Pregnant Cat Reportedly Burned to Death in Dryer Deserves Justice

Target: Tommy Thomas, Attorney General for Malaysia

Goal: Punish the men who allegedly put a pregnant cat into a dryer, leading to her painful death.

A pregnant cat died a horrific death after she was allegedly placed inside of a dryer. Video footage reportedly shows the suspects sealing the cat inside and then starting the machine. Demand justice for this poor cat.

A shocking video, recorded on CCTV and released on social media, shows two men trapping a cat inside of a public dryer and then turning the machine on. The men are seen putting the cat inside before casually gathering their laundry and leaving. They return a short time later, the footage shows, and put coins into the machine. The cat appears to struggle and fight against the door as she suffers in the intense heat. Another customer found the cat about ten hours later, dead and soaked in blood.

Police say they have identified the men in the video, who have been arrested on charges of animal cruelty. Sign below to demand that they receive the maximum penalty possible, if convicted.


Dear Attorney General Thomas,

A pregnant cat suffered and died when she was reportedly trapped inside of a public dryer. Per CCTV footage, two men intentionally put the cat inside and turned the machine on. We demand justice for this innocent cat.

Gombak district police have arrested two men on charges of animal cruelty after they allegedly put a pregnant cat into a public dryer and then turned the machine on. CCTV footage shows two men who appear to be the suspects place the cat inside. They then casually gather their laundry and leave, per the footage, only to return a short time later to insert coins into the machine. The cat is seen struggling and fighting against the closed door as the temperature becomes unbearable. Another customer found the poor animal ten hours later, dead and soaked in blood.

This disgusting act of cruelty must be punished. We demand that you seek the maximum penalty in this case.


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Photo Credit: wdietz

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  1. Victoria Smit says:

    Is it considered cruel and unusual as l punishment to subject both men to heat lamps go 10hours? Pity.

    • i think longer would be great. they have no respect for life so why should they be treated with any sort of respect.

      • I agree. Do they really need to live? I mean, what else would someone so callous & void of compassion do? Perhaps to a child? Abusing animals is case enough for death in my book, but if others needed some convincing, there’s some perspective for them. & honestly, I don’t see why the same shouldn’t be done to them. Show it publicly, maybe it’ll scare the other yet unknown sick bastards to not do the same.

    • Only if the heat is installed in a machine that will tumble and batter them to death at the same time!

  2. Teri Cottrell says:

    Horrific! I hope they both burn in Hell now.

  3. They deserve to have life in prison doing this, so that poor innocent cat

    • They are downright disgusting, pathetic excuses for people and wastes of oxygen. They deserve much worse than life in prison.

  4. Kim perillo says:

    These are not human beings,i only hope evdry day of there life is filled w pain ans suffering

  5. Teresa croft says:

    Do the exact same to these cruel and worthless people. Let the punishment fit the crime. They are such cowards. They wanted this cat to suffer. People like this don’t deserve to exist in society.

  6. Iam in shock can’t even wrap my head around it there’s a special place in hell for these two

  7. They should put them in a dryer in jail.

  8. Celeste Krause says:

    I am all for Capitol Punishment….you take an innocent life…you pay for it with your own! They need to stuff those two Coward POS in a dryer and let them burn to death just like they did to that poor innocent cat… not only Justice for her but her unborn kittens! In America it’s illegal to even hit a pregnant woman because it could cause her to fall and loose her baby or babies! I’m a Cat Mom and I had to pick him up and hug him after I read this story! Rest in Peace Kitty..You and your kittens run free across that Rainbow Bridge Precious Girl!!!! ❤️🖤❤️

  9. I just read this and I am sick and horrified to read such a cruel act. How could anyone do this to a animal and not have any remorse? I know she’s gone with her babies and it’s too late to save her but the two men that did this to her need to punished severely and if they serve time I hope they are given some inmate justice!!! You will burn in Hell for your cruel act and never forgiven!!!!

  10. These horrible awful scum bag need to be punished just like they did to this poor sweet cat. I can’t think of anything bad enough to do to them except tat & feather them @ have everyone watch!!! Just so awful to torture this baby girl. PLEASE…. PLEASE…. PLEASE….don’t let them get by with this.

  11. Put them in the dryer just the way they did to the cat

  12. Audrey Pirl says:

    They should get the maximum time the law will allow. Just think if they could do that to a cat what could they do to a person or a child.

  13. i’m sick
    + crying whats wrong with people today

  14. Terrible turds says:

    Demand life I. Prison or death by dryer. They should not be let back out in society to do such cruel things to Any living thing again. Otherwise, whoever lets them go should be held responsible and must pay for further crimes.

  15. They didn’t just torture and kill one cat who did nothing wrong or harm anyone. They killed all the babies too. My thoughts are to do the same to them till they die.that was a slow painful torture and being so scared and helpless not understanding what is going on. Die you bastards. Then go to hell.

  16. Having a cat is like having a dog non of them need to be mistreated or hurt

  17. John campaniello says:

    Remember if they do this to a poor innocent cat who is pregnant they were just as easily do this to someone you love 😪😪😪

  18. These 2 disgusting men will burn eternally in hell, there’s a specific place for people just like that.

  19. I am a voice for the voiceless around the country around the world. I’m not enough we need to be the voice for the voiceless whether it be two legs, four legs, no legs doesn’t matter. We have to stand up and fight with God in Jesus beside us until our Lord and Savior returns. Amen.

  20. This is sickening and horrible. I wish I hadn’t even seen it. I love cats and this makes me want to throw up. These two men deserve the worst kind of pain imaginable for what they did to this sweet cat. Hell is waiting for them.

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