Success: Man Who Brutally Stomped Puppy to Death Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

Target: Greg Willis, District Attorney for Collin County, Texas

Goal: Applaud harsh penalty given to man found guilty of stomping a young puppy to death.

A man who threw a boxer mix puppy against a wall and then stomped on him so that he sustained fatal injuries will be imprisoned for a long time thanks to the efforts of Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis. The case drew widespread public outrage, as evidenced by online petitions like this one on ForceChange. Sign this petition to express your support for this decision, which demonstrates that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

Andrew Callaway has been sentenced to spend 12 years in prison for having beaten and stomped a boxer puppy named Diesel so violently that he had to be euthanized. Both of Diesel’s hips and legs were severely fractured. Veterinarians had hoped to save his life by performing a series of operations, but ultimately the decision was made to humanely end his suffering.

While sending Callaway to prison will not bring back this innocent animal’s life, it is an important signal to other would-be abusers that such acts of savagery are not without consequence. Sign this petition to thank the district attorney in this case for seeking the harshest possible penalty.


Dear District Attorney Willis,

As you are aware, a puppy was subjected to a cruel and untimely death after a Wylie area man named Andrew Callaway threw him against the wall and stomped him to death, crushing the lower half of his body. This horrendous crime sent shock waves of grief and outrage throughout the community and worldwide. While there is no punishment severe enough to right this awful wrong, your decision to seek the harshest possible sentence for Mr. Callaway was the best way to ensure that justice would be served.

The fact that Callaway has been found guilty and will now spend the next 12 years in prison not only means that he will be unable to cause harm to any animals during this time, it also sends an important message to other would-be animal abusers. We, the undersigned, want to thank you for making sure that this act of extreme cruelty did not go unpunished.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wylie Police Department


  1. Thank God!… I hope this man gets what he deserves in Jail..
    and that he doesn’t make it out alive… What an asshole…
    I hope the inmates take real good care of your worthless ass!

  2. Mrs Caroline Martin says:

    About time justice was served properly for an innocent animal. I hope all the animal lovers in jail wipe the floor with him.

  3. About time these disgusting sadistic demented people were dealt harsh sentences. Hope they put him in with a few animal lovers and look the other way, make him feel what that sweet innocent dog felt. Hell waits for people like him.

  4. Right on! Put him in the general population for more justice!

  5. Thank God Justice will be served. I hope you get put in the middle of very passionate animal lovers who decide you need to learn a VERY BIG lesson you COWARD!!

  6. Thank God those in power are finally listening to help those who cannot help themselves. I am so happy to hear this heartless, cruel man was removed from being able to hurt and kill another beautiful creature of God. However, I do pray for his soul while he is in prison. I pray that he learns the beauty of God’s creation and the realization that a dog is also a gift for us to care for and not kill at will.

  7. Rebecca Webb says:

    I just heard the great news. Thank goodness he was severely punished. Well done on everyone involved.


  9. Maybe someone in prison will stomp him to death.

  10. First things first – THANK YOU !!!!!! Now, let’s just hope he doesn’t get out before the 12 years. Seems that practically no one – no matter the crime – actually serves the number of years they’ve been given. Oh, and I agree with Mike O. whose comment is “Maybe someone in prison will stomp him to death.” Now THAT would be real justice !!!!!!

  11. Dee Shulenburg says:

    Thank God we have someone with some sense and realize animals are a life form also that love, hurt, and feel pain as well as humans. Poor puppies cant defend themselves.

  12. Andrew Callaway you filthy piece of SCUM! Your sentence is deserved & quite frankly not long enough. I hope you never see the light of day again & die in prison.

  13. Thank you! Maybe this will sent a strong message to animal abusers that this cruelty will not be tolerated at all! If not, we’ll send a even stronger message!

  14. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Good news. But the prison authorities will probably free him within a year or two, like they always do.

  15. That is so nice..hopefully someone in prison could stomp on his head to death.

  16. Good news like this is extremely rare in the animal cruelty world! Thank you for seeing that this scum was sentenced to prison. Hope he serves the full time.

  17. David Butler says:

    Wonderful, let’s hope that he serves the full term – and more

  18. Amazing news: this should deter other barbarians from thinking they can get away with crimes like this.

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