Stop Using Electricity to ‘Train’ Dogs
Electric shock collars are cruel devices that deliver pain as a form of punishment. Demand a ban on this sadistic training method for dogs.
Electric shock collars are cruel devices that deliver pain as a form of punishment. Demand a ban on this sadistic training method for dogs.
Pangolins, the only mammals in the world covered in scales, are also the most trafficked animal due to their supposed medicinal properties. Demand strict laws and conservation efforts to protect them.
Fireworks displays in national parks harm wildlife with noise pollution and debris, while posing a significant fire risk. Call on the National Park Service to ban fireworks and promote eco-friendly alternatives.
The live animal trade in wet markets spreads zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19. Call for strict hygiene standards and humane alternatives to protect animal welfare and public health.
Street dogs in India face physical abuse, poisoning, neglect, and suffer from malnutrition and diseases. Rabies is a serious threat to dogs and public health, with India having the highest number of deaths in the world. Sign the petition to support protections for these vulnerable animals.
Animals experience immense suffering when they are captured, trapped in fluid filled pouches, and placed in trinkets and keychains while still alive. This for-profit cruelty must be stopped. Sign to urge lawmakers to ban this practice and protect animal welfare.
Protecting migratory animals and their habitats is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced environment. Demand action be taken to promote conservation efforts and to preserve the areas where these important species thrive.
Elephants are beaten with hooks, deprived of food and water, and forced to carry heavy loads, all so tourists can enjoy “elephant ride” attractions. Help end this senseless cruelty for profit.
Pesticides are contributing to the decline of bee populations, which could have a devastating impact on our food supply and ecosystems. Demand their use be restricted to protect pollinators.
Dogs, goats, pigs, and other animals are violently mutilated or endure other trauma during military training exercises. Call for a transition to more humane, effective alternatives.
Shark finning is a cruel, destructive industry that causes immense suffering and threatens the survival of shark species. Take action to stop the sale of products containing shark fins.
Orca whales suffer physical and emotional distress when they are kept in captivity. The barren and confining tanks provide little room for mental stimulation or growth. Urge those in power to end this inhumane imprisonment and make sanctuaries an option.
Mountain lions are in danger of extinction due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Their survival is essential to preserving the ecosystem. Demand those in power take action to protect this species and promote environmental conservation.
The sale of illegally imported chameleons threatens public safety and wildlife. Demand a crackdown on this inhumane trade.
Exotic snake smuggling is a cruel and illegal trade that is harming both animals and humans. It not only endangers those who encounter the snakes, but also disrupts ecosystems. Urge the US Fish and Wildlife Service to take action and prevent this illegal activity.
The hunting and killing of endangered wolves is threatening their survival and jeopardizing the balance of the ecosystem. Demand a ban on wolf hunting and conservation measures to protect this important species and maintain the ecological health of Montana’s wilderness.
Wild animals are being targeted with traps that kill indiscriminately by crushing victims to death or catching them in cruel leg-holds. Demand an end to this inhumane practice that threatens both wildlife and innocent pets.
The trade in wild box turtles threatens to wipe out this important species forever. Sign this petition to keep turtles in their natural habitat, where they belong.