Dogs Reportedly Suffering With Overgrown Nails and Living in Feces Deserve Justice

Target: Northumberland County District Attorney Tony Matulewicz, Pennsylvania

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for severe neglect and abuse of ten dogs causing serious injuries.

A woman was charged with animal cruelty after ten dogs were reportedly found living in deplorable condition and suffering from severe neglect. The dogs were allegedly kept in an apartment filled with fecal matter, urine odor, and lacking proper veterinary care. One dog reportedly had a nail embedded two centimeters into its paw pad, causing significant pain and infection.

Upon investigation, authorities reportedly discovered dogs with unpleasant smelling coats infested with fleas, injuries consistent with dog fighting, and severe medical issues such as missing eyelids and facial nerve damage. The dogs were allegedly deprived of necessary veterinary care and sanitary shelter, leading to their deteriorated health conditions.

This alarming situation highlights a critical need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws to prevent such severe neglect and abuse. Ensuring that the individual reportedly responsible is fully prosecuted will send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated. Demand that authorities take decisive legal action to protect animals from future harm.


Dear District Attorney Tony Matulewicz,

I am writing to express deep concern over the suspected case of severe animal neglect involving ten dogs reportedly found in deplorable conditions in Shamokin. The animals were reportedly kept in an apartment filled with fecal matter and strong odors of urine, suffering from serious injuries and lacking necessary veterinary care.

Investigations have reportedly revealed that one dog had a nail embedded deeply into its paw pad, while others suffered from infections, flea infestations, and injuries consistent with dog fighting. These distressing details highlight a potentially severe breach of animal welfare laws and raise serious concerns about the well-being of these innocent animals.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to fully prosecute the individual reportedly responsible for this suspected neglect and abuse. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice and help prevent future incidents of animal cruelty. Please ensure that those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: The Humane Society of the United States

One Comment

  1. NEED TO NAME NAMES: This POS is Terrie Jo Mapes, 63, of 704 W. Mulberry St., Shamokin, PA. She has been charged with animal cruelty and neglect of an animal for failing to provide veterinary care and sanitary shelter to her 10 dogs earlier this year. But this crapbag has only been charged with misdemeanors! There is no justice.

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