Dog Apparently Beaten With Hammer and Buried in Snow by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Prosecuting Attorney Kenneth P. Cotter, St. Joseph County, Indiana
Goal: Investigate and prosecute man accused of beating dog with hammer and burying her in the snow.

A man reportedly beat his dog with a hammer and then buried her in the snow. Neighbors apparently witnessed the event and called South Bend police. When the police arrived, they reportedly saw the attack in progress and intervened on the dog’s behalf. The man was apparently pulled off his dog and the dog was dug out of the snow by the responding officers.

The man accused of the crime, John Hill, was arrested for Cruelty to an Animal and the dog was rushed to the local veterinarian, where sadly they were forced to euthanize her.


Dear Prosecuting Attorney Kenneth P. Cotter,

An innocent dog was reportedly beaten with a hammer and buried in the snow by her owner. The man accused of this crime, John Hill, has been arrested and the case has been forwarded to your office.

Animal cruelty has no place in our society and I ask you to pursue this case to the fullest extent allowed under the law. We ask for justice on behalf of this poor innocent creature.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ivan Bandura


  1. Janet Garraghan says:

    This is utterly abhorrent! What the hell was this backward degenerate thinking! It’s barbaric! An abomination! I implore you to prosecute this sadistic, evil monster to the fullest extent of the law! This is heartbreaking! I despair of the human race, I truly do!

  2. There is no reason to be a dog with a hammer there are thousands of people of a looking for dogs he could have given it away to a loving home I hope that he definitely is charged and prosecuted in does gaol time as a fine that goes to abuse dogs to get help and I believe he should pay all the vet bills that he has done to that dog I am appalled and saddenedThere is no reason to be a dog with a hammer there are thousands of people of a looking for dogs he could have given it away to a loving home I hope that he definitely is charged and prosecuted in does gaol time as a fine that goes to abuse dogs to get help and I believe he should pay all the vet bills that he has done to that dog I am appalled and saddened

  3. Sheryl Nelson says:

    Beat this jackass with the same hammer and leave his ass to DIE in the snow. DO NOT LET ANYONE RESCUE HIM

  4. Guinevere Vandervoss says:

    I volunteer to torture, in a very medieval manner, any and ALL so-called humans that participate in Animal Cruelty. I will create the HELL on earth they so deserve, and I will have no problem sleeping afterwards.

  5. Craig Foxley says:

    I only wish I could come upon that evil cunt. I would have killed the motherfucker with my buzz saw.

  6. John Hill Karma, Threefold Law and The Universe will teach you your lesson of what goes around comes around and you will experience the same pain and suffering you caused. No God or power on earth will protect you from The Satanic Death spell cast upon you. You will die, it is done. Hail Satan

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