Pregnant Cat Reportedly Burned to Death in Dryer Deserves Justice

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Target:Β Tommy Thomas, Attorney General for Malaysia

Goal:Β Punish the men who allegedly put a pregnant cat into a dryer, leading to her painful death.

A pregnant cat died a horrific death after she was allegedly placed inside of a dryer. Video footage reportedly shows the suspects sealing the cat inside and then starting the machine. Demand justice for this poor cat.

A shocking video, recorded on CCTV and released on social media, shows two men trapping a cat inside of a public dryer and then turning the machine on. The men are seen putting the cat inside before casually gathering their laundry and leaving. They return a short time later, the footage shows, and put coins into the machine. The cat appears to struggle and fight against the door as she suffers in the intense heat. Another customer found the cat about ten hours later, dead and soaked in blood.

Police say they have identified the men in the video, who have been arrested on charges of animal cruelty. Sign below to demand that they receive the maximum penalty possible, if convicted.


Dear Attorney General Thomas,

A pregnant cat suffered and died when she was reportedly trapped inside of a public dryer. Per CCTV footage, two men intentionally put the cat inside and turned the machine on. We demand justice for this innocent cat.

Gombak district police have arrested two men on charges of animal cruelty after they allegedly put a pregnant cat into a public dryer and then turned the machine on. CCTV footage shows two men who appear to be the suspects place the cat inside. They then casually gather their laundry and leave, per the footage, only to return a short time later to insert coins into the machine. The cat is seen struggling and fighting against the closed door as the temperature becomes unbearable. Another customer found the poor animal ten hours later, dead and soaked in blood.

This disgusting act of cruelty must be punished. We demand that you seek the maximum penalty in this case.


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Photo Credit: wdietz

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  1. This type of sadistic behavior is beyond acceptable and deserves a maximum penalty. Anyone who can do this is a risk to all kinds of animals – including human beings. Severe caning is not out of the question, followed by lengthy incarceration.

  2. Justice for this cat please

  3. Oksana Riedel says:

    This is worse then cruelty!!!
    They have to be prosecuted, the process has to be as public as it can be , that nobody will do anything like that again.

  4. Bailey Fuentes says:

    These men must suffer the consequences by joining Prison for life!

  5. These despicable vermin deserve the same fate as the poor innocent cat and her unborn babies. Anyone this cruel has no redeeming human qualities. I hope they get a taste of their own bloody medicine very soonβ€ΌοΈπŸΎπŸ˜Ύ A group of animal lovers should get their hands on these pieces of sh’t.

  6. Just a monster or evil people can enjoy this horrible and madness torture to innocent creature 😒

  7. There will never be justice in this barbaric case for an innocent cat 🐱, who was pregnant because she suffered by burns and immense heat , struggling to get out of the dryer. The two β€œ men , β€œ who did this don’t deserve to walk free in society. Will the Malaysian Government and Prosecutor feel the same way as I do ?


    I’m so beyond horrified in hearing this.

    This behavior has got to be stopped, and taken as seriously as it truly is. This isn’t a fun silly prank. This is sadistic torture and these people should be punished severely for it

  9. These guys deserve the death penalty.

    • Lileesa Hulett says:

      And I would be glad to oblige 😑😑😑 I would be afraid of these bastards being around children 😑😑 because there is no telling what they are capable of doing 😑😑😑

  10. Those punks deaerve no less than what they gave, if it were up to me they would be locked in a dryer and tortured the same way. What is wrong with our society these days. I get so sick of hearing about idiots who do the worst posaible tbings to children, animals and other human beings. Its really despicable.

    • Lileesa Hulett says:

      You have flat got that right. People like that or a threat to children animals and old people. Can you imagine being a parent of one of them boys. I would take them out myself if one of them was my boy,

  11. I’d gladly stab everybody involved in the face repeatedly with a rusty, dull steak knife and thats on BPD. I fucking hate people.

  12. Susan Crouse says:

    death to the abusers is the only appropriate death. soulless evil creatures the men are and a danger to everyone around them.

  13. Sharon Thorne says:

    I am beyond devastated and horrified. These men deserve the maximum penalty possible. They are future serial killers and should be removed from society ASAP!

  14. Their is a special space in HELL for these cowards. I wish I could be there to see them suffer!!
    RIP sweet kitty. You did not deserve what happened to you.

  15. I am sickened by what these humans have done. May they suffer greatly for it.

  16. Alice Allen says:

    I hope someone sets them on fire literally until dead. Then post the video. They are sick bastards and I would LOVE to give them the same treatment plus.

    • Lileesa Hulett says:

      Lord me too. I would love to dig a hole put them in it and take and sit towels on fire and trow a couple towels in there on thém at a time because I would want it to be slow so slow 😑😑😑😑

  17. Claire Hacker says:

    it’s a rare occasion that i am disgusted enough to want the death penalty for someone. this is one of those cases. death for these lousy excuses for human beings that are not only just taking up space but are destroying innocent lives. who knows what they will do next without receiving consequences. may they receive the maximum capital punishment.

  18. Lileesa Hulett says:

    Lord me too. I would love to dig a hole put them in it and take and sit towels on fire and trow a couple towels in there on thém at a time because I would want it to be slow so slow 😑😑😑😑

  19. The people that did this deserve to d-e!!!!!!! This is UNACCEPTABLE. They could have taken the cat to a shelter instead of torturing her to a painful death. They committed a MURDER and deserve the same torture.

  20. Heather smith says:

    This is truly the most heartless, unnecessary, sadistic torture that I’ve ever heard of. And all for what? Please someone give me an update on this case, and please tell me that they caught who did this. Whoever did this is a sick person and does not need to be, walking around with society I have sat and cried after reading this just wondering why someone could do something so horrible to an innocent creature. Please, in the name of Justice, take these psycho pathic killers off the street and make them pay. This cat deserves justice. If we start giving harsher punishments to people that do this to animals then maybe the sick people will think twice before doing something so horrific. I’m just heartbroken!!!!

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