Imagine walking through a neighborhood and seeing dead dogs swinging from tree branches, or claw marks beside a freshly drug grave, or canine carcasses mixed in with the trash. For one Indian region, these stark images are reality. Demand an end to the allegedly sanctioned slaughter of stray dogs.
Spanking, time-out, grounding…. murder: in the realm of parental punishments, the last should never be uttered in the same sentence. Yet an Oklahoma man allegedly used murder as a weapon by killing his daughter’s pet dogs. Demand justice for innocent animals caught in the crossfire of domestic disputes.
Abuse, imprisonment, and death are the legacy of Asia’s only greyhound racetrack. In July this tragic legacy will be part of history. Applaud the soon-to-be-abolition of an insidiously cruel practice on the world’s largest continent.
Skin and eye irritation, force-feeding to induce illness, and forceful chemical ingestion to determine ‘lethal dose’: these are a few of the common ‘testing’ methods performed on animals. For decades, cosmetics and personal care product manufacturers have implemented these brutal practices with impunity. Praise and support the efforts of one state to fight inhumane animal testing.
If a lobster possessed the vocal chords to scream, could you hear its cries of agony emanating from a cooking pot? One country believes the answer is a definitive yes. Applaud the steps Switzerland is taking to restore a humane approach to a highly divisive practice.
Bolstered by the unified voices of unwavering advocates, a global airline forged powerful partnerships that ultimately rescued scores of animals from devastating conditions. Hurricanes Harvey and Maria left untold victims and survivors in their wake, among them the many animals that inhabit Texas and Puerto Rico. Lend your support to rescue efforts underway for these animals and encourage future aid.