Animal Welfare

Lions and Panther Reportedly Locked in Small Dark Room on Farm Deserve Justice

Four lions and a panther were reportedly confined in a small dark room on a farm, raising serious concerns about animal welfare. Demand justice and immediate relocation for these animals.

Punish Border Patrol Agent Who Allegedly Kicked Dog in Viral Video

A Border Patrol agent was reportedly captured on video kneeing and kicking a dog in an act of discipline. Demand accountability and stronger protections for service animals used in law enforcement.

Don’t Let Individual Accused of Killing 12 Animals Adopt Again

A suspected serial animal abuser allegedly resumed adopting animals, raising concerns for their safety. Demand authorities act to protect vulnerable creatures and strengthen animal protection laws.

Over 100 Animals Reportedly Starved and Denied Medical Care at Farm Deserve Justice

More than 127 animals reportedly endured prolonged suffering and neglect at a farm. Demand justice and strong legal action against the alleged perpetrator of this shocking cruelty.

Demand Justice for Dog and People Allegedly Stabbed in Horrific Attack

A woman allegedly stabbed a dog and two individuals in a shocking act of violence. Demand justice for all apparent victims.

Punish Woman Accused of Abusing Dog in Viral Video

A woman was apparently seen in a viral video cruelly abusing a dog, leading to her arrest. Demand justice for the innocent animal and ensure the maximum punishment for this alleged act of cruelty.

Dog Reportedly Tied to Tree and Stabbed to Death Deserves Justice

A teen is accused of tying a dog to a tree and stabbing the helpless animal to death. Demand real justice.

Stop Shooting Wolf Pups in Their Den

Three wolf pups were apparently shot and killed in their den in a disturbing act of cruelty. Demand an end to inhumane hunting practices.

Dog Apparently Thrown From Third-Floor Balcony Deserves Justice

A small dog named Lilly was allegedly thrown from a third-floor balcony, suffering visible injuries including deep tissue bruising. Demand justice for Lilly.

Justice for Dog Reportedly Chained Outdoors Without Food or Water for Weeks

A beagle named Copper was allegedly chained for weeks without food or water, resulting in alarming emaciation and suffering. Call for justice for Copper.

Stop the Leather Industry’s Horrific Cruelty

The leather industry subjects cows to unimaginable suffering, with heart-wrenching separations from their calves causing distress and grief. Support a shift to vegan leather alternatives.

Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Stabbed While Tied to Tree

A defenseless dog was reportedly tied to a tree and stabbed, left with a horrific wound as exposed in a graphic viral video. Demand justice.

Snakes Allegedly Left to Die on Balcony Deserve Justice

Several pet snakes were reportedly starved and neglected, some to the point of death. Call for appropriate charges and punishments in this disturbing case.

German Shepherd Reportedly Abused Over Months Deserves Justice

A young German Shepherd reportedly endured months of horrific abuse, including being confined to a dark closet without food or water. Demand justice and stronger measures to protect animals from such cruelty.

Dog Reportedly Abused at Pet Boarding Facility Demands Justice

A dog sitter in a pet boarding facility was reportedly caught on camera abusing a German Shepherd. Authorities must shut down the establishment and implement stricter oversight to prevent such cruelty.

Justice for Bobby Cavanaugh: Hero Allegedly Beaten to Death Saving an Abused Dog

A dog was allegedly beaten on Christmas Eve and saved by a Good Samaritan who was killed. Demand a full investigation into this reported cruelty and prosecute the perpetrator to protect animals and uphold justice.

Emaciated Dog Abandoned in Trash Bag Deserves Justice

A severely emaciated bulldog was stuffed in a trash bag and abandoned on the side of the road. Demand justice for this defenseless animal by prosecuting the responsible party to the fullest extent of the law.

Don’t Expose Animals to Deadly Viruses and Nerve Agents for Military Experiments

Thousands of animals, including monkeys and pigs, are allegedly subjected to experiments involving deadly virus injections and exposure to nerve gases. Prohibit such cruel practices now.

Demand Accountability for Shooting Death of Beloved Horse

A beloved horse, Spike, was found shot, with a bullet lodged in his neck and a family shattered by grief. Demand justice for Spike.

End Forced Labor and Brutal Training of Monkeys in Coconut Industry

Monkeys in Thailand’s coconut industry are ripped from families and confined in isolation, where they face whipping and deprivation of basic needs. Demand an end to this practice.

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