiving proper care and looking happy again.
A dog kennel owner is accused of maintaining a pit of neglect, starvation, and death. Demand justice for the animals who reportedly languished and died while in her care.
Horses are forced to pull carriages full of people through heat and heavy traffic. They are left to find their own food, lack access to water, and are often abandoned after they can no longer work. Demand an end to these cruel conditions.
Amazon is reportedly the leading seller of bear poaching accessories. These dangerous devices have injured and maimed countless animals. Demand Amazon stop contributing to the slaughter of wild bears.
Lemurs and other animals are being used as props on the new season of The Witcher. They are reportedly subjected to cold temperatures and seemingly deprived of their needs. Lemurs are meant to be in the wild with the full freedom to live. Demand that the show end its use of live animals.
A mother is accused of beating the family dog to death with a hammer in front of her two frightened children. Demand justice for the victims of this apparent sadistic act of animal cruelty.
A 22-year-old bobcat named Blanche was reportedly stolen from an animal farm in Pennsylvania. The security door was apparently not properly shut, with no employees present due to renovations taking place. Take action to ensure an incident like this can never happen again.
Animal cruelty is reportedly being used for entertainment in the new movie, “Jackass Forever.” Bulls, tarantulas, and scorpions were seemingly subjected to harmful and cruel situations during various scenes. Demand that an investigation be opened to show that no one is above the law when it comes to animal cruelty, regardless of fame.
A man is accused of killing a cat as retaliation against a woman whom he also threatened with harm. Demand justice in this horrifying case.
Fifty-seven dogs and cats were reportedly found starving and living in disgusting conditions. Some animals were apparently discovered huddling in feces-filled crates, and others were said to be found dead inside a home. Demand that these animals receive justice.