Dog Brutally Dragged Through Church Parking Lot Deserves Justice

Target: Barry Staubus, District Attorney for Sullivan County, Tennessee

Goal: Punish the person responsible for dragging a dog behind their car, resulting in painful injuries.

A dog was tied to a vehicle and dragged through a church parking lot in a horrific case of animal cruelty. Those responsible are still at large and potentially dangerous to other animals. See that justice is served for this innocent dog.

“This gentle dog deserved love and a safe home, but instead, he was tortured for a lark,” stated People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) Senior Director Stephanie Bell in a press release. The German shepherd mix, named Church by rescuers, endured injuries to his ankles, knees, and chest during the brief but terrifying ordeal. Surveillance cameras captured two suspects in a white vehicle tying the dog to the car and dragging him around the parking lot. Church members found him and immediately brought him to Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital, where he is recovering.

Though an investigation is ongoing, the suspects have yet to be identified. PETA is offering a reward for any information leading to the arrest of those behind this cruelty. Sign below and demand the maximum penalty for those found guilty in this case.


Dear District Attorney Staubus,

A sweet, innocent dog named Church endured horrific cruelty at the hands of two individuals. Tied to a white car, he was dragged around the Gospel Mission Church parking lot. The entire act of cruelty was captured on surveillance video, and yet those inside the car remain unidentified.

Church endured injuries to his ankles, knees, and chest while being dragged across the pavement. He is expected to make a full recovery, but no Sullivan County animal will be safe until these individuals are arrested, charged, and prosecuted.

Animal cruelty can never be tolerated. I demand that you prosecute the people behind Church’s suffering and seek the harshest penalty possible.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office


  1. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  2. Makes me so sick that some people are that cruel and heartless. This is a poor innocent animal that looked to you for love and care and that’s how you treat them I hope you are caught and end up in a cell the rest of your life.

  3. Linda Cooley says:

    People who abuse animals are seriously dangerous to society. What, or who, will be next? Someone knows who these men are and have a responsibility to come forward so that they may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Please. Be a hero to Church and all the future victims.

  4. When they find those two worthess pieces of human shit, throw a rope around their necks and drag them by a car until they are almost dead then dump them in the middle of nowhere where hopefully a wolf or coyote will start tearing them apart while they are alive. Really is time to start punishing these useless animal abusers. They deserve the same fate!

  5. Kathleen I Nagy-DeRosa says:

    Heartbreaking and sickening.

  6. Do the same to the sick bastard who did this!

  7. All animal abusers must have the mandatory death penalty performed and nothing less. A slow and agonising death is essential. I am ready, willing and ale to help perform this procedure!


  9. Cathy Emerson says:

    Cowards back hiding under their slimy rocks.

  10. Connie Robinson says:

    Demand justice for this horrific cruelty !!! These sickos need to be exterminated no plea deals just death for their worthless selves!!! This has to stop !!

  11. Simple: This is attempted murder + torture + grave bodily harm = 40 years in prison no parole

  12. Need to find them and eye for an eye. Hope when they r caught ,send them to prison and hope they rot in hell and suffer. Who r they? The pup deserves a good family and home. Need a stricter law against the animal abusers. They felt they were not going to jail. Shock the maggots and send them to prison.The states r too lenient for animal abusers.Need to show examples

    • The law should issue the harshest possible punishment on animal abusers. Be cheaper for taxpayers to shoot ALL animal abusers at dawn, animals would be safer if abusers were killed off, waste of space evil retards

  13. Paula Morgan says:

    These fools were merciless to the dog, Church! I am sure they are young but they need to be charged as adults. If you are old enough to drive then you need to be held accountable. There are too many plea deals made in our courts which need to be ended. Being held responsible is necessary. These kids have cars but are not taught responsibilities? They need to be punished by the law which should be beyond reproach. Registries are needed so this type of inhumane action follows them the rest of their lives. No exceptions!

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  • Mary Ann Nordheimer
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