Punish Person Who Shot and Killed 10-Month-Old Kitten

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Target: Randall V. Houston, Prosecutor for Millbrook, Alabama

Goal: Demand that the person who shot and killed a 10-month-old kitten be charged with animal cruelty and assigned the maximum penalty by law.

A kitten suffered and died tragically when he was shot twice. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for this innocent kitten.

“That was her baby. She couldn’t understand why this happened,” stated Adam Russo, the owner of Cinder, the kitten. Russo found Cinder, a birthday present for his 12-year-old daughter, suffering in the backyard after he’d been shot twice. Russo immediately rushed the kitten to a veterinarian for treatment. Cinder eventually succumbed to his injuries, leaving Russo’s daughter heartbroken. He was only 10 months old at the time of his death.

Millbrook police are investigating, and they have asked for the public’s help. The Russo family is offering a $1,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for Cinder’s death. Sign below and demand that this cruel person be identified, charged, and assigned the maximum penalty by law.


Dear Prosecutor Houston,

A kitten was shot twice in a shocking act of animal cruelty. The kitten, a birthday gift for a 12-year-old girl, eventually died from his injuries. We demand justice for this poor kitten.

Millbrook police are investigating after a 10-month-old kitten was shot and killed. The indoor kitten, named Cinder, escaped from his home and was later found in the backyard with two bullet wounds. Adam Russo, Cinder’s owner, rushed him to the veterinarian for treatment, but they were unable to save Cinder. Russo’s daughter was heartbroken at the loss of her kitten. The person responsible for this cruelty is still at large. Russo has offered a reward for any information that could lead to the arrest and conviction of the shooter. If convicted, the shooter could face jail time.

This person is a danger to animals and must be punished. We demand that you seek the maximum penalty in this case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Russo Family

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  1. Thom Danfield says:

    Clearly the act of a demented cretin who deserves some EXTREMELY TOUGH LOVE ! ! !

    • Or extremely tough hurt!

      • Victoria Ferris says:

        Sadly, people are evil…!! Animals are not… they only attack when threatened. But someone that can shoot a kitten has SERIOUS ISSUES!! AND needs to be sought out and after punishment, to WATCH CLOSELY, AND NEVER permitted around children and animals (& people )

  2. Michael Anthony Putignano says:

    Hunt the person down and beat him into a coma. I’ll help,let me know.

  3. Any person that can shoot or kill a animal is a threat to society and should be locked up. If someone can kill a innocent animal they are capable of killing another human being. These types of people should be locked up and suffer the consequences for their actions!

  4. This is disgusting. Signed and shared.

  5. So sad. Have fur babies of my own.

  6. Paula K Wright says:

    How could and why would anybody shoot an innocent
    Kitten . Cold blooded Murder

  7. All outside cats deserve what their owners get for letting them outside…

    • You’re just as bad a cold ass bitch! Animals don’t deserve to punish like that because their owners let them outside. It’s not their fault and that’s no way to handle it……

    • Asshat read the story before opening your damn mouth,they did not let the baby out he got out somehow so learn to read before talking your shit and looking stupid!

    • Sounds like you deserve the same as the one who shot the cat.

    • You are a cold hearted person! People like you are what is wrong with todays society. Thinking that because an animal got outside that they deserve to be shot. That is your stupidity showing with your comment. I sure would like to come across you and hurt you because you stepped out of your house. That’s what you get for leaving your house you dumbass b@#ch.

    • You’re a cold asshole

    • You are a sick bitch, I would love to catch you out of your yard!

  8. Not coments. For animal humans

  9. Justice for animals that have been hurt at the hands of abusers. Heartless people.

  10. Amanda miller says:

    That’s a sick fucking person. No animal deserves abuse. And definitely doesnt deserve being shot.

  11. Any animal abuser deserves whatever sentence they get.

  12. I think that our laws are screwed up. I think that if a person is abusing an animal they should get the same amount of time in jail as anyone would get for abusing a child.

  13. Dena Dillard says:

    Get him and put him in solitary for life

  14. What was wrong with that idiot no excuse for harming an innocent precious kittien he or she needs to rot in jail and not allowed to have no animals . Poor baby and that poor little girl I would be devastated to and want justice . pray they catch the person who did it and they rot in jail makes my mad and my heart ach.

  15. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being for saying this.

  16. R J Oberbrunner says:

    Prolly some kid with a .22 if so they need some time in juvi hall.

    • Barry Nelson says:

      Since the cat was found in the owners back yard, whoever shot it obviously fired a weapon either on their property or into their property! There is no excuse for this. What if they had accident hit the 12 year old girl?

  17. I would beat the living hell out of someone hurting animals just for tbe “fun” of it.

  18. Someone needs to put a couple bullets in that sicko’s head. Don’t kill them, tho’, just let them suffer in pain and misery the rest of their days, long enough to think about what they did to that poor kitten.

  19. Charlene Sullins says:

    Shoot the SOB who killed the poor kitten!

  20. Inhumane … person did this should be sent Ukraine and get shot by the Russians…eye for an eye!

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