Don’t Let Sea Turtles Die From Human Interference

Target: Robert A. Spottswood, Florida Wildlife Commission Chairman

Goal: Allow volunteers to continue to save the lives of thousands of struggling sea turtles.

Every year, volunteers save the lives of hundreds of sea turtles on the beaches of Florida. Human interference, particularly light pollution and nighttime partiers on the beach, disorientate newly hatched turtles. Many of these confused hatchlings never reach the ocean, but wander and die on the beach from lack of water and predation. Over the past 10 years, volunteers have saved the baby turtles by collecting them in buckets and releasing them to the ocean.

In a shockingly unjustified and disgusting decision, the Florida Wildlife Commission has revoked the permits for 3/4 of the turtle rescue organizations that operate in Florida, citing that their efforts are no longer necessary. As a result, it will be illegal for these dedicated volunteers to access the beaches and save the sea turtles from certain death.

Sign this petition to call upon the FWC to rescind this poor decision, and allow volunteers to save sea turtles once again.


Dear Mr. Spottswood,

I am horrified that your organization, the FWC, has revoked permits for volunteers to save sea turtle hatchlings from Florida’s beaches. This foolhardy and irresponsible decision will send hundreds of sea turtles to an early grave due to human interference with the turtles’ natural behavior. Even if your organization feels the actions of volunteers are unnecessary, why would you make such a foolish decision that potentially endangers such a delicate part of numerous ecosystems as the sea turtle?

Your efforts would be better spent limiting the actions of ignorant people than it would by limiting the actions of dedicated volunteers who strive to clean up humanity’s mess.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: fredsharples


  1. The stupid, brainless moronic animal hating cretins who are locking animal welfare volunteers from saving sea turtles need to be wiped off the planet!! Death wish for these evil animal hating cretins!!

  2. The stupid, brainless moronic animal hating cretins who are blocking animal welfare volunteers from saving sea turtles need to be wiped off the planet!! Death wish for these evil animal hating cretins!!

  3. We do something similar, it’s called hospital to save people even though the world is over populated. Is it not the right for animals to be saved, to be helped?

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1613 Signatures

  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Lesha Thornton
  • Susan Beil
  • Mary Ann Nordheimer
  • Amélie Deschamps
  • Krystin Todd
  • Donald H Tustin
  • Taylor Reese
  • Astrid Van Steen
  • Sheila Anderson
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