Labrador Puppy Reportedly Pummeled and Yanked by the Neck Deserves Justice

Target: Kim Ogg, Harris County District Attorney, Texas

Goal: Ensure legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for the abuse of Buttercup.

A three-month-old Labrador puppy, named Buttercup, allegedly suffered physical abuse at the hands of a former handler in Houston. The distressing incident reportedly occurred when the puppy bit the man. It is alleged that he responded with violence—striking, kicking, and yanking on Buttercup’s leash. This reported abuse took place in full view of a public street, captured by nearby surveillance cameras.

An employee of a local cellphone store allegedly witnessed the abuse and promptly reported it. The surveillance footage of the incident was secured by authorities. The case, now under investigation by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, Animal Cruelty Section, highlights the urgent need for justice and stringent legal measures to protect innocent animals from such alleged cruelty. Following the incident, Buttercup was sold to a nearby taco truck employee for $20, who witnessed the apparent abuse and chose to intervene.

The need for legal intervention is clear. This incident not only allegedly showcases direct physical abuse but also the neglect of the duty of care expected from pet owners. Allegations like these necessitate firm action to prevent future occurrences. Take immediate legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for Buttercup’s abuse, ensuring such acts are met with the full force of the law.


Dear DA Ogg,

We are writing to express our profound concern over a recent incident involving alleged severe animal cruelty in Houston, captured on surveillance and witnessed by public bystanders. A three-month-old Labrador puppy, affectionately named Buttercup, reportedly endured physical abuse because it bit its handler. It is alleged that a man was seen violently hitting, kicking, and yanking on Buttercup’s leash, actions that were reported by an employee of a local business who witnessed the incident.

This troubling case, currently under your office’s review, underscores a significant need for justice. Surveillance footage of the incident has been obtained, providing crucial evidence of the alleged cruelty. Such actions, if true, not only harm the animals involved but also erode community trust in the humane treatment of animals.

We urge your office to act swiftly and decisively in this matter. It is imperative to send a strong message that animal cruelty is a serious offense that will be met with serious consequences. We request that you pursue all appropriate charges against the individual allegedly responsible for abusing Buttercup, ensuring that justice is served and that future potential abusers are deterred by the repercussions of such unacceptable behavior.


[Your Name Here]

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  1. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m sorry to hear what happened to Buttercup. I hope the person who abused him is severely punished. I’m glad Buttercup has a new home. I hope he recovers and get justice.

  2. Johnny K. says:

    I’ve been reading all the comments from people who say Texas is bad because some low-lifes in Texas are abusing animals. I would like to ask all the commenters, do you think that there is no one abusing animals in the State where you live? You damn right there is. So, don’t bunch all us Texans in the same basket. I live in Texas. I’ve had animals, mostly dogs, all my life and I’m 83 years old now. I’ve got 2 big dogs, 2 indoor cats and 2 stray cats that I feed every day. My 2 cats live inside the house and the 2 big dogs live in my air conditioned garage in the summer time and my heated garage in the winter time. I give them wet food and dry food every day, change their water every day and give them plenty of love. My vet told me when she dies she wants to come back as one of my dogs because she knows how good of care I take of all my animals. I know there are some really low-life sonofabitches in Texas that will hurt animals but there are some really good people in Texas that really care about their animals and will do anything to make them happy. Before people start bad-mouthing Texas, they need to look at their own State and look at all the animal abuse that happens there and maybe they wouldn’t lump all Texans in the “no good category”. Everyone should go out of their way to be really nice to all animals. Have a Nice Day.

    Johnny K.

    • Amen.Im 75 and have taken care of and had pets a good deal of my life too and I identify with yiu 100 percent.Every state in the union and most countries on earth have lowlife animal haters

    • Good one Brother Jonny.
      People must understand though that animal abuse and torture goes on all over the planet!
      Here in the .U.K. it is no better with ‘scumbags’ breeding innocent beagles to be used in testing laboratories. But testing for what? These buggers operate under the ‘closed book’ excuse and right now the bloody government here will STILL not do anything about it so are just as bad as the asswipe perps.
      Yes definitely ‘perps’ as the buggers obviously enjoy what they do.
      And that is, subjecting dogs, cats, mice ( Who DO have feelings ) etc to physical torture under the guise of testing for the good of the world.
      NO, these bastards enjoy making animals suffer and they can get away with it legally!
      There is a simple effective solution which would, I believe, work well.
      No need to test on animals for ‘supposed’ human safety.
      Just dig out the bloody waste of space prisoners that are costing the world billions to keep.
      Why test on innocent animals when all of these bastards are living the life of ‘Riley’ cosseted inside these jails, institutions etc?
      If testing must be done, then use these human pieces of crap instead so they can be some use to society!
      Makes a lot of sense and they would be contributing to medicine and testing in a very useful way. Easy solution which I am sure would work perfectly.
      But, very glad that this little dog was rescued, and hopefully someone or Some group knows of this bugger and will be able to teach him the error of his abusive ways! Hopefully very painfully so that he understands that this shit WILL NOT be tolerated!

      • Scientific research has advanced to the point where there are now reliable computer models to test drugs, surgical techniques and medical interventions. There’s no need to use animals in research any more, and there’s no need to use humans (with or without their consent). But there’s little profit to be made in using them either.

        The problem with using living subjects is research projects is money. The industry behind animal testing and live animals in research is massive. You touched on the first link in the chain: breeders. And thank you for your passion about this injustice and one root of this industry of profit, suffering, and death.

        But it goes far further than millions of animals being bred, raised and sold to labs. There are the grants to institutions doing the research, there is the supply side of laboratory equipment, cages, animal feed, so-called animal maintenance staff, whole armies of administrative personnel, transport firms that move animals and lab equipment, building procurement with additional maintenance and running costs for utilities… the list is literally endless in scope and employs millions globally.

        The money for all this is so deep that it’s almost unfathomable. This whole gristly circus of suffering is funded by pharmaceutical companies and aided by institutions of higher learning where academics are required to apply for research grants more than simply be academics -because it’s easy for those institutions to cream off money from approved grants and an academics’ career will be sunk by poor grant procurement for the institution that employs them.

        There are actions that people can take to interrupt the process. Highlighting the atrocity, senselessness and cruelty in the industry -as you have done. Making ethical choices about investments. Making it known to institutions that you will not support their participation in testing and research that involves animals. Teaching young people, as age-appropriate, about what is happening and how to make choices that don’t support it. Encouraging others to sign and campaign for petitions like these, and demanding that their governments stop the abuse, torture and suffering of the animals that are being used to generate profit.

        • Brilliant submission Sister Kate, and exactly true.
          I only hope your submission is explaining this situation is read by many on this site.
          THANK YOU.

          • Just thought this may be worth a few minutes of anyone’s time who abor animal testing.
            Been going in for years in the U.K. and the ‘waste of space’ governments keep turning a ‘blind eye.
            Because I expect, they are receiving shed loads of money to keep this sick practice going!
            Testing on animals for humans is I will say, A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS!
            Basically this allows sick brained bastards to inflict pain and torture upon animals, especially dogs, legally. Then just terminate them afterwards. There is NO NEED for ‘vivisection’ – just gives these sick minded animal torturing bastards exactly what they want legally.
            The buggers need the same treatment, strapped on their backs on a cold metal bench resrained by straps so they cannot move whilst these sick bastards perform on them.
            If someone gave me a machine gun and set me outside their exit door I would blast all of these sods to pieces!
            Just imagine when they go home—“Hello daddy, what did you do today”? “Oh I just tortured a few beagle puppies to death by slicing them open whilst they were still alive’.
            Bastards all of them and deserve serious mob justice and I would be first in the queue to give these pricks exactly the same treatment.
            Tossers all of them who deserve to die painfully.pplease see below and I am sure you will be able to follow this online if you wish.
            Thank you –


            Julie J
            United Kingdom

            A May 2024
            11 days to go!!!!!!

            Operation 1,000 is a peaceful protest, a mass gathering @ MBR Acres, Sawtry Way, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 2DT
            25th May 12:00
            Our aims, in fact, our demands, are:
            1) an immediate end to experiments on dogs in the UK
            2) the announcement that MBR will pull out of the UK
            3) that there will be a fully open, public inquiry into vivisection as a whole.

            We are sure that 95% of the UK public would strongly oppose these awful experiments on 16 week old beagle puppies.

            25th May is going to be a unique opportunity to make a firm and United stand for these puppies.

            They have no one else! We need a massive show of determined force.
            If not now then when?
            If not you then who?
            Till every cage is empty
            Free the Beagles
            They have no one else

            Julie J
            United Kingdom

            14 May 2024
            11 days to go!!!!!!

            Operation 1,000 is a peaceful protest, a mass gathering @ MBR Acres, Sawtry Way, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 2DT
            25th May 12:00
            Our aims, in fact, our demands, are:
            1) an immediate end to experiments on dogs in the UK
            2) the announcement that MBR will pull out of the UK
            3) that there will be a fully open, public inquiry into vivisection as a whole.

            We are sure that 95% of the UK public would strongly oppose these awful experiments on 16 week old beagle puppies.

            25th May is going to be a unique opportunity to make a firm and United stand for these puppies.

            They have no one else!

            We need a massive show of determined force.
            If not now then when?
            If not you then who?
            Till every cage is empty
            Free the Beagles
            They have no one else.

    • You are 💯 right and I appreciate your spoken up words . I’m 86 lady Texan . May God bless you

  3. Patricia Orlando says:

    There is No excuse for animal abuse.

  4. J Martin says:

    I don’t care where in the world you are. If you abuse animals then you need whatever you did to them .. DONE TO YOU!!!

  5. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning  animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!


  7. Ann Carboni says:

    Scum bag coward lock up these horrible monsters

  8. Susan Silva says:


  9. Dennis Busto says:

    An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. Paws Matter 🐾

  10. Joanne B says:

    Well, this worthless POS needs to have the same exact treatment dished out to him as he did to that poor little pup Buttercup and let’s see how HE likes it! God, I am so bloody sick and tired of reading about these animal abusers doing horrible acts of cruelty to these animals and then barely anything, IF anything, is done to punish them. I am just happy to know that Buttercup is safe with someone who will love him and treat him with kindness and love.

  11. Jaime Perez says:

    This creep was abusing a baby, for hell’s sake! I’m glad he was caught and I’m happy Buttercup is away from him. Get this monster out of society.

  12. Im very sorry for the defenseless puppy. I HATE people like the BASTARD. The same treatment to him!

  13. Such a evil waste of space who hurt a puppy ….punishment to the max .

  14. Maria Lavorato says:

    Johnny K.
    I am so happy that you let us know how you love your animals. My wish is to have everyone care like that.
    My dream would be to transport all animal abusers to another planet..

    Thank you Kate T. 100% spot on!

  15. Life sentence for this bastard abuser,SOB,coward! Burn in hell!
    Justice for Buttercup!

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