The California Coastal Commission has banned the orca breeding program at the San Diego SeaWorld. The 11 orcas currently held captive at this facility will most likely be the last to ever be confined in these tanks. Sign to applaud the ban on captive breeding of orca whales.
A vet who bragged on social media about shooting a cat in the head with an arrow will have her veterinary license suspended. Support justice for the innocent cat who was killed in this brutal manner.
A judge overturned an Idaho law prohibiting the use of undercover surveillance inside factory farms. Judge Winmill ruled the law violated the First Amendment right to free speech and criminalized whistleblowers. Sign the petition and applaud Judge Winmill for protecting public health and animal welfare.
Shell Oil has decided to halt Arctic drilling operations, likely as a result of severe public criticism. Sign this petition to thank Greenpeace and other activists for doing whatever possible in order to stop this destructive project.
An agreement between the U.S. and China to ban the ivory trade is the largest step thus far in shutting down the harmful industry. This is a victory for wildlife activists who’ve been fighting to save elephants from poaching. Applaud China’s President for enacting this vital ban.
Thanks to the strong conservation efforts of western leaders and the USDA, the greater sage-grouse is no longer threatened with extinction. Please thank the USDA for collaborating with other agencies to save this unique bird.