Articles written by: Tiffany White

Keep Violent Abusers From Killing and Torturing Animals

Animals die every day at the hands of domestic abusers. Demand individuals convicted of violent, domestic abuse be kept away from innocent animals.

Dogs Allegedly Victimized By Serial Abuser Deserve Justice

Dozens of dogs were reportedly bred for fighting, abused, and woefully neglected over a two-year period, all while authorities seemingly looked on. Help ensure justice is finally delivered for these ailing animals.

Chihuahua Killed in Hellish Fire Chamber Deserves Justice

A defenseless chihuahua was found burned alive in a cage. The perpetrator remains at large. Demand justice for this animal who endured an agonizing death.

Influencer Accused of Threatening to Kill Defenseless Dog Must be Taken Off Instagram

An attention-seeking influencer apparently grabbed her dog by the neck and threatened to kill him on Instagram, but the site has taken no steps to punish her. Urge Instagram to stop broadcasting animal cruelty.

Save Yellowfin Tuna From Entrapment and Extinction

Overfishing is putting another prized marine species at imminent risk. The Indian Ocean’s Yellowfin tuna population remains in crisis due to human devices that trap and kill them by the thousands. Demand an end to this unchecked plunder.

Ban Brutal Pregnancy Prisons for Pigs

Sows are among the most mistreated farmed animals in the world. When bred for profit, they spend their whole lives laying in their own waste and immobilized in small prisons. Demand an end to the use of torturous gestation crates.

Save Gray Wolves From Relentless Slaughter

Over 200 gray wolves were slaughtered in a Wisconsin hunting massacre. This tragedy comes on the heels of the politically motivated abolishment of their protection as an endangered species. Help ensure this travesty never happens again.

Racing Horse Who Reportedly Died of Heart Attack Deserves Justice

Another horse racing trainer has been accused of showing callous disregard for the animals under his care. A picture of Gordon Elliott seemingly sitting on a deceased horse has put renewed scrutiny on the racing world. Demand the punishment fit the alleged misconduct.

Punish Kennel Operator Accused of Letting Dogs Starve

Over a dozen animals allegedly endured serious malnourishment at the hands of the woman who was tasked with their care. Demand justice for these victims of reported gross negligence.

Denounce Ted Cruz for Abandoning Dog in Freezing Texas Storm

When disaster struck, Senator Ted Cruz not only abandoned his state but also his family pet. In the midst of a frigid winter storm that left thousands without heat or power, Cruz left his dog Snowflake in a freezing house while he went on a tropical vacation. Sign this petition to hold Cruz accountable for his disgraceful and cowardly actions.

Popular Webcam Breeder Accused of Selling Sick Kittens Must be Investigated

A kitten breeder with a popular live webcam is accused of neglecting, endangering, and selling sick animals. Demand an immediate investigation into this reported deadly abuse.

Pet Donkey Killed in Alleged Vengeful Shooting Deserves Justice

A pet donkey was allegedly shot and killed as payback against her caretaker. Demand justice for this casualty of seeming misguided revenge.

Success: Dog Beaten and Stabbed to Death Receives Justice

A man who beat his dog until she suffered a broken skull and then stabbed her to death has been convicted of animal cruelty. He could receive a sentence of up to three years in prison. Applaud the justice delivered in this tragic case.

Success: Alleged Shark Fin Traffickers Busted

Twelve suspects who reportedly made millions from the illegal trafficking and killing of sharks and endangered marine life for their valuable fins and bladders are now facing charges, thanks to the efforts of federal authorities. Applaud the demise of an alleged mass trafficking enterprise.

Success: Animal Abusers to Face Harsher Legal Standards and Consequences

Mississippi’s convicted animal abusers will now be treated with the condemnation and punishment they deserve. The state has toughened its standards and penalties for cruelty. Applaud this important reversal of fortune for vulnerable animals.

Success: Brutal Badger Culling to End in Britain

Science and medicine have once again rescued scores of living beings from a deadly fate. A promising vaccine spells the end of inhumane badger culling in Britain. Applaud the eradication of a government-mandated form of animal cruelty that has claimed over a million badgers.

Success: Property Owner Punished for Starving Cattle to Death

A man accused of killing or starving dozens of cattle received his day in court and did not escape legal justice. He was found criminally responsible for multiple counts of animal cruelty. Applaud the prosecutors who never gave up on justice for these fallen victims of inexcusable negligence and abuse.

Thirty Dogs Poisoned to Death Deserve Justice

India has become ground zero for a rash of dog poisonings. The latest slaughter took the lives of 30 stray dogs. Urge involved police action in this disturbing mass execution.

Success: Innocent Victims of Animal Cruelty Protected

Ontario, once the site of urgent animal welfare lapses, has now become a benchmark in the fight against animal cruelty. New laws will bolster the apprehension and punishment of cruel offenders. Applaud this important win for animal welfare.

Dogs Reportedly Skinned for “Doggy Coat” Deserve Justice

A man is accused of killing and skinning four dogs to make a coat, then displaying their remains on his front porch. Help ensure this apparent act of sick animal cruelty does not go unpunished.

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